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Everything posted by Cujo

  1. Dear god, these leaked Big Ten divisions are horrible. This was supposed to be simple: East and West, right down the Indiana/Illinois line. But no. Instead it's this giant cluster:censored: and the conference's biggest money maker, Michigan-Ohio State, is history. How do they expect them to remain massive rivals through the years when the teams aren't even in the same division? The Big-Tween really dropped the ball on this one.
  2. Man, just when I had finally forgotten about that... Another thing that was wrong with Kordell, was that massive growth on his face. It almost needed it's own helmet.
  3. Great example: Quillz's thorough enjoyment of this...
  4. Of course winning matters. For example, take the NFL's biggest cluster:censored:, the Pittsburgh Steelers. A helmet with a logo on only one side. Sleeve stripes that totally mismatch the rest of the uniform, and are huge, ugly and totally outdated. Rounded numbers on an 'old school' uniform. The list goes on..... Yet, nobody looks at the Steelers and instantly wonders why their unis were put together at a thrift store. America LOVES their gear because of the winning tradition and six Super Bowl wins that come with them.
  5. i like those too Thirded. So the Mavs blew a huge lead to the Lakers while wearing them and ditched them. So what?! They blew a massive lead to the Heat in the '06 Finals and still wore those unis. Cuban is an idiot.
  6. Everyone but me seems to have a rock-hard boner for these uniforms. ]
  7. Unpopular: Hating the Steelers uniforms (past and present) -- which I strongly do.
  8. My favorite Toronto Maple Leafs uniform.
  9. - formerly known as DirtyCurty

  10. As popular as they are with the youth, I cannot stand the Bucco Bruce throwbacks! They were terrible back then, and they're just as bad now.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Modano hasn't worn a green or gold jersey in ages. He didn't say the jersey was green or gold. Nitpick fail. How silly of me to assume he meant Dallas' undetectable green and gold trim. Nitpick fail nitpicker.
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Modano hasn't worn a green or gold jersey in ages.
  13. Looks like Sinbad in the #6 Sanchez jersey Sure that's not a #6 Doug Brien jersey?
  14. Jason Taylor - Jets FWIW, he's struck a deal to go back to his familiar #99.
  15. Perhaps it wasn't posted because after 6 or 7 championships, LeBron will be best remembered as a Miami Heat. No, he will be best remembered as a douchebag. Not only will Lebron be remembered as a douche, but he will also be remembered for not being able to win the big one. But mainly for being a douche. Correct. He will win the big one, but he'll be best remembered for not doing it in Cleveland. I agree. LeBron WILL win a title in Miami. However, he'll be remembered as a hired gun who helped propel Dwayne Wade's team to a ring, NOT as a miracle worker, as he would've had he won a ring in Cleveland or New York -- That, and he'll be remembered as a douche.
  16. Perhaps it wasn't posted because after 6 or 7 championships, LeBron will be best remembered as a Miami Heat. No, he will be best remembered as a douchebag. Not only will Lebron be remembered as a douche, but he will also be remembered for not being able to win the big one. But mainly for being a douche.
  17. I don't. If they win one without any depth at all or a quality starting point guard or center, that'll be impressive enough to me. I'm surprised you haven't come out sand said that the Clippers will win a championship before the Heat will. If you do so, please use Comic Sans.
  18. Perhaps it wasn't posted because after 6 or 7 championships, LeBron will be best remembered as a Miami Heat.
  19. ยก Chicago Bulls Free Agent Bonanza Extravaganza ! LeBron James Dwayne Wade BONUS - Kobe Bryant
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