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Everything posted by McCall

  1. i'd try using a Bank Gothic and add the circle serifs. Was that a photo of an execution or something?
  2. Thanks. I'm beginning work on some of our t-shirt designs for next season, and wanted to do some destressed designs on my own.
  3. Don't know if it's been asked before, but does anyone know how to do the distressed or weathered look in Illustrator, kinda like you see on some vintage or graphic tee designs? I, for the life of me, still cannot figure out how. Thanks.
  4. What a half-assed Hamburglar costume! He doesn't even have a hamburger necktie! No s***. Where's the hat, mask and cape. Mayor McCheese wouldn't be too worried with Vick roaming the streets of McDonald's Land.
  5. I thought of this thread the second I heard about the trade. Why do I get the feeling the Pistons jersey will be the first (second?) of AI's many wrong uniforms? Total tangent, but, how many times can Antonio McDyess play in Denver? As many as Rickey Henderson played in Oakland?
  6. Anyone know the font used for the "Ports" script? I used to have it a few years ago on my old computer, but can't remember what it's called. I know it was free, and I remember there being 2 that were pretty much the same thing, only slight differences. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Ya know, remove the helmet stripe and slap on the Rams horns in that shade of gold and you'd have a pretty kick-@$$ Rams uniform update.
  8. Don't suppose anyone knows if A&S Snapper is available for free, huh? Only to buy?
  9. You do realize that the ".ttf" is implied to mean something else in the context that you used it, right? Thanks for the help, though. I can't believe I could remember something so basic.
  10. This is kinda sad to ask, but does anybody know what font this is on the front of our ballpark?: I'm working on a stadium logo, but need to use this font. It's pretty basic I know, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is and I need to get this artwork done so I can get it to the printers to have t-shirts with the logo for the Texas League All-Star Game on wednesday. Thanks for any help, even if it's just a font similar to it. Let me know if a better pic is needed or you can just Google "Hammons Field" and find one. Thanks.
  11. Anybody know where I can find "Brother" font, preferably a free version, if available? I didn't really have time to go through 42 pages to see if it's already been answered. Thanks.
  12. I never considered the Rogers Centre cookie-cutter... the giant restaurant in centrefield and the hotel built all around the scoreboard save it from cookie-cutter status. I wouldn't mind seeing them kind of "spruce" up the sort of bland blue walls. But, mainly, they need to cut the infield as if it were a grass field, like Tampa Bay does. The dirt only around the bases just looks bad nowadays. Once Minnesota has their new park, Toronto would be the last ones with this type of field cut. It's time for it to go. So if they're the only one in the league doing so, wouldn't that be the opposite of "cookie-cutter"? I didn't say they were cookie-cutter for doing it, I'm just saying that look in general is a bit dated, and is just kind of associated with astroturf, which is not necessarily a good thing.
  13. I never considered the Rogers Centre cookie-cutter... the giant restaurant in centrefield and the hotel built all around the scoreboard save it from cookie-cutter status. I wouldn't mind seeing them kind of "spruce" up the sort of bland blue walls. But, mainly, they need to cut the infield as if it were a grass field, like Tampa Bay does. The dirt only around the bases just looks bad nowadays. Once Minnesota has their new park, Toronto would be the last ones with this type of field cut. It's time for it to go.
  14. Anything is better than the abandoned Home Depot the currently play in. Though it seems the sole focus in the outfield is on the Hoist Tower. Looks like they didn't spend much time thinking about anything else out there. Just some seats thrown in place and a generic scoreboard in left. I really hope they get this done, but also that they spend a little time to make it look good.
  15. It rather looks like the lovechild of Kaufman and Olympic Stadiums, which is actually kind of fitting since the team is like the product of a one-night stand between the Royals and Expos. While the stadium as whole shows promise, it's like they mainly wanted to just show off their breakthrough roofing idea, and just whipped up something for the rest of a stadium to put the netting on. I'm a big fan of retro ballparks, but I also love where they're going with this, they just need to work on the main part of the park a little. There's not much in the outfield area, other than some seats, and a, by todays standards, relatively small videoboard behind the left field seats. But it's like their main focus is to be on the Hoist tower. It's a good start, but they need to give it a little more. Kind of like the way they should've done with their logo and uniforms.
  16. I think it is. Y'know, the more I look at the images the more I'm hating the whole 'netting' thing. I see the direct connection to sailing and boats...but in the end it looks way too overdone and annoying. The shadows that it will create will also look pretty annoying too. Not to mention that they beautiful views of the skyline will be obstructed. I really hope they rethink it a bit and try to incoporate that feature in a much less obstructive way. It's supposed to be entirely transparent so as to protect from rain, but still look like it's uncovered. The wires would be about the only obstructive part, and I don't really know how obstructive they'd actually be. The skyline view wouldn't really change.
  17. Exactly how is the "roof" supposed to close or open? In the renderings, it's always closed. On ballparksofbaseball.com, it says it would close by way of the "Hoist Tower". But where does it go when it is opened? It meets at one point on the tower, and unless somebody manually unhooks it from there, it could only be up, as shown, or down on the field. I hope everybody understands what I'm saying. I'm sure there is a way that it opens and closes correctly. I'd just like to know the process of the "roof" opening and closing, because right now, I'm confused about it. All in all, though, I'm definately for them replacing the Trop. But I feel this design kind of reflects their new logos and uniforms. While decent and not necessarily bad, it's just kind of meh, and just kind of stopped short of good. However anything is better than the abandoned Home Depot, I mean Tropicana Field.
  18. This is just a thought and would probably be difficult or just take too much time to do, but this would be a lot easier if we had a different templates thread for each sport (and perhaps a miscellaneous for anything else that just sometimes pops up). Like I said, I don't know if it would really happen or be worth the time, but I just thought it'd be an idea. It would definately make looking for a certain template a lot easier. Just an idea I had.
  19. Actually all the tools under Pathfinder don't do this. Basically all they do is group them. Whenever I select the objects, whether they are grouped or not, it groups them, but then all I have to do is select Ungroup and they're seperate objects again. Is there nothing that permenantly welds them together?
  20. Ok, I have AI 10 at home. When I was still going to college (working on my degree in Graphic Design Tech.) we were using 9.0 and 9.2 at the time. On there I could do the WELDING (it may have been called something else on those versions but did the same thing.). On 10 at home, I have nothing on there that I can do any type of welding with. So when I want to combine objects, example: text, into one object, I can't. I've learned to deal with it and just group them together but it would be so much easier and better if I could weld them. Anyone know how to do this on AI 10? P.S. I know I ramble a lot as evident on this post, but I just.................sorry, I'm doing it again. I shutup now.
  21. Now get rid of all the gray stuff inside the white crap. JK
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