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Posts posted by officeglenn

  1. 20 minutes ago, ~Bear said:

    Does the inability to upload pictures here directly have to do with some members avatars disappearing?


    (Also if someone could tell me if my avatar is still there it would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure I saved this picture and uploaded it directly here, but it was a while ago.)


    More than likely. In order to get the server bill under control, some older attachments had to be removed from the server. Anything uploaded between Jan. 1, 2016 and Aug. 31, 2016 has been removed from the server, but those files were backed up and are available upon request. 


    I can still see your avatar.

    • Like 2
  2. Is that the Washington Monument in your shorts or are you just happy to see me? ^_^ 


    Seriously, though, I get why the monument is there, but it just dominates the jumper and throws the color balance off. I think you'd be better served to get rid of that element, let the striping pattern shine, and add the bust of Washington to the chest.

  3. 16 minutes ago, NoE38 said:

    I've gotten it on both the Desktop and Mobile. Not sure what would be causing it to do that.


    It's just the mods making these tweaks. You just happen to reload at the exact instant things have to reload from scratch or the boards are down for half a second to refresh the code. It's not a big deal. Just hit refresh and the update is done and the page will load.

  4. 1 minute ago, PaleVermilion81 said:


    It may be a Mac thing then, because it happened on 2 different computers in 2 different browsers. Only factor that was the same was that they were Macs.


    I took the above screenshot on a PC, but I've also viewed the boards on a Macbook and an iPad (with Chrome in all 3 instances) and I'm not getting the boldness.

  5. 4 minutes ago, PaleVermilion81 said:


    It's a very bold font. Feels like everything is screaming because of it. Using such a bold font for everything is too jarring and it removes visual hierarchy. 




    I'm not getting the same boldness everywhere that you seem to be getting. I think the problem may be a browser setting on your end.

  6. On 10/16/2016 at 1:51 PM, TornadoGTS said:

    This one seems so obvious but just cant place it....




    Closest I can figure is Haettenschweiler, though the G is a bit off


    21 minutes ago, Hardcore Legend said:

    Nike appears to be using this font on their sideline gear this year.  Is it proprietary or is it a stock font?




    Definitely United Condensed, probably Medium or Bold.

    • Like 1
  7. Sometimes on seemingly random board pages, while browsing on mobile, I get redirected to a page purporting to be from Google telling me that my phone has been damaged by a virus and that I need to download an app to clean it up. I've never done so, of course, but it is a major risk for someone maybe more trusting. Usually the domains are gibberish, but I think one time it was something like whatisthebestapp dot com.

  8. 55 minutes ago, monkeypower said:

    I can't seem to find the option to change my signature.


    Click on the drop down menu beside your name in the top right corner of the boards. Click on Account Settings. Should be the third or fourth one down in the menu on the left side.

  9. 44 minutes ago, robbman21 said:

    Looking for this font "Monroe Police". I've tried versions of Serpentine, Air Milhouse Itc, Sofachrome, and SF Intellevised and there's elements in all of those fonts but none of them is the actual complete font. Need this for a work project so any help is greatly appreciated!!

    Police Font.jpg


    I believe that's SF Quartzite.

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