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Posts posted by infrared41

  1. 5 hours ago, MNtwins3 said:

    Hello mods.


    Odd request, but could we potentially tell Canzman to make his uniform prediction graphics smaller? There's no reason they can't be shrunk to fit into one post, instead of scrolling past two full length posts where half the pants just say "TBD". It wouldn't be bad if it was just one post, but two giant posts every week for something that doesn't necessarily contribute anything if they're gonna say "TBD" and then be edited when they're 6 pages back. Other posters have also shared a similar sentiment.




    No.  If it bothers you that much, don't open the thread.

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  2. 47 minutes ago, throwuascenario said:

    I'm sure he cares some, but A) lots of people hear the words "accusation" and won't give a second thought that he might be innocent no matter what, even if - say - the criminal case was thrown out before trial due to lack of evidence


    and B. He cares about $230M more than he cares what random people on the internet think about him.


    I guess I stand corrected. I had no idea you know exactly what Deshaun Watson thinks.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

    What about the phrase " innocent until proven guilty" do you not understand?


    It's presumed innocent until proven guilty. Words matter.


    2 hours ago, throwuascenario said:

    If you make hundreds of millions of dollars at work, yes.


    So you would have no issue with people thinking you are a sexual predator. That's an interesting position to take.

    • Like 2
  4. 25 minutes ago, See Red said:

    Ugh... will be the guys seventh year.  Maybe I'm just an old man yelling at clouds but medical redshirt or not, I don't think this should be allowed.


    For reference, Andrew Luck's NFL career was seven years.

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  5. On 11/17/2023 at 11:25 AM, Sport said:

    You can be a Browns fan without being one of these weird Watson hard-ons. 


    Other than feeling like I need to take a shower after every game Watson plays, it's not that difficult. I'd never wish an injury on a player, but I'm not going to lie, when I heard Watson was out for the season it didn't break my heart. If I'm being honest, I was relieved.


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  6. 1 hour ago, throwuascenario said:

    Actually, in a society where innocence is presumed, "innocent" and "not guilty" are the same thing. You are innocent until you are guilty. If you are not guilty, you are innocent.


    Actually, they're not the same thing.



    A not-guilty verdict does not mean that the defendant is innocent, but rather that the prosecution has not met its burden of proving guilt. Innocent, on the other hand, refers to the actual state of the defendant. It means that the defendant did not commit the crime they are being accused of.


    Presumed innocent is not the same thing as actually being innocent.



    And you don't think that having a civil lawsuit of this nature being dragged out and affecting his ability to play might tip the scaled toward him settling even if he was innocent? Don't you think a lawyer would know that going in?


    If you were truly innocent, would you settle multiple lawsuits that are going to ruin your reputation and leave everyone thinking you're some sort of pervert just so you could go back to work?

    • Like 3
  7. 48 minutes ago, Cujo said:

    TNF won't fire her. A suspension seems like a long-shot. But this is pretty wild to just admit faking stories it's NBD.


    But ya, her credibility is likely damaged forever.


    The hilarious part is no one knew the difference.

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, monkeypower said:

    Oh no. One of the most make-work positions in a make-work industry admits to making up things for tv hits that nobody seems to enjoy doing?


    Or watching. If there is something more pointless than a sideline reporter, I haven't seen it. It's all vapid bull:censored: that adds exactly nothing to a broadcast.

    • Like 2
  9. 14 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    The way I see it, I've been a fan for my entire life and the Browns have never had a franchise QB.


    Guess you weren't around for the Brian Sipe or Bernie Kosar years.


    14 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    The only other option is to trade for one, which is what they did. They jumped at the chance to get a 26 year old 3x Pro Bowler. They had no choice but to act in desperation.


    There's always a choice. Wait a year and give all that money to Lamar Jackson. It's not like they didn't know he'd be a free agent. No way Baltimore matches the offer because they aren't that stupid. Maybe take a run at Aaron Rodgers. There's always a choice and most times it doesn't involve trading for a sexual predator.


