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Posts posted by TalktoChuck

  1. As the boards number one hater of the Avs switching away from black, I can say that I have finally gotten used to the blue. The blue numbers help a ton. But like others have said it's a lateral move.


    It's along the same lines as the Bruins black socks, and the Blues white numbers. Does it look better? Sure, probably. But it definitely doesn't look right.

    • Like 4
  2. 29 minutes ago, habsfan1 said:


    Also, apparently the Sun Devils have priority over scheduling. They have final say. After they set their own NCAA schedule, they'll give whatever remaining dates to the Coyotes, who will have to accept.


    That's pretty standard for any tenant renting an arena. And I'd imagine that some of these NHL teams that share buildings/ownership with NBA teams are not the priority tenant as well.


    I believe the reason the NHL waited so long to release the second round schedule was because they had to see if both Dallas teams would be moving on and plan accordingly based on the NBA schedule. Even with them waiting until the last second, they still messed up the second round schedule for Tampa/Florida because of a damn Kane Brown concert.

  3. On 5/2/2022 at 1:46 PM, DG_ThenNowForever said:

    Baker had Peyton Manning-levels of commercial exposure, moreso than Josh Allen, Lamar Jackson, and even stalwart Russell Wilson.


    Having had quite a bit of interaction with Russell Wilson when I lived in Seattle, the dude has the personality of a wood plank. It doesn't shock me at all that he has very little on-camera exposure outside of football.

    • Like 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, Kevin W. said:

    Maybe I'm dumb, but I only count 9.. There are two orcas, three sticks-in-rink, two in the CCM logo and one each for Vancouver and the captain's C.


    There's a CCM logo on the helmet as well, and you can barely make out the 2 C's in this photo.


    Thank god he's not wearing CCM gloves as well.

  5. 2 minutes ago, LA Fakers+ LA Snippers said:

    Does this happen often? I’ve seen it happen 3 times this offseason.


    Oh yeah. Like any other contract, you agree in principle to a deal but then once the actual details are put on paper people find stuff they can't accept. The problem here is that media, especially sports media, is full of people who care more about being first than being right. So they jump the gun and report the "agree in principle" as if it's a signed contract.

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    6 minutes ago, Morgan33 said:


    Yeah, I have terrible taste because I don't want every new design to use the same template...  You got me there.  Tell me more about your one-striping-configuration-fits-all-teams viewpoint.  I bet it's really interesting :rolleyes:.

    That’s not my viewpoint. Honestly, I don’t care for the jersey either.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Morgan33 said:

    I'm not oversimplifying the entire process.  I'm wondering why teams and Adidas can't come up with striping configurations that honor there own history or break new ground instead of going with that tired Detroit template for 50th time.  Horizontal striping is one of the most distinctive characteristics of a hockey uniform.  Why can't more attention be paid to it?

    Attention and effort have nothing to do with it. These teams and designers are putting more effort and attention into these jerseys than you can imagine, because there is literally a million dollars riding on these decisions.


    I think what your real question is, “Why don’t these teams and Adidas make jersey designs that I personally like?” And the answer to that is two fold, 1. The retro simplistic trend is what sells to the average joe right now. And 2. Nobody cares what you think because you have terrible taste.

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  8. On 2/13/2022 at 4:20 AM, who do you think said:


    Oh stop. They turned nothing into something. How is that only "technically" a good trade? They turned a guy who was literally refusing to play into a perennial all-star. The only knock you could possibly make on this acquisition is that Harden, at 32, may not have much time left playing at the level we're accustomed to.


    > But Harden's quit on two teams now!


    Yeah, him and every other elite player in this stupid league when they get tired of their old superteam and want a new one. How many times has LeBron bailed on a team and left them in shambles? We're currently at 3, could very well be 4 whenever he hits free agency next and takes stock of how cloudy the Lakers' future is looking after emptying the vault for that one ring and then for Westbrick. I don't think any of LeBron's new franchises have ever regretted taking him on. Also see Durant (twice) and Kawhi Leonard (also twice, with a healthy dose of petulant gaslighting on his way out of San Antonio). At least Harden, by asking for trades, allows his old team to get something back in return.


    Going to a different team through Free Agency isn't "bailing" on a team and leaving them in shambles. That team had plenty of time to either re-sign the player or plan for life after the player left.

    I agree with all your other points, though.

    • Like 3
  9. 8 hours ago, Chromatic said:

    Not everybody wants a club in the highest professional league to have the same uniform limitations as a peewee rec team, but I guess your sassy gif sure showed me. 


    It's not a limitation if it's a conscious choice. I found it a refreshing change of pace that a 90s team treated the equipment as just equipment. Not everything needs to be jammed with design elements.

    But, the bigger issue this caused is now the color balance is all off. Those blue and red shades should never touch, and the new numbers look awful because of that. It wasn't an A+ uniform to begin with, but all these small changes have killed this look.

    • Like 1
  10. Eh. While I agree this is a publicity stunt, I honestly don't care what/who a team wants to put into their own "ring of honor." It's more or less an Employee of the Month award. Want to put in a kid with cancer that spent a lot of time with the team? Sure. Want to put in your mascot? Sure. Want to put in the owner's dog? Why not?

    I think people put way too much emphasis on hall of fames and even more unnecessary emphasis on team's individual ring of whatevers. Anybody spending substantial time arguing against "honoring" an athlete should probably find a healthier obsession.

    • Like 7
  11. 8 hours ago, Friedrich Stuart Macbeth said:

    Or they didn't use the money properly? I mean, even if it were rich, that money isn't always guaranteed to spend well.

    Either way, Arizona needs an owner change or risk relocation.

    They just got a new owner almost a year ago.


    They also replaced their CFO a couple months ago. This embarrassing error is probably due to high turnover within their finance department because of the new CFO and a complete lack of organization during the switchover of employees.



  12. I see my Colorado/Mountain design that I did like 10 years ago all over the place. Etsy, a shirt in K-Mart a couple years ago, and there’s even a dispensary in downtown Denver that has a sticker of it on their window. I realize it’s a super common design to do for anything Colorado related, and I have no issue with people doing their own version. What irks me is when people just straight lift mine and use it for their Etsy shop. Especially because they always steal the first draft version and not the updated one. At least use the better looking one.



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  13. Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction for a hockey rink template that includes the boards, like below. Willing to pay for the template if need be. My google searches have come up empty.


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