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Posts posted by rams80

  1. And yet Memphis manages to snag all of the best in-city talent year after year. The same can't be said of Chicago (when's the last time DePaul, Loyola-IL or UIC were relevant?), Washington DC (Georgetown has looked rather un-Georgetown-like ever since their Final Four run, same with GW since they started that one season 27-2), or New York City (Seton Hall, Fordham, Manhattan have all been mediocre at best, St. John's had one good season last year but mainly haven't been worth watching either).

    But this thread is about football.

    Memphis is a distinctly different region than Nashville (Central TN) or Knoxville (Eastern TN). And truth be told, I can't imagine Memphis being a stomping ground for Hog fans, Rebel fans or Tide fans.

    Is Memphis continuing to do so since Calipari and his willingness to look the other way with recruiting violations bailed?

    DePaul has done a :censored: ty job of landing recruits since their 1970s and 80s heyday because they lost WGN and meanwhile the rise of ESPN et al means its easier to be on TV. Also both Chicago and New York are more focused on Pro sports and in the case of the latter, the Big Ten Conference in general. I suspect that while the citizens of Memphis may not have loyalty towards any specific school, it damn well would be a big time SEC city in general.

  2. There is a general assumption when it comes to big time college sports that even a little travel is going to be involved for Mom and Dad when you play at this level. Once you get past the Appalachians, this much travel isn't ridiculous.

    That's assuming there isn't another program in the immediate vicinity. Why travel six hours to Knoxville when you can travel sixteen minutes to Memphis?

    Because of the prestige? Your own personal safety? Because there's an opportunity to watch junior at home and on the road?

    There's plenty of reasons to go to Tennessee, or one of 5 other SEC schools if you are in Memphis.

  3. Memphis would actually make a lot of SEC hoops coaches happy, as it would allow them to have access into one of college hoops' most fertile recruiting grounds.

    Too bad their football program is an absolute joke.

    Ummm....doesn't the SEC already HAVE two teams in Tennessee? To go with the two in Mississippi and the one in Arkansas? I think the SEC pretty much has Memphis covered. Especially now that Calipari is gone.

    UT is located in Knoxville - a good six-hour drive from Memphis (and in a different time zone). Vandy is located in Nashville, which is three hours away. Fayetteville (Arkansas) is five hours away, at least. Oxford (Ole Miss) is a good seven hours from Memphis, and Starkville (Miss State) is about a three-hour trip. None of those locations "cover" Memphis by any means, and trying to tell recruits that they'd be "close to home" or that their parents would be able to watch them play would be ludicrous.

    When it comes to college hoops, Memphis exists by itself. They have been yearning for an opportunity to join a conference like the Big East to renew their rivalries with teams like Louisville and Cincinnati. But their football program has been what has been holding them back. Their stadium is by far the worst in D-1 FBS, and the product they put on the field isn't much better. And the fact that they fired the only coach to take them to a bowl since 1971 after one bad season only adds to the perception that they have a Napoleon complex when it comes to football.

    There is a general assumption when it comes to big time college sports that even a little travel is going to be involved for Mom and Dad when you play at this level. Once you get past the Appalachians, this much travel isn't ridiculous.

    EDIT: You got the wrong Oxford. Ole Miss is 90 minutes from Memphis. Additionally Tuscaloosa is 4 hours away. And since half of Conference USA's membership (for now) is in Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana, it's at best a wash travel-wise.

    *Mass Ritualized Suicide on NDNation*

  4. Memphis would actually make a lot of SEC hoops coaches happy, as it would allow them to have access into one of college hoops' most fertile recruiting grounds.

    Too bad their football program is an absolute joke.

    Ummm....doesn't the SEC already HAVE two teams in Tennessee? To go with the two in Mississippi and the one in Arkansas? I think the SEC pretty much has Memphis covered. Especially now that Calipari is gone.

  5. Technically it is in the sense of Big 12 Country. But what I fail to understand is that how much more isolated (in the sense of middle of nowhere) is Morgantown compared to College Station (TX), Lawrence and Manhattan (KS), and even his own Stillwater, OK?

    College Station is in a reasonably well-populated part of Texas that is fairly accessible to Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio

    Stillwater's fairly close to Oklahoma City

    Lawrence is just east of Topeka and pretty close to Kansas City

    Manhattan's furthest out, but it's not completely isolated.

  6. WVU to the Big XII has gotten a little complicated...

    A Big 12 conference call Tuesday night was expected to be a formality on West Virginia?s road to admittance. Instead, objections were raised.

    A late push by Louisville has put political pressure on the Big 12 and opened the possibility of Louisville?s being the university that is admitted instead of West Virginia. Two people with direct knowledge of the situation said that lobbying by the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, including to David Boren, the president of the University of Oklahoma and a former senator, helped slow West Virginia?s admittance to the Big 12.

    West Virginia officials, who called the deal ?solid? late Tuesday afternoon, declined comment Wednesday.