    14 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    The general understanding based on past suspensions was that he would get around 4 games. Nobody expected a full season or even the 11 games he got. Especially after he was cleared legally.


    Oh, if it was only going to be four games then I guess trading for a guy with all that baggage was the right thing to do. As I said earlier in this thread, there is a difference between being found innocent and being found not guilty. The same can be said for being "cleared legally." I don't think people have a true understanding of how much evidence is needed to take a legal case to court. If Watson were truly innocent, no lawyer with a brain would have taken the civil cases. As a rule, lawyers don't waste their time on a case that has absolutely no merit. So spare me the "women chasing money" argument.


    14 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    I'm not worried about the financial situation of the Browns 5-10 years from now. Nobody knows what the salary cap number will be at that time or which contracts will be restructured. Keep kicking the can down the road and deal with it later.


    Fine. Can I assume you won't be in here complaining about how bad the Browns are three years from now?


    14 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:

    Right now I only care about next season when Chubb and Watson will be back. This season is cooked.  


    Gotta respect someone who has his priorities in order. 🙄

  10. 1 hour ago, VDizzle12 said:


    Remember how many people mocked the Browns and Mayfield from the second he was drafted? Remember how he was cocky, arrogant and basically just a game manager? I literally had to hear about it on a weekly basis. First they were dumb for drafting him and now they are dumb for trading him away.  He never got any credit for wins and was always the punching bag after losses. I'm sure if you go through the NFL season threads here, NFL reddit and Twitter you'll find a million posts trashing Baker while he was in Cleveland. 


    Not only that he had a strained relationship with the front office, coaches and players. He wanted Mahomes money and played through a torn shoulder to prove it, costing the team games. Myles Garrett is a once in a generation player and had no interest in playing on a team with him anymore. Is it worth keeping Baker around if it means losing Myles? It already cost them OBJ and Landry. How many other players would have bailed? He was my favorite Browns QB, but there was no realistic scenario where he could have stayed. 


    The Browns had to something and like half the league, they went after Watson. Just so happens that a bidding war drove up the Texans asking price and only 5 teams were willing to match it. 


    I'd almost get it if Watson was going to be available for the entire 2022 season, but the Browns knew he wouldn't be. There was no guarantee he'd even be allowed to play in 2022. Not to mention he hadn't set foot on a field in over a year. The 2022 team was going 8-9 at best and everyone knew it.  Why not grab a stopgap QB and reassess after the season if Baker was a problem? That would have been the smarter play. (And yes, I thought that exact thing back then - look it up) Watson was a desperation move. Period.  Even worse, it was a stupid move.


    My question to you is this; is it worth going 4-13 for ten years to have what's left of  Deshaun Watson for the next couple seasons? The Browns aren't going to a Super Bowl either way.

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  11. 4 hours ago, Cujo said:

    The Browns gave up 3 first round picks (on top of 4 or 5 other picks) and broke off the largest check to any player in league history, ALL GUARANTEED. And this is to a guy who allegedly assaulted 25+ women. As for on-the-field, Watson is a liability and has delivered on one good half of football since he arrived. The Browns' 6-3 record reflects their defense playing at a high level and back-up QBs and RBs getting the job done. I really don't see them missing a step without Watson.


    Even if Watson were a model citizen, it's still an idiotic trade. Any QB short of Mahomes (and I'm not sure I make that deal even for him) isn't worth anywhere near what the Browns gave up for Watson. People act like the Browns were one player away from a Super Bowl when the Watson deal was made. They weren't. Not even close. No one saw this defense being what it is now when the Watson deal was made. Long story short, the smart move would have been to give Mayfield one more season then take a look at available QBs. Instead, the Browns panicked, made a deal with the devil, and trashed the future of the franchise for a good long while. If the...ahem...brain trust of the Cleveland Browns weren't such morons, this whole mess could have (and should have) been Atlanta's problem. But here we are...as usual.

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