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Posts posted by rams80

  1. I'm sick of ESPN announcers saying Mizzou shouldn't leave the Big 12 because of tradition. The traditions are being ripped away anyways and Mizzou needs to get out from under the Longhorn shadow. The names and geography of the conferences when this is done might make the 90s and earlier NFC West (STL, NO, ATL, CAR, SF) look logical.

    PROTIP: ESPN is a rather considerable financial stakeholder in the continued viability of the Big XII by virtue of its ownership of both first tier TV rights and the third tier rights of certain programs that shall remain nameless. That is going to slant their editorial bias towards arguing that Missouri should stay, because the Big XII isn't viable if it keeps losing members.

  2. As a Syracuse fan, it's really sad to me to see what's happened to the Big East, but at least my team is on to greener pastures (in football, at least...).

    I just wonder if there was a moment pre-SU and Pitt defection that the Big East could have been more offensive. There was a lot out there picking up Kansas, K-State and others. I wonder why they waited to get poached when the writing was clearly on the wall that it was eat or get eaten?

    Because the Big East set themselves up to be THE dominant basketball conference and are tragically realizing just how much of a priority football is over basketball. They were in denial just too long and now they're paying for the bad timing.

    This is what happens when you let Providence of all schools have a death grip on the Commissionership.

  3. Which may only have 5 AQ leagues.


    According to Sentinel sources, the BCS board of directors has suggested that to continue operating, it needs six automatic qualifying conferences.

    That need, plus the impending lack of any not-suck-awful non-AQ conference, will keep the Big East off the hot seat, IMO.

    ESPN's response: We're paying you guys hundreds of millions of dollars for the rights to air 5 games annually, and we will be damned if we have to toss one of those spots to an 8-9 win Cincinnati, Connecticut, or East Carolina or Houston. And if you DON'T want our money, well, we wonder if the NCAA would be interested in us bankrolling a play-


    The BCS Board of Directors really doesn't have a lot of negotiating leverage here.

  4. They're going to be renegotiating EVERYTHING in a couple of years. Including a completely new BCS contract. Which may only have 5 AQ leagues. And the Big East is not going to have a real legal leg to stand on in that case.

    Sure the Big East will keep their bid until then, but when the BCS contract itself is getting renegotiated, then they are S.O.L.

    /C'lay has got to be one of the dumbest law school grads ever.

  5. It's the former. This league is desperate. And they may not get any of the service academies now that Army told them to piss off.

    By all accounts, Navy is still gung-ho about the Big East, and Air Force is ready to make the jump if invited over the protestations of their fanbase.

    Is that from ESPN? Because when it comes to college realignment ESPN is only slightly more reliable than "random dude on the Rivals board who claims to know somebody in the athletic department".

    Stuff I've seen says that Air Force and Navy aren't terribly keen on only having two free non-Conference games. Especially to join a league that is more slapped together than Frankenstein's monster and will lose AQ status come next negotiation phase.

  6. Notre Dame has been invited to join the B1G about 25,000 times. Now every B1G school, even ones like Northwestern who aren't good in football or basketball, gets more revenue from the BTN than Notre Dame does from their NBC deal plus their Big East TV contract. It's not about economics or logistics. Notre Dame's independence at this point is based around arrogance, as though they have some divine birthright to be treated differently than everyone else because they won a bunch of National Championships 60 years ago.

    Well that and a modest fear that alumni donations in general would take a noticeable hit if Notre Dame joined a Conference.

  7. The easy solution is to have both Alabama and Auburn go to the East, move Vanderbilt to the West, and Alabama gets to keep Tennessee and Auburn, not to mention resume playing Georgia and Florida annually.

    That splits Vanderbilt from Tennessee and Florida. I don't see Vandy approving of that at all.

    Vandy can go suck eggs as far as the rest of the SEC is concerned.

    /They'll just become Tennessee's designated rival.

    No matter how bad their football program is, they still have a vote just like the other 11 12 members.

    "And with a vote of 12-1, the motion passes."

    /You'd likely see more concern from Florida and Georgia about introducing both Alabama schools into their division. Murderer's row y'all.

  8. The easy solution is to have both Alabama and Auburn go to the East, move Vanderbilt to the West, and Alabama gets to keep Tennessee and Auburn, not to mention resume playing Georgia and Florida annually.

    That splits Vanderbilt from Tennessee and Florida. I don't see Vandy approving of that at all.

    Vandy can go suck eggs as far as the rest of the SEC is concerned.

    /They'll just become Tennessee's designated rival.

