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Everything posted by rams80

  1. :censored:ing brilliant idea. Expand into a market where they'll be contractually obligated to be the 3rd tenant in the arena behind a men's and women's college team. Ton of thought went into that one there. That doesn't apply to Virginia Beach at all. Yes, but "the proposed arena is an unethical crime perpetrated on the citizenry by business interests" does.
  2. hope no one minds But how do you charge for every parking space if you play at a strip mall? Subcontract the Sinaloa Cartel to harass those who chose to park further away.
  3. You've never been to Central or Southern Indiana have you.
  4. More serious question. Is the out clause triggered at $50 million AND 5 years or $50 million period. Because if its the latter, I suspect the Quebecois are about to give Ice Edge access to their finest book cookers. Not that you need a fine book cooker to claim a $50 million loss for Phoenix in one season.
  5. *usual acronym goes here* ------------------------------------ Oh, and Arizona's assistant attorney general just inadvertently gutted his state's open meetings law to justify Glendale's meeting shenanigans.
  6. I've got to say the cynicism in that slogan is breathtaking when you remember the 5 year out clause.
  7. Mr. Wembley, it happened again I...um...HOW?! This deal was so friggin' one-sided that investors were guaranteed to come out ahead I thought. Of course maybe that's why Seattle just blew up. Can Bettman just retire to that city? The yearning for Seattle seems to solely come from him.
  8. Upset that Boise State lack of professional degrees don't get you to the Power 5 table? OK, how does a lack of professional degrees correlate to the fact that Boise State isn't in a 'Power 5' conference? I think you're making up to piss off Lights Out. Boise State has only eight programs which award terminal degrees (PhD or ED) with a ninth one for nursing on the way in August, but it an online course. Heck, even TCU, Baylor and Wake Forest offer more. But it still doesn't answer my question. What does having a lack of professional degrees at a college have to do with the fact that Boise State isn't in a 'Power 5' conference? Because ultimately at the Power 5 level, the schools do share ties beyond athletics. There are research consortia and academic associations. Boise State's status as a community college with a really good football team, nothing else in athletics, and a medium-to-small media market means its paths to Power 5 status are non-existent.
  9. You named your Conference after Bill the Cat. There is no place for you.
  10. But when you have 30 teams as opposed to 6.... Besides, what kind of sick honestly wants to see Columbus and Nashville play 8 times a season?
  11. I have no confirmation to back this up, but I suspect Charlotte's status as a significant air hub played a role in them landing in "the flyover division."
  12. What if I told you that once a Phoenix suburb built a horse racetrack only to understand reason after two years?
  13. I forget, is revenue sharing a zero-sum pool or is it variable based on what revenues are taken in, because if its the former, that's horsecrap.
  14. I guess if Phoenix is a monument to man's arrogance, the suburbs are monuments to man's hubris. At least something could be where Phoenix is without massive irrigation and air conditioning. What's the suburbs' story?
  15. Besides, they'd be forced to divest or fold the team in 3 or so years when the inevitable municipal bankruptcy unfolds.
  16. Concepts are for uniforms and logos that you design. General design is for the unrelenting posting of spam because presumably some dumbarse linked that subforum to a Russian spam server.
  17. That doesn't work for me. It just makes some screwed up link. Remove the "s" from the https part of the URL.
  18. FWIW if for some reason the federal government has to intervene in Glendale then it most decisively becomes our problem.
  19. So....the other carrot was a promise to sort of make Glendale whole when the team moves in 5 years. Out of curiosity, does that obligation vanish if you declare bankruptcy?
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