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Posts posted by TalktoChuck

  1. I also will never again purchase anything from the leagues, the quality of their product VS the price is ridiculous. Therefor I am not costing anyone, anything since I would never purchase it to begin with.

    If only the world was that straight forward.

    The reality is that you are supporting an industry that steals intellectual property and takes money away from the leagues. Therefore, indirectly, you are helping take money away from the owners of that intellectual property.

    I'm not trying to change your mind about buying counterfeits (because as we've found out that's not gonna happen), just don't think you're not in the wrong here. If you know what you're doing isn't right and you still do it, then that is your choice.

  2. But you are almost guaranteed to get in trouble for stealing from Best Buy, whereas there's a good chance you'll get away with buying a counterfeit jersey. Just like you are almost guaranteed to get in trouble for going 100mph over the speed limit, but there's a good chance you'll get away with driving 1mph over the speed limit.

    Each of the 4 things I mentioned there are technically illegal, but you can get away with 2 of them. Why? Because at this point, those in charge of enforcement have decided that those 2 "crimes" are not egregious enough to warrant legal action in every instance. Law enforcement has better things to worry about than hunting down supposed "criminals" who bought a knockoff baseball cap in Chinatown for $5.

    A lot of people get away with murder too.

    I love how people equate murder and larceny with buying some jerseys from China

    Almost as crazy as equating stealing with jaywalking, huh?

  3. But you are almost guaranteed to get in trouble for stealing from Best Buy, whereas there's a good chance you'll get away with buying a counterfeit jersey. Just like you are almost guaranteed to get in trouble for going 100mph over the speed limit, but there's a good chance you'll get away with driving 1mph over the speed limit.

    Each of the 4 things I mentioned there are technically illegal, but you can get away with 2 of them. Why? Because at this point, those in charge of enforcement have decided that those 2 "crimes" are not egregious enough to warrant legal action in every instance. Law enforcement has better things to worry about than hunting down supposed "criminals" who bought a knockoff baseball cap in Chinatown for $5.

    A lot of people get away with murder too.

  4. The argument begins with the anti fake jersey crowd saying that those of us who buy the fakes are costing the leagues money they deserve, when we refuse to acknowledge that as a valid point they move right onto the alleged child labor violations. If someone showed me a sweatshop in China where children are being abused and forced to make my jerseys I would immediately stop buying them.

    I don't think the problem most of us have is that you are taking money form the leagues, it's that you are taking money away from and stealing the work of the designers. Which on a board that gathers a lot of designers (professional, amateur or otherwise), I think it's a pretty valid problem. The other problem people have with you and Logoodude is that you refuse to acknowledge that what you are doing is illegal (which it is, whether you're buying, selling or trafficking it's all illegal). As BBTV said if you know what you are doing is wrong and you still do it, whatever it's your choice. Just don't be ignorant.

  5. What I don't get is that all of these jerseys, be they real or fake, are coming from the same part of the world, correct? Same materials, just different stitchers. Because of that, I don't see the big deal in paying $200 vs. $40 for the exact same jersey. Granted, there are fakes out there that are of horrendous quality and laughable authenticity, but the Chiefs jerseys I have are perfect, and coming from a jersey/logo/design enthusiast like myself I can say that with due diligence, and if I've found a jersey or two that just so happens to have the same materials made to the same specifications and is cheaper, I just don't see the big deal in purchasing one.

    The materials are definately not the same. Many times on the counterfit hockey jerseys the logos, names and numbers appear to be of the same material that the logos on a Starter jacket would be. Also, more often than not the fonts are off as well.

    Not understanding why it is a big deal is one of the big "gear grinders" that many of us anti-countefitters have.

    I understand that many hockey counterfeits are not the same materials as the authentics, but the materials on the specific jerseys I've purchased are in great condition. Like I said, I've washed one throughout the years and it's held up great, while the newer one I purchased this past season looks and feels exactly like the real thing. Again, not all "counterfeits" are not of this high quality, I understand, but simple jersey designs like the Chiefs' are easier to replicate, and replicate well.

    All jerseys come from the same part of the world, correct? So who's to say the same materials used to construct my jersey aren't the same used to construct jerseys purchased from the NFL store website?

    They do not come from the same part of the world. As PCGD said earlier in the thread, NFL replicas are printed in Indiana. While (most) counterfeits are printed overseas.

  6. mo·nop·o·ly   /məˈnɒpəli/


    ?noun, plural -lies.

    1. exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices.

    Sorry, the NFL's control of who makes their jerseys qualifies.

    No, it does not.

    The NFL's exclusive licence does not qualify as a monopoly because the football jersey market is not just the NFL.

    The NFL and its teams are simply brands in a market that include college and university teams, other pro teams from other pro or semi-pro leagues, and manufacturer specific stuff like Fubu jerseys. If the football jersey market was confined to just the NFL then yes, you would have a point. It isn't though. The NFL's exclusive licence only covers a portion of the wider football jersey marketplace, only 32 brands when you get right down to it. That's not a monopoly.

    Of course it does. People don't want just a jersey, they want their team's jersey, and if that team happens to be in the NFL, their only option is the NFL or a licensee. Wherever they get it though, the NFL sets the price.

    BTW, did the issue of homemades ever get addressed? By your thinking, wouldn't a homemade (regardless of quality) be illegal?

    I think IceCap said it earlier, but a homemade isn't technically illegal. It only becomes illegal when you try to sell it for your own profit.

  7. When I download a font from dafonts.com how do I put it into Illustrator?

    Have you unzipped the font into the 'Fonts' folder?


    Are you XP? If you're not the admin of your computer, then you have to restart. I don't know why, but that's what used to happen to me.

    I have vista, does the restart apply for vista to?

  8. Does anyone have raster templates for track/cross-country, volleyball, and a golf shirt template?


    For the track/cross country you can use a basketball shirt. and as for golf there's a polo shirt template on the first page.

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