    But I thought Mitch McConnell was opposed to government interference in the free market.

  7. Villanova is acting stubborn and is lobbying against readmitting Temple as a football-only member; they really want to move up to FBS.

    Villanova not ponying up their own cash to build a football venue with adequate seating for FBS is part of the reason the Big East is in this situation to begin with. They have no right to complain.

    I was about to say, Villanova only wants to go to Division I-A if the rest of the Big East football schools foot the bill for it. Which isn't likely to happen.

    To both: For what? If Villanova can play at PPL Park with expanded capacity which would be slightly lower in capacity than Cincinnati's Nippert Stadium, yet could have a higher gate since there is a smaller student body. This is not like UMass moving up, going to the MAC, and playing home games 80 miles from campus at Gillette. The MAC does not need the Boston market for $$$, but for football, the Big East needs Philly for survival in terms of which ever cable network wants to buy up the expiring TV rights.

    If I remember Pitt and Syracuse's list of grievances correctly, the Big East was going to up revenue sharing and kick that money towards Villanova to pay for expanding the stadium, upgrading the equipment and practice facilities, and generally support the program until it became self-sustaining. When they could instead just add Temple and call it good, you might see why objections arose.

  8. Villanova is acting stubborn and is lobbying against readmitting Temple as a football-only member; they really want to move up to FBS.

    Villanova not ponying up their own cash to build a football venue with adequate seating for FBS is part of the reason the Big East is in this situation to begin with. They have no right to complain.

    I was about to say, Villanova only wants to go to Division I-A if the rest of the Big East football schools foot the bill for it. Which isn't likely to happen.

  9. Pathetically, there's actually serious talk of the Big Least, Conference USA, and Mountain West merging into a 32-team conference. No, I am not making this up. Boise State and Houston need to get the hell out while they can.

    The Big Leftovers Conference

    The Conference of Forgotten Schools

    The Conference That Will Mount the Orange Bowl

  10. The Blues have a verbal agreement with Hulsizer. I think with him controlling the arena, the new Peabody Operahouse opening (attached to the Scottrade Center), and him living an hour plane ride away in Chicago, that the Blues aren't going anywhere. At least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.

    Except for the whole "Everything is now owned by a purported Nigerian Prince" problem.

  11. I don't think that classifies as desperate or pathetic. They are just trying to make sure they don't lose anymore schools the way they lost BYU/TCU/Utah. I could see your point if this rule was put into place very recently (like once Air Force and Boise thought about jumping to the Big East) but since this has been in effect since June the desperate and pathetic terms don't really apply. They are just doing what every organization should do, protecting their investments.

    Remember folks! The Mountain West is desperate and pathetic by upping its buyout if teams wish to bail in a year or so. The Big East is protecting its interests by insisting Syracuse and Pitt stay in the Conference through 2014!

    /ESPN Narrative

  12. I really don't see OU and Oklahoma State going to the SEC. Mizzou is a good program, but they're not a dominating one like OU can be. I believe that's why OU would prefer the PAC. As a whole, the level of play isn't what the SEC is, though they do have some great schools. But OU could go in there, have some competition and still win the conference probably 4 out of 5 years. The SEC has too many schools that would challenge that year in and year out.

    Bingo. Which is why Texas and Oklahoma will never go to the SEC. If there is LEGITIMATE power move for 16 team super conferences, I think it would be a safe bet that Texas and Oklahoma would be going to the PAC - assuming neither goes in dependent.

    Actually, I think Texas will go Big Ten or Independent. PAC has basically said they don't want them, the SEC doesn't either, and they were only included in ACC talks because of Notre Dame, who I could see them going to the B1G as a pair with. Texas has kind of become the hot girl that everyone all of sudden realized is a total b****, and now pretty much no one wants to have anything to do with her... except the somewhat known, yet kind of desperate, girl who just wants the cool points. Also known as the Big Ten.

    Well there was a rumor floating around last month about Notre Dame and Texas presenting themselves as a package deal to the Big Ten. Shortly thereafter were the major rumors about Texas, Texas Tech, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State joining the PAC. To be honest, I still think Texas would prefer the PAC over the Big Ten. I think Texas and Notre Dame want to be the final team to join a major super conference. Its the pride and arrogance they have.

    I don't see the Big Ten allowing Texas to reserve/preserve The Longhorn Network if they join the Big Ten. There is no way the Big Ten would allow it. This whole realignment has been predicated off of money and TV revenue... so I don't see the Big Ten bending now just to bring in Texas. Sure, Texas would be a huge cash crop, but Texas is worth more to the Big Ten WITHOUT The Longhorn Network than with it.

    I'm not sure how often we're going to have to shoot down the aforementioned "rumor" because the source kept getting crap wrong last year, but yeah...source has been proven to make :censored: up repeatedly, therefore no validity to the rumor.

