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Everything posted by FiddySicks

  1. The Titans aren’t even a real NFL team. They’re just the group of guys the NFL puts out there as a the losing side in their interesting storylines. I’m fully convinced of it. No matter how good this team is, I never have it in my mind that they’re going to actually do something with it. They were the one seed this year and I completely forgot they were even in the playoffs earlier this week. That being said, hell yeah, Bengals. This team is fun as hell to watch, and Burrow is easily my favorite of the young new QBs. Even with that, I’ll be flat out stunned if they can beat either the Chiefs or Bills. That O line looks YIKES bad, despite the win.
  2. Yeah so I initially had Buffalo in the next round because I thought they were going to be at home. Seeing that the game is in KC, though? I think the Chiefs take that. Also, a couple of thoughts: If the 49ers end up winning the Super Bowl, they’ll have gone through Dallas, Green Bay, (Probably) Tampa Bay, and Kansas City. HOLY CRAP that’s a gauntlet. Also, on the one probably game? If that’s a Niners/Rams PT III, Rams are going to walk away with it. They’ve lost to the Niners like 8 times in a row, and are absolutely due. I think that Bengals Titans game is going to be absolutely wild. Both have some pretty explosive pieces on offense, and I don’t trust either of those defenses.
  3. Yeah they’re rounding into form at the most annoying possible time. But the Bucs defense looks to be doing the same, so who knows? I had zero confidence going into the playoff game in New Orleans last year and that turned out just fine. Bengals Bills 49ers Bucs
  4. If you’re a Cardinals fan, I don’t know how you don’t see this season as a total disappointment. Top of the league basically all season, only to fall completely apart in the second half and get bounced by a division rival in round one. That kinda stuff is WAY worse than just being middle of the road.
  5. Honestly the entire NFC west was pretty overrated this season. Cards we’re hot out of nowhere, Niners are the same roller coaster they always are, and the Rams had the makings of a “super team” that played at about a quarter that level.
  6. That was a really fun day of football. First Bucs playoff game I’ve experienced where I wasn’t a nervous wreck before the game, and they absolutely rolled. As long as this Chiefs result holds, I’ll be 4-0 for the weekend. Love it. Hopefully the Cards can win tomorrow (I kinda doubt it) and make the entire round what I wanted to see.
  7. Ok so I guess we can officially lower whatever’s left of the Pats dynasty into the ground. Holy :censored:.
  8. Awesome win for the Bengals, but credit to the Raiders for fighting after a pretty disastrous start. Considering all the garbage they had to deal with this season, I’d have to consider this a successful one for them.
  9. It’s seriously changed my whole outlook on watching the NFL. I was born basically right after the 49ers dynasty was doing its thing and the first Super Bowl I remember was the one after their last win. I know the stories of Montana and Young, and I love em both, but I just missed out on actually experiencing the peak of all that. That’s kind of the reason why I never really could get on to the Niners bandwagon, despite being from Niners country (Raiders moved back to the bay the same year my family moved out of the Bay Area, so that link wasn’t really there until later, either). And, my dumb ass decided as a kid to pick just about the sorriest franchise ever in terms of QB production/creation, so even the idea of ever getting that was always a non starter. And I’ll fully admit that my hatred of Brady was spawned 100% from jealousy. Dude wins all these titles with a franchise I forgot even existed most times before he was there, while I was rooting for a bunch of schlubs who were basically the tropical version of the pre Brady Pats. And Brady is a Bay Area kid, too. It always just felt so frustratingly close, and that made me hate him even more. Well, anyway. I’m happy I changed my tune on Brady, because, goddamn, dude. He’s so much fun to watch. And I’m happy the Bucs are finally fun again, too! Whatever happens in the playoffs with them, I’m good. I’ve gotten more than I ever expected to and this is all gravy.
  10. You would think with all of the self created turmoil that this wouldn’t be the year, but I feel like a lot of the most BS drama filled Pats seasons ended up with Brady lifting another trophy so, Im genuinely not worried about the Bucs facing a single NFC team except for one. The 49ers. I just have this feeling that them getting that defense settled a bit more right before the playoffs is going to vault them deep into the playoffs. It’s contingent on Garrapolo not tossing games away, but I kinda feel like that defense may be able to cover enough of their offensive weaknesses up.
  11. His overall record was 24-25, just a game under .500. His record in games played after Halloween? 20-8. That’s rather astonishing.
  12. On the Super Bowl: Heart: Bucs vs idc Head: Packers vs Bills Worst: Cowboys vs Steelers/Pats Best: Cardinals vs Bengals Most absurd/someone might actually die: Niners vs Raiders
  13. There’s kind of a fine line between recognizing how CTE/mental illness can debilitate someone, and just using it as a crutch to excuse bad behavior. I’m all for people getting the help they need, but Antonio Brown has more resources at his disposal to deal with this kind of thing than most of us do. The further this goes along, and the more it’s publicized, the more it just feels like a lack of any personal accountability on Brown’s part, and a whole group of people enabling that bad behavior on the other side. Its kind of like the steroids thing in baseball. Most people knew there was something going on that was problematic, and that it was pretty rampant and widespread. Jose Canseco isn’t a hero for exposing that, he was just trying to shift the attention away from his own antics and stay in the spotlight a little longer. That’s kind of how that whole statement from Brown’s lawyers felt.
  14. Well, anyone who knows anything about the Bucs had to recognize that this whole thing was going to go down in flames eventually. I’m to the point that I’m actually excited to see just how insane this gets considering the Bucs unique brand of dysfunction. It could truly be one for the ages.
  15. Bo Jackson stopped playing in 1990, Tim Brown actually spent his last season in Tampa (18 years ago), and Woodson won DPOY and a Super Bowl with Green Bay.
  16. Derek Carr is probably one of the most important Raiders in the last 20 years and that says so much more about the Raiders than it does Derek Carr.
  17. I really like this, and I also don’t hate the name Washington Commanders, either. It’s a bit cheesy, but it works for a team based in DC, and it would make a Super Bowl vs Kansas City kinda fun
  18. Yup. And I assume that roundel logo on the opposite side of the three stars hangar effect is just the logo they’ve been using the last two seasons. Pretty big let down if so, but this whole organization is a let down, so
  19. I would like to tell people that I feel the same way, but this season (and last) has shown me that I probably just don’t care about any of that nearly as much as I should.
  20. For as much fun as this last year and a half has been, there’s something deep down in me that still :censored:ing HATES watching the Bucs play. Tonight felt like the majority of my life as a Bucs fan. I don’t get to watch them more than, like, twice a season, and when I do, this is usually the outcome. This game doesn’t even crack my top ten worst games. Honestly, it’s not even close.
  21. Yeah but that’s different because, historically, the Yankees smash. Risking this going down a bad path, it’s like the whole calling someone a cracker thing. Hard to really land a blow on somebody who’s always been on top.
  22. It’s amazing how such simple changes make such a big difference. I was pretty meh on the changes at first, because it seemed so minor. But after seeing them for a few weeks, those changes help a LOT. I would still like to see a few more tweaks (I actually DO think they could use more stripes), but even so this is a VAST improvement.
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