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Lights Out

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Everything posted by Lights Out

  1. Besides the aforementioned ugly dump of a stadium they play in, the real reason is because they don't belong at the highest division. They saw BSU moving up to FBS years ago and demanded that they be allowed to move up too, despite lacking the infrastructure or support to have a successful program at that level. Idaho would be right at home in the FCS, and I don't mean that as an insult.
  2. He's turned down UCLA, Florida, Penn State, Stanford, and UNC in the past few years.
  3. Looks like Coach Pete is staying in Boise for at least another 5 years!
  4. Michael Finley: He literally never wore that uniform with the Suns - it was a crappy Photoshop from the team website.
  5. Weirdest of all... him as David Arias in the Mariners' organization.
  6. What's truly sad is that shutting down libraries and firing teachers in favor of keeping the freaking Phoenix Coyotes in a market that doesn't want them isn't considered radical, but refusing to spend a :censored:load of resources and time on unconstitutional wars abroad and overly-invasive policies at home is. This country has some messed-up priorities.
  7. I think you're all confusing actual conservatives with GOP neocons. The GOP party-liners are perfectly fine with spending beyond their constituents' means on things like a failing hockey team with no fans, just at a slower rate than the Democrats. Why? Because sadly, there's a substantial number of uneducated voters who will vote for anyone with an "R" next to their name. And slowing down the tax-and-spend, intrusive policies allows neocons to smear their opponents as "radical" while keeping just enough of the corrupt status quo to keep getting special interest and lobbyist money. Actual conservatives would have kicked this albatross of a franchise out of Phoenix a long time ago instead of continuing to waste money during a recession.
  8. I'll always remember Ray Allen as a Buck.... the 2001 Bucks were so fun to watch.
  9. Another one - I mentioned this in the Rattlers uniform thread, but the mid-'90s AFL was one of the best-dressed leagues ever.
  10. This was one of the best hockey sweaters ever:
  11. The pullover era wasn't all bad, and some of the pullovers should still be worn today.
  12. I loved those too.... the only change I'd suggest to that set would be different shorts. It always annoyed me how the jersey triangle panel would just terminate and then a new one would begin on the shorts.
  13. Ugh, no... those are atrocious. They look like rec league or AAU uniforms. Plus they remind me of Malice at the Palace and the Lakers smacking the Pacers around in the Finals. The current set is FAR better.
  14. Not to mention... besides the Chargers, the Bears, Cowboys (sort of), Broncos, Texans, Patriots, Rams, and Seahawks all use navy as a primary color. Meanwhile, powder blue is used as a primary by the Titans and the Lions. Plus, a powder blue jersey/yellow pants combo would be unique in the entire league. I don't get why everyone wants the Chargers to look like a bland stereotype of modern NFL uniforms.
  15. Ugh, sorry, I can't get past the navy jerseys' symbolism of the Spanos family's cheap, incompetent ownership. They're the ones who introduced the ugly, drab navy jerseys to begin with, and refuse to change it back to full-time powder blue because powder blue "represents the past, not the future" or something. Never mind the fact that powder blue is associated with the only championship in franchise history, while the navy gear has seen countless playoff failures, an asswhooping in the Super Bowl, and the Ryan Leaf era. And the old navy jerseys looked even worse than the current ones - no powder blue, and not enough yellow.
  16. The Chargers should just wear yellow pants at home and on the road, promote the powder blue to the regular home jersey, and eliminate the navy crap entirely. Keep it on as a trim color, but nothing else.
  17. Best Sabres sweaters: Slug and all. It's grown on me... but only on the CCM template. The Edge template makes every team look like garbage.
  18. The stink was raised because, after years of the SEC and their fans obsessing over conference championships, Alabama played for the national title without even getting to play for their conference championship - while the Big 12 champion Oklahoma State (with a BETTER resume) was left out in the cold. What's the point of having conferences if you can still be deemed NCG-worthy without even contending for your conference championship? Not to mention, Alabama already lost in Tuscaloosa to LSU in the regular season. Apparently the "regular season is a playoff" argument applies to all conferences except the SEC? Absolute hypocrisy at its finest... but sadly, not a surprise with the BC$ system.
  19. The rules to the playoff should be simple: 1. Every conference champion gets an automatic playoff bid... and I mean EVERY conference, from the SEC to the Sun Belt. Like Geoff said, the games aren't played on paper. Who are we to just assume a LaTech or Arkansas State can't pull an upset? 2. Several at-larges from the top 25 (I assume the number would grow over the years).
  20. Well, the Lakers scheme made sense because, at the time, the Kings and Lakers were owned by the same guy (Jack Kent Cooke, who also owned the Redskins), and they shared the Forum.
  21. These guys are just glad they aren't wearing those ugly wannabe-Raiders sweaters:
  22. I'm not a huge college basketball fan, but I casually follow the sport. My two favorite teams of all time were the 1990 UNLV Runnin' Rebels and the Michigan Fab Five. I liked Steve Fisher and thought he got royally screwed over in Michigan. When he went to SDSU, I started semi-following their program, and I'm happy to see them have success. That being said, their current uniforms are boring, ugly SOD templated garbage. I really wish they'd bring back the uniforms they wore in the 2002 tournament. Iconic, and unique.
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