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Everything posted by rams80

  1. As well as for what passes for sports journalism, critical thinking, and blogs. Random bloggers with anonymous "sources" get way too much credit nowadays.
  2. What the is a Howlings.net and who the is Dave Gerry Cantlon? There hasn't been word one about the Avs or Coyotes buying AHL teams anywhere else. And Occam's razor indicates that the reason Arizona and Denver "suspended operations" was because the Central Hockey League is burning down at the moment and those teams were kind of sort of not making money. The Sundogs were hovering around 2500 and Denver had dropped down to 1787. Thats a 40% drop from year one, BTW, for a team THAT MADE THE ING LEAGUE FINALS LAST SEASON. Related: Sticking AHL teams in those towns looks to be a bad idea even by the standards of the Coyotes.
  3. I think we're officially at the point of the program where some rebel soldiers storm the castle and behead the insane emperor for the good of the country.
  4. Why do I hate Detroit even more now that they aren't even in the same Conference as the Blues?
  5. What makes you think the P5 schools care about their non-revenue sports? They're convenient money pits if nothing else.
  6. Yeah, Denver gave up the ghost yesterday and St. Charles died a few months back.
  7. Hawaii's boosters in the mafia have apparently been skipping payments.
  8. No, because the ACC doesn't need to expand.If he was talking about the SEC that would surely be welcomed and acceptable correct?The thought that the SEC would willingly take Cincinnati and UConn merits Archimedes losing his
  9. No, because the ACC doesn't need to expand.
  10. Don't forget, they still have Tampa for the footprint.
  11. My own observation is that the only way the new mods have been "inconsistent" is that the more visible and active moderation presence is inconsistent with the past anarchy that was permitted on much of the boards. In this case, inconsistency is very, very welcome.
  12. Dude, watermarked concepts are being stolen as well. I think the sacrifice of a small number of potential posters who would have only found this site through the concepts is worth protecting the intellectual property of all of its members. Especially in the days of Instagram.
  13. The best solution to the main site comment problems remain "disable comments"
  14. It would be pretty dumb if they tossed Maryland... Say this is 5 years down the road and Maryland is producing wins, attendance, etc I, for one, welcome our new Alien Space Bat overlords. Aside from very brief periods of success, Maryland athletics are typified by sustained mediocrity and uniforms that make small children go blind. I dance a small jig. Purdue. The Big Ten's quest for markets and financial assistance had nothing to do with Maryland's decision making process I am sure. Regardless of them being a perpetual weak sister in the conference. Maryland has the better part of a century playing major college sports. Boise State or Louisville (retch) would be your rising rookie. Maryland's another aging veteran who used to double as the sick man of the ACC.
  15. If the Big Ten was paring down teams they'd eject Maryland before tossing Purdue.
  16. Nope. The league sent Chris a cease and desist order years ago. i find this obsurd, wikipedia still uses them under the terms of its fair use policy, so why cant chris, Wikipedia can afford far better lawyers than Chris.
  17. Don't kid yourself, Russia invested a lot of capital in demonstrating that, as far as international affairs were concerned, they were a kinder, gentler nation and a responsible state actor back when the votes were held for both the Olympics and the World Cup were held. In 2007/2010 they weren't the ones knocking over countries, we were. Well, that and Russia was sitting on Europe's energy supply at the time, so they had a far heftier Sword of Damocles to hang over the rest of Europe, and Putin might care just enough to ratchet up oil and gas prices if he was upset. Conversely, our government isn't going to do crap if you vote against us because of the NSA spying fiasco (which is good and appropriate), so it gives the other nations of the world the perfect opportunity to register their protest against our policies. Realpolitik at its finest. EDIT- WE'VE BEEN SPYING ON THE CITIZENS OF OUR ALLIES! We may have been aided and abetted by their own intelligence agencies, but by golly the NSA's been looking at their metadata too, and thanks in part to Snowden their citizens know it.
  18. It is a little bit of "inflation" from the money the USA spent to get the 1996 and 2002 Olympics. We were paying college tuition, getting tickets to the Super Bowl and The Oscars in addition to cash.As for the USA just outspending the other bidders, Eddie Snowden gave the rest of the world issues to worry about regarding how we monitor everyone in terms of surveillance. That's kind of an issue for those whose world revolves around seediness. No, Snowden's relevant in the bidding for international events. We're not exactly popular in a decent chunk of the world. If human rights were considered when choosing a home nation, Qatar would've never won the initial bid in the first place. All that matters is the money in this situation. There's no rational reason behind choosing Qatar in terms of safety. Why should we assume Snowdens leak would have any form of impact on a World Cup bid selection if a country like Qatar had been picked?It's all about the ability to move money and use power, and the United States can do that. I can't imagine Snowdens leaks will have any sort of impact on the ineffective bid committee that comes with World Cup politics. Guess what, a large chunk of FIFA's representatives don't give a crap about human rights violations. However, they do see a semi-rare opportunity with Snowden to get a free poke of the eye in at the United States. Something that, again, they won't pass up as they are from smaller countries that the United States typically bosses around.
  19. It is a little bit of "inflation" from the money the USA spent to get the 1996 and 2002 Olympics. We were paying college tuition, getting tickets to the Super Bowl and The Oscars in addition to cash.As for the USA just outspending the other bidders, Eddie Snowden gave the rest of the world issues to worry about regarding how we monitor everyone in terms of surveillance. That's kind of an issue for those whose world revolves around seediness. Snowden's relevant in the bidding for international events. We're not exactly popular in a decent chunk of the world.
  20. ACC teams to possibly play non-conference games against other ACC teams. EDIT: Hot off the wires: UMass football to the Sun Belt?! *gets another gallon of LSD for Mr. Popo*
  21. Didn't the board once have a policy of banning posters who were younger than 13? Whatever happened to that policy?
  22. A lot of these posts are saying Conference-specific TV deals as well.
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