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Everything posted by mcj882000

  1. Wow, I just can't believe Tempe (probably) doesn't want anything to do with the Coyotes either /s
  2. The impression I get isn't that the NHL doesn't want a Quebec City team at the expense of an American market; it's more that they don't want a Quebec City team, period. In any event, the Flames have 11 years left on their Saddledome lease, so even if they were considering it, they ain't moving anywhere anytime soon.
  3. NHL All-Star Hockey on the Sega Saturn: for some reason, every team in this game wears navy blue pants. Now, obviously the level of "inaccurate" varies from team-to-team. Teams like the Hartford Whalers, who already wear navy blue... ...it's not so bad. They basically look normal! For teams like San Jose... ...and Calgary... ...it's kinda bad, but it's still close enough to the black pants they wore IRL that unless you look closely, you might not even notice. For teams like the Detroit Red Wings, though... ...It just looks awful. Dunno what happened where this was basically the devs' only option, but I can't really imagine any other reason it'd be like this.
  4. To be fair, I'm not sure if people expected SLC to have a basketball culture either prior to 1979. If what I've read in the past was right the Jazz weren't even expected to stay there, hence why they kept their extremely regional name; but then they did.
  5. Speaking as the resident Whalers diehard who desperately wants them to return: Hartford ain't getting a team as long as the city's primary arena is still the one that the Whalers fled in the first place.
  6. I could see a second Toronto team working if they were to market themselves as, say, "the team Torontonians can actually afford to watch!" But regrettably I just don't see that happening in today's "make ALL of the money" economic climate.
  7. I guess I'm on Team Move The Coyotes, have been since the 2009 bankruptcy, but the ultimate kicker is I don't think it's impossible to make hockey work in Phoenix, just as I still don't think it's impossible to make it work in Atlanta. A decently-sized arena that people can actually get to easily, and a product that people will actually want to watch sustained over a few years; that shouldn't be that hard to put together, really. You just need people who care; and unfortunately for the Coyotes, the only person who seems to care, who seems to truly believe that Phoenix can work as a hockey market... is one of, if not the least competent businessman in the entire sport.
  8. Yeah, no kidding there's an agenda Gary, the agenda is "where's the money you owe us, you deadbeats?"
  9. How embarrassing would it have been for the league if the Coyotes had to up and relocate mid-season, like this was the WHA in the 70s or something?
  10. No, they just had one pro team for 6 seasons almost a half-century ago, that folded basically the moment Gordie Howe wasn't playing for them anymore.
  11. Houston's the 4th largest metropolitan city in the US, but you know what the 5th largest is? Phoenix - the market that they're (allegedly) trying to buy the team from!
  12. It's an interesting idea but I don't see it happening. What, are the Coyotes gonna start and end each season there on a long road trip, both to let the Dbacks get settled in to start their season and just in case they make the playoffs? And what if the Yotes themselves somehow end their tank rebuild early and make the playoffs themselves, let alone go on a big run? It worked for the Lightning because the Devil Rays didn't exist yet, but I just don't see this working out at all.
  13. Speaking of Flames-owned teams, the Stockton Heat haven't announced any new logos or jerseys, have they? So I assume they're still gonna be wearing the Flames' crappy old Edge/Adizero templates even as the parent club finally moves totally away from them once and for all? Gee, I wonder where the perception that the Flames don't care about their farm team comes from...
  14. Just pull a 1983 Blues - fold the team outright and reestablish it under a new owner, giving them all of the old team's players and IP in the process
  15. I haven't seen anyone mention this at all anywhere, but NHL 21 came out at the end of last week and they have what appear to be the new uniforms of the Henderson Silver Knights, Vegas' new farm team going forward: ...Assuming these are the real deal and not just some mockups EA made to hold off until the real jerseys come out, I honestly don't know what I expected.
  16. To my knowledge Teemu Selanne played precisely one game in the Jets' classic 80s uniforms (which they switched from in 1990, two full years before his Jets debut), and it was at the 2016 Heritage Classic Alumni Game. Ordinarly I probably wouldn't even consider a post-retirement exhibition game to count for something like this, except... ...A shot of him from that of all games is what wound up on the cover of his 2019 biography, My Life.
  17. I left a comment on the Bucs' thread, but it seems to've been eaten? It doesn't show up in the thread (it's supposed to be the final comment on page 116, but instead the first comment on page 117 is there as well) and clicking on it in my profile just brings me to the top of page 116. EDIT: Fixed now, thanks
  18. I'm late to this, but I see no reason why you can't both be right.
  19. Oh hey, an update already: It's not happening in 2021 either! EDIT: wait a minute, something just occurred to me about this: In February, interrupting the NHL season, aka the other big reason why the NHL pulled out of the Olympics This -ing league, man
  20. I'm revisiting this because I stumbled upon a news story today from January that seems to've passed with nary a mention; but amidst the news today that Russia was given a 4-year ban on all international sporting events, I went to see if they would also be prevented from participating in the upcoming, NHL-run World Cup of Hockey... only to find out that there won't be a 2020 World Cup of Hockey; they cancelled it this past January due to the CBA dispute. (You know, the CBA that was extended 7 months later?) They're apparently going to try for 2021, but we'll see how that holds up. So yes, they pulled out of the Olympics so they could host their own international tournament, which then proceeded to be cancelled due to labour disputes. Good job as usual, NHL.
  21. So back in NHL '98 EA didn't bother replicating the unique diagonally-bent numbers that the St. Louis Blues wore at the time, and I think they even spaced the hem down a bit to compensate for it. I bring this up now because they added the Blues' 90s retro alternate into NHL 20 this weekend via a patch; with the advancements in technology over the past 22 years, were EA finally able make it so? ...uh, no (not that I'm complaining, they look far better like that lol)
  22. Well, I'm sure this'll get fixed in the day-one patch on Friday, but for now at least the pre-release EA Access version of NHL 20 has the crest on the Canucks' new away jersey in the wrong colour:
  23. I quote this because I've found another case of this happening: the PlayStation 2 version of NBA 2K9 still features the Seattle SuperSonics, 2 months after their messy & controversial move to Oklahoma City. (Just take that in... ) Of course, having said that... As far as I can tell this is the only place where the PS2 version acknowledges the move: as a URL on a fake decorative web browser in the game's Association mode. I wonder why they even bothered at that point, to be honest. The 360 & PS3 versions, however, do accurately feature the Thunder, since those builds of the game were finalised almost a month after the PS2 port was - July 14 for the PS2 version, compared to August 8 for the 360/PS3 one; also the ability to patch logos, unis, etc. onto those consoles after release compared to the PS2's online capabilities, such as they were.
  24. I'd be very surprised if this hasn't been posted here already, but since he's currently playing in the Stanley Cup Finals: Zdeno Chara in his rookie season; he played 25 games with the Islanders in 1997-98, their 3rd & last season in the notorious fishstick jerseys. I may be wrong, but unless there's someone I'm forgetting, Chara is the final active player who wore those things in a game. (as I typed this post Chara blocked a shot with his mouth and had to leave the game... Fisherman's curse? )
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