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Everything posted by rams80

  1. Pure dumbassery. They should have been trying to get an ECHL team for at least the last year.
  2. To be fair, any NHL team that affiliates with the Wolves is sabotaging its own player development, so I'm sure that helps.
  3. Just wanted to post that one of my facebook friends moved from Illinois all the way to Glendale to take a job with the Coyotes. If there are highlights, I will mention them here.
  4. I thought Sunday's game was going to be the battle for your sports fan soul.
  5. They didn't. The police released a statement shortly after the initial paper bag press conference stating that the chain of custody of the evidence was, in their words, unassailable. The media and certain social media posters just chose to ignore that because it gets in the way of them condemning Kane no matter the result of the case. If the evidence doesn't fit your narrative, just ignore it! Don't forget the recent trend of prominent instances of police departments "losing"/falsifying/misrepresenting evidence in order to further their own aims. The cops don't exactly get taken at their word anymore thanks to that.
  6. At this point they're probably going to need to do more and "say" they have the rape kit.
  7. If you count the 1960-62 New York Titans and the 1963-69 New York Jets as separate AFL franchises, which would make you the only person ever to do so. Unless you mean, "in the same season" the Raiders also say "Hi!"
  8. Leonard Little killed somebody and only got an 8 game suspension for it. He even played in the Super Bowl that season! And he got no suspension for his second DWI!! And I didn't even have to use Google for that one!!!
  9. NFL divisions don't really matter geographically. They have a week to get to the game, adjust, play the game, and get back. If you're a west-coast fan who hates 10/11AM games and your team is in a division with all eastern and central teams, it kind of matters. The opposite wouldn't matter as much. Well, yes, but nobody liked the Cardinals back then anyway.
  10. I'm going to assume alignment is up to a league-wide vote, so, um, welcome back to the Western Conference Blue Jackets.
  11. I like how the hfboards zeitgeist has concluded that "now that there's going to be expansion, the Coyotes won't relocate to either Vegas or Quebec." Christ, and the business of hockey section claims to be the smart part of the boards. I mean seriously, the league still owns the Coyotes for all intents and purposes, why wouldn't the league negotiate an official sale price, plus relocation fees, that adds up to $500 million for the Coyotes. Ditto if the Panthers or Hurricanes transfer to league control "temporarily".
  12. To be fair, the $6.5 million with no arena revenue still means Glendale loses less money on the bargain. And the Coyotes could be replaced as arena managers in year 2.
  13. *Waits for announcement that the "expansion teams" will start play in 2017-18* *Waves goodbye to Hurricanes or Panthers* That or Seattle's throwing up an arena by then.
  14. No expansion. Instead, Florida/Carolina move to Quebec for a sale price + relocation fee that adds up to an expansion fee.
  15. Prediction: Expansion "cancelled", Coyotes move to Las Vegas for a relocation fee that's in the ballpark of an expansion fee.
  16. To say nothing about going into a market where you are for sure below the MLS on the local sporting totem poll.
  17. So the Coyotes need to come up with another $750,000 to meet a bond hike after today's court session. Any chance Pronger is ordered to retire so the Coyotes can save another $5 million against the cap floor this year?
  18. Anyone run the numbers on the length of OT in those AHL games that ended before the shootout? I mean, they have 2 more minutes of OT to work with, I'd hope the number of shootouts went down. EDIT-Here are some midseason numbers: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nhl-puck-daddy/ahl-3-on-3-overtime-is-still-killing-off-shootout-205851436.html Key numbers: 56 GWG were scored in the 3 minutes of 4 on 4. 45 GWG were scored in the 4 minutes of 3 on 3. So yes, while the number of shootouts did go down, it is telling to me that fewer goals were actually scored during 3 on 3 play, despite there being an extra minute to work with. Anyone who is pretending straight 3 on 3 will kill the shootout may be under some delusion.
  20. Oh yeah, the Toronto team that's going to play out West. It would be a thing of sublime beauty for the Western Conference teams to vote to reject Markham on the grounds that it's too much of a travel burden.
  21. They probably won't have many home games from late November to December too. NFR (rodeo) will boot them out around Thanksgiving for two weeks, their will be a NCAA holiday tournament to be booked and to end the year UFC come in on the last Saturday night. Booted out for two months for rodeos and college basketball? This sounds like a terrific place to have a Big Four franchise! Perhaps the NHL will be freethinking enough to also put a team in a city with no arena. *Seattle waves*
  22. So what's the most hilarious possible outcome? Vegas and Quebec are the only bidders, and one of them has to take the Coyotes instead a la the Kansas City Scouts' move to Denver in 1976?
  23. Yeah, that's the public timeline, but when was the deal actually worked out? I thought the Thrashers were basically gone earlier than that, even if it was only the stuff of whispers and rumors.
  24. So, um, out of curiosity what was the actual timeline on Atlanta-to-Winnipeg again? (basically trying to figure out if the fact that the comparative radio silence we have here means that a move is coming, but the NHL is trying to finalize everything.)
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