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Everything posted by rams80

  1. IP's too expensive. They'll roll with some made up bull two-word term for tomatoes.
  2. *New Mexico State sighs, sends resumes out again.*
  3. I want to say UNO made a play for Valley membership when they added Valpo.
  4. Big Sky's kind of big and kind of full of public schools of regional significance. Denver's academic profile isn't exactly a fit. Also no football could be an issue.
  5. Hush, Indiana's living-in-the-Knight-era AD might hear you.
  6. And the sex assault issue and related moral bankruptcy would make them a perfect fit in the B1G East.
  7. You don't understand, those ten thousand or so one-time merchandise purchases pay the bills for a team in a gate-based revenue business that has ~70 home games a year. /sarcasm
  8. Gonna assume nobody thought to sanity-check the heavy usage of outdoor activity-related fire in iconography for a place that is less than a decade removed from multiple devastating wildfires and at a time when massive devastating wildfires are in the news. I figure that type of research is boring for Brandiose's crew of morons.
  9. What do you think the prairie dog buried in the ground is doing underground? Shakespeare was wrong, we shouldn't kill the lawyers, we should kill the marketing majors.
  10. Wake me when we get the logo with the bat-swinging cartoon raccoon.
  11. They don't have enough money to pay off the clubs in Europe.
  12. Also, didn't Mose Schrute out himself on Fire Joe Morgan?
  13. Religious aspect, poor quality education in some very important fields, the fact they are a for profit dot com hiding behind technically non-profit status.
  14. Pacific is Methodist (sort of). Grand Canyon was started by Southern Baptists. That's....a major difference.
  15. Grand Canyon's a huge private for-profit with a larger online diploma mill program. Also, it has historically been a bit evangelical. The WCC may have tolerated adding BYU as a marriage of convenience, but they might get skittish about adding Grand Canyon's academic profile in the event that BYU left.
  16. New Mexico State's also broke and located in the middle of nowhere, while at least one MWC member is liable to be a "no" vote on adding them. They'd love to be in the Mountain West, not sure the Mountain West would love to have them outside of some mega-expansion scenario.
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