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Posts posted by officeglenn

  1. So Calgary city council approved the proposed new arena deal yesterday. On the surface, it looks decent as far as arena deals go -- 50% of the money from the City, 50% from the Flames, total of $550 million -- but the optics are TERRIBLE. Yes, this has been an ongoing process for a while now, but the first that was heard of the new deal was only a week ago, and it has already been rammed through council. And then, in that week, council also had to find $60 million in services to cut from the municipal budget. I mean, sometimes the timing isn't perfect and you have to take a good deal when you can get it, but yeeeeeeesh.


    Anyway, construction expected to begin in 2021.

    • Like 1
  2. 10 hours ago, mongster_03 said:

    I'm so sorry...I'm trying to create a new thread. How do I do that?


    You need to have at least three posts on the boards (I'm fairly certain it's three, anyway) before you can start a topic.


    13 minutes ago, FormerLurker said:

    Hi, I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this but I can’t seem to post in the “Ask a moderator” thread. I would very much like to post my concepts in the concepts forum, but I can not seem to find a way to create a post. Again, very sorry if this is not an appropriate question for this thread or if there is a better way to ask questions like this. Thank you.


    From two posts above yours:


    On 12/31/2018 at 9:46 AM, AstroBull21 said:

    Copied fro the FAQ thread


    12. I can't start a new topic, wtf?
    As a method of reducing the amount of robo-spammers from popping up on the boards (as well as those who sign up just to make a request then vanish) we implemented a rule that prevented new members from starting a new topic; after you've made three (3) posts around the boards you are automatically allowed to start up a new topic.


    • Like 1
  4. On 3/4/2019 at 6:38 PM, NoE38 said:

    I've brought this up before, but even after unchecking the box, I still automatically follow every thread I post in. Is there any other way to get rid of it or am I stuck like this?


    Sorry for the delay. Which box have you unchecked?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:

    I am a bit embarassed that I don't know the answer to this after all these years; but how does a user delete his/her own post? 


    I don't believe you can completely delete it. You can go back and edit it so that it's almost completely blank, but there would still be an indication that you posted something.

  6. 15 minutes ago, BigBubba said:

    I remember around the time of the last board update, a bunch of posts were deleted and a lot of people's post counts went down substantially. Was this reversed? I haven't visited here in a while but I swear I had far fewer...


    I don't know if the post counts went exactly back to what they were before that last update, but they have been recalculated with updates a couple times over the past couple of years. 

  7. 54 minutes ago, okcsooner35 said:

    I have a general design question that doesn’t warrant its own thread, so I am posting it here. If this is the wrong place, feel free to remove. 


    My question - Could a color scheme/package of navy, light blue, orange, and green ever look cohesive enough to be deemed professional? 


    Sure, I mean, any colour scheme can look professional if it's used logically and the proportions are balanced. Your proposed scheme reminded me of the Fisherman-era NY Islanders, where maybe you could swap out the grey for a light blue and make the teal more green.

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Oso said:

    Hi. I am trying to upload the Altoona Curve's new logo/Allegheny Yinzer rebrand that I am trying to encorporate in my post about it. Can someone please notify me how to do so?


    You can't upload images directly to the boards. You'll have to upload the image to a third-party hosting site such as Imgur, then copy the image address from there (make sure it ends in a raster file extension like .jpg or .png) and paste it into the reply box, where it should automatically embed in your post.

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, jlnhlfan said:

    I was at 

    and I'm not seeing any images until about halfway down the first page.

     Pls help


    It appears that the site the OP of that thread was using to host images is either not working properly or no longer exists. There's nothing we can do about from the boards side of things. OP would have to move those images to a new site and relink them.

  10. 12 minutes ago, BringBackTheVet said:

    I don’t expect there to be any type of immediate solution (and possibly none at all) but can we just get an acknolodement that the posts have been received?


    That's fair. As a moderator, I can tell you these posts have been received and the concerns passed on to @CC97. He is in constant contact with the ad servers trying to get these issues resolved. 

    • Like 4
  11. Just now, Mac the Knife said:


    I didn't get it figured out, but somehow managed to reverse it.  Don't ask me how, because I couldn't tell you.  But I'm both now straight on that issue and able to post here (something I couldn't do until, well, just now).  Thanks to @officeglenn for his assistance on this.  I'm not sure what he did as to the latter issue, but I appreciate it.


    Nah, you should thank @LMU on that one.

  12. 56 minutes ago, Mac the Knife said:

    I have no idea how I managed to do it, but somehow I went from desktop display mode to mobile phone display mode on my computer.  Could someone walk me through the proper way to restore desktop settings?  These three sentences are consuming the bulk of a 32" monitor's screen size, and while I'll admit I'm losing my vision, I'm not quite that blind yet...  :)


    Could you post a screenshot that includes the URL bar?

  13. 14 minutes ago, NoE38 said:

    Is there a way to stop instantly following every post I comment in?


    I think this is what you're looking for ...


    - Go to your profile drop down menu in the top right corner

    - Select "Account Settings"

    - On the right side of the page, under "Other Settings," click on "Notification Settings"

    - Under "Automatically follow content," uncheck both boxes

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