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Everything posted by officeglenn

  1. Hi, mod here. You need to have at least three posts as replies in other threads before you can start a thread. This is an anti-spam, anti-bot measure. I will mention, too, that this is a sports logos and graphic design message board. What you've described sounds like sports fan fiction, which is not permitted here. I will request that you read the Concept Forum Guidelines and ensure that your thread is focused on artwork rather than stories and simulations.
  2. Some other members mentioned having similar problems in this thread.
  3. I believe we've mainly kept the one in General Discussion around because you need to have 100 posts to view the Requests forum.
  4. I've run into something like this when images are loading. If you scroll to an area where an image is supposed to be, the placeholder is a grey square, and if the image is a different size than that placeholder when it loads, then the page will skip a bit to adjust for the newly loaded image. My guess is that the images aren't loaded right away in an effort to save on bandwidth/data usage/etc., but then again I'm not an expert on the forum software.
  5. It's a thing up here. I don't recall if it was broached in school, but the KKK had a pretty strong foothold in parts of Canada, especially in the western provinces. Plus the KKK has been in enough pop culture and TV shows and movies that the average Canadian knows what it is and what it stands for.
  6. 1. Calm down. No need for the all caps. 2. You can't post a PDF on the boards. It has to be a raster image format thread like .png or .jpg. It has to be uploaded to a third-party hosting site, and then you copy the URL of the image (ending in .jpg or .png or other raster file format) and paste it into the composing box on the boards and it should embed automatically. 3. You can't start a thread until you have 3 posts on the boards. This is to weed out spammers and try to encourage people to engage in other threads before starting their own.
  7. Since there's no original uniform or logo artwork going on here, I'm going to move this in with the realignment thread in SiG.
  8. If you still have the URL you were redirected to, or if it happens again, please report it at the link in this thread:
  9. If you're getting spammy ads, you can report them at the link in the thread below. You will need the ad URL, though.
  10. Ummm ... you can't? I mean, we as mods/admins could close or ban it, but we're pretty clear on the one account per person policy in the official board guidelines, meaning if you try to rejoin, you'll likely get banhammered [emphasis mine]: Look, OK, so a concept thread didn't go so well. Go back to the drawing board, regroup, use it as a learning experience, and come back stronger. Trust me, it's not worth nuking an account over.
  11. If and when the name does change, then we can have a thread on it, but it will be kept on a very short leash. Until then, it's all speculation that leads down roads we've been down before. EDIT: This applies to if and when the Cleveland MLB team changes its name too.
  12. Congratulations to everyone who participated! Personally it felt good to flex those creative muscles again, even if I didn't place as high as I had hoped. But that's a testament to the calibre of artists we have on the board. And huge thanks to @pollux for putting this on! I know it's a lot of work, but it is very much appreciated.
  13. It was merged with the thread about Tom Brady's photoshoot in a Bucs uniform. Unfortunately the photoshoot thread title was kept by accident, and there was no way to split it back off again. The title of the thread was changed back to the unveiling one to try and maintain continuity.
  14. I've alerted Chris to the problem, and he will attempt to get to the bottom of it with the ad network. If anyone else is having the same problem, please let me know either here or via PM.
  15. Thanks @pollux for putting in the effort to organize another Logolympiad!
  16. No, that's for actual fantasy sports leagues on the boards. It's not meant to be like Sports Fan Fiction or concept threads. Members must have 500 posts in order to view that section of the boards; there has been a 500-post minimum on fantasy league membership here on the boards for years, so that people don't sign up just for that. I'm not sure why the La Liga one is showing if you're under 500 posts, though.
  17. You don't need any special embed code. Just copy and paste the URL for the tweet into the reply box, but you don't the ? or anything after.
  18. That could well be it. Not seeing any spaces among new members who have signed up lately. But you could use an underscore in its place.
  19. From what I can see on the back end, all letters (uppercase and lowercase) and numbers are allowed, along with hyphens and underscores. What exactly are you trying to change to?
  20. Here's a really good, comprehensive read on why Target failed in Canada: https://www.canadianbusiness.com/the-last-days-of-target-canada/ The main reasons are summed up in the first paragraph: "The company was having trouble moving products from its cavernous distribution centres and onto store shelves, which would leave Target outlets poorly stocked. The checkout system was glitchy and didn’t process transactions properly. Worse, the technology governing inventory and sales was new to the organization; no one seemed to fully understand how it all worked." Speaking as a Canadian consumer, though, Target was underwhelming. We were expecting something akin to what we saw in U.S. Target stores when we crossed the border; instead they more closely resembled the Zellers stores whose leases Target took over.
  21. Is it one of the 'Aw, snap!' messages from Google Chrome? I was getting those consistently the other day, but I cleared my cache and that seemed to fix it.
  22. From what I can see in the back end, 10 replies within the past 60 minutes puts a topic into the "Popular Now" list that will show up at the bottom of pages, and I can't recall seeing a topic in "Popular Now" that wasn't "HOT!"
  23. I don't think it's fair to post those NCAA tournament logos, or the logos of any other event cancelled due to coronavirus concerns, as ones "associated with failure." Sure, they're not going ahead and we might be disappointed in that, but it's not a "failure" to exercise an abundance of caution to try and curtail the spread a public health crisis.
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