  13. I heard Alabama will support their entry if they go into the East. Of course it could only be for a year or two if they end up going to 16, Plus I read the Arkansas AD said they will not expand into a state that currently has a conferene team, which would rule out FSU, Georgia Tech and Clemson, and Louisville who may have had an outside chance at the 16th spot. Still leaves WV as an option though, but who else? Va Tech? Thought they were basically joined at the hip with Virginia. The SEC could also basically be saying we're staying at 14 without actually saying it, while just leaving the door cracked open slightly enough to possibly add 2 more. Though it's probably just another "we're not the aggressors" move.

    I still think the SEC has Oklahoma in the back of their minds. Just saying.

    Sure they do, however there's a lot of hoops to jump to make that happen. First, they'd have to bring OSU in too. OU and OSU are absolutely a package deal. Second, they'd almost surely have to contend with some level of legal wrangling with the Big XII. Remember, Chuck Neinas said that the Big XII would be fine without Missouri, but didn't say they'd be fine without any of the other schools. While Texas may be the "anchor" of the conference (feel free to infer multiple interpretations of that term), it's pretty clear that OU is part of the conference's bedrock. Third, the conference would still need to find one more school to round up the SEC roster to an even number. In all likelihood this would still be Missouri as they'd probably compete within a pod with the other Big XII refugees. Fourth, the SEC would have to be content with committing to what would likely be a "permanent" (relative term) 16 team configuration with no more options to capture more schools if and when the next tectonic conference shift comes. I'm not sure the SEC wants to be the first to 16 in this round of expansionpalooza.

    5th, Oklahoma has been trying to up its academic research reputation over the last few years and feels the Pac-whatever will give them better access to research dollars than the SEC.

  14. Covered by Nebraska and Illinois respectively. Mizzou'd be nice to have but its not a crippling loss.

    The Big 10 receives 70% of profit from States that contain a school within the conference. The Big 10 receives 30% of profit from States that do NOT contain a school within the conference. Done.

    Again, is that 40% loss on profit that crippling?

  15. And Rice and Tulane aren't getting any big invites because their football programs aren't good.

    Speaking of Tulane, I see where Bob Toledo stepped away from the head football coaching position today. If all of a sudden Mike Leach pops up as their new coach then my harebrained notion of a longshot Green Wave-to-the-Big-XII scenario I discussed a few pages back doesn't seem so far-fetched. Again, a guy like Leach could pull in a lot of local guys not on LSU's shopping list and could gut the recruiting base for the 3 other non-BCS schools in Louisiana. Suddenly, Tulane has a *fairly decent* program, perhaps on par with Kansas and (assumed invitee) Louisville. Plus, Leach knows how to recruit Texas and wouldn't it be lovely for him to steal a prospect or two from Tech?

    This is the kind of crap that festers in the unoccupied corners of my mind.

    /ESPN orders the Big XII to not invite Tulane.

  16. Basketball programs are important to this discussion. They are moving with football. Mizzou's basketball is moving with their football. Boise State would be in the Big 12 by now if Football wasn't the only thing they were good in. If Boise State had some Final Fours under their belt they would be hot.

    And yet one of the most storied programs in college basketball history (Kansas) could very well have been scrambling for a home after last year's realignment chatter.

    It's simple:

    Why isn't anyone interested in Kansas? Because basketball is an afterthought in realignment talks.

    Why isn't anyone in Rice or Tulane? Because academics are irrelevant in realignment talks.

    mod edit DING! Thank you for bringing the light. Now, everyone, back to the FOOTBALL realignment discussion.

    Oh they're relevant. Except we speak in terms of mad research dollars not grades.

  17. As for the "golden goose" comment... sure... I would consider them a golden goose. Perennial ranked teams in both basketball and football,

    In what time frame are we using to evaluate this? Yeah they've had a couple of good football teams recently and decent basketball from time to time, but football has been overachieving based on historical par and basketball really doesn't have that many basketball titles to show for their efforts. And of course, the mid 2000s were a disaster on the court thanks to one Quin Snyder.

    keeping the rivalry with Nebraska,

    Uhwah? Nebraska doesn't consider them a rival.

    as well as bringing in the Kansas City and St. Louis markets. I'd say its pretty golden.

    Covered by Nebraska and Illinois respectively. Mizzou'd be nice to have but its not a crippling loss.

  18. The Mountain West and Conference USA have announced a football alliance.

    That's right guys, a 22-team mid-major conference.

    Also, reports say Boise State and Air Force endorsed the move, whcih means they could be staying put in the MWC -- especially if this new MEGA conference can get an automatic BCS bid.

    Good for the MWC and CUSA. This is a great move to help stop the poaching of the lower level conferences.

    The blending of mediocre is never good. There will be a group within these 22 who will think that they are superior than the others and will try to "trim the fat".

    The agreement boils down to the two leagues saying they will play a mid-major Super Bowl for a BCS bid. I'm not seeing the blending here.

    RE: Air Force to Big East. But I don't want Air Force to join the Missouri Valley in all other sports. <_<

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