  9. Why not Houston to the SEC along with Louisville and west Virginia one the big east collapses? Houston evens out the west and gives a&m, lsu close comp and they are about to finalize plans on a brand new stadium (and renovation of arena) and will more than likely play in reliant for a couple of years until it's completed. West Virginia and Louisville not only bring in good comp in football, they raise the bar even higher in basketball. Louisville and Kentucky are rivals. Houston area has some of the best high school recruits in the country. Thoughts anyone?

    Boise state should have gotten in the PAC 12 rather than Colorado...but I am certain that the PAC 12 will expand they just probably noticed that Texas okla are a tad bit outta the way and the costs to travel would take away from the large amount of money being made. They will expand once the big 12 is solidified again so they won't have to choose between Boise state and Texas. They will add and should add byu and Boise state. I think thats where it should stop. Those two teams are logistically ok and will only bring the PAC ## to SEC level once the depth of talent catches up to the rest of the PAC schools

    The big 12 has to go after notre dame hard and I'm not against adding smu as the 12th school. This will allow ok state to head to the north division and have some real tough competition in both division much less the conference championship. With the addition of tcu the league should stay at 10 until they can add at least another bcs team to compete with the front runners every year.


  10. Boy, we're gonna fit in just well in the ACC! And Duke and UNC too! Woo!

    I honestly don't know why Cuse and Pitt felt the need to leave. Maybe they just got jumpy watching all the posturing and chest-puffing in the Big XII.

    Because the Big East basketball schools attempted to sell the football schools down the river during the last TV contract negotiation vis a vis potential money in the name of getting more dollars for glorious Big East basketball. Because the Big East just lets Notre Dame dictate everything and bitch out any football school for the audacity of looking out for themselves. And there was the "why don't you pay Villanova's way into Division I-A" thing.

    So yeah, I could see why they wanted to leave.

  11. What some of you may not realize is that in most places, the season ticket base is roughly a 65-35 split of corporate-fans. In Tampa Bay, I have heard it is the opposite, with 35% coming from corporate money and 65% from fans. This is assumed due to the venue being in St Pete, with the majority of companies being based on the other side of the bay.

    There's a famous cover of The New Yorker that depicts "The New Yorker's Concept of Geography" or something, which consists of Manhattan in painstaking detail, followed by an abstract "Jersey" and the rest of America being inconsequential. We need to come up with The Rays Fan's Concept Of Geography, wherein St. Petersburg is separated from the rest of greater Tampa by a vast ocean marked "Here There Be Monsters," because apparently this is THE ONLY FREAKING PLACE IN AMERICA where it's moderately difficult to get to a sporting event.

    Why can't professional sports franchises be like Walgreens'?

  12. Cant link anything so take it for what it's worth. Word around Tallahassee is that the SEC is taking their time but FSU is a done deal. West Virginia is also likely.

    Can't link anything? That's a stretch then... especially with everything we have heard about the ACC upping their buyout fee. Everything that is showing up on Google results is from August of 2011... some as early as November of 2010. I wouldn't say this is a done deal. It looks like more hear-say.

    If this is true, I'm assuming they are taking Mizzou as the 16th member if Florida State is done and West Virginia is likely?

    Remember. The ACC buyout hike was cut from $34 million to $20 million at the insistence of Florida State (and Maryland)

  13. Double Post... Don't care.

    Big XII voting to share revenue from Tier I and Tier II TV deals. Tier III (Longhorn Network) revenue would be reserved to the individual school, only. This could stabilize and save the Big XII. http://espn.go.com/college-sports/story/_/id/7054421/big-12-set-share-national-regional-tv-money

    Mizzou Board of Curators called a meeting for tomorrow to discuss. Seems at the moment they're kin of split. And that sharing only kicks in if all schools committ for 6 years. Doesn't really change much, just more of a last ditch effort to save the conference.

    How convenient. A lot of contracts are up in 6 years.

  14. To be honest I don't really see anything great about the Louisville program. Football sucks. Basketball program is legendary but hasn't won jack in years. Nice new arena. That's about it.

    8 trips to the dance in the past 9 years is more than any team in the SEC not named Kentucky can say.

    Doesn't everyone from the Big East get in the tourney anyway :P

    Beating everybody to the punch about 9 out of 11 teams not making it out of the first weekend



    Why haven't I used that picture at all regarding conference realignment? In retrospect I totally should've used that multiple times in this thread, especially once the Cuse/Pitt to ACC news started coming in

    Because you need to photoshop John Marinatto's face onto ol' Courage for it to work.

  15. Big East could take a look at Umass.

    They came this close to joining the Big East back in the late 90's-early 2000's. Had their basketball program not had violations I think they would have.

    They've been a pretty good 1AA football school, basketball team has been fair to good the last few seasons, (they were in the NIT championship game back in '08) its a very large school, may not be a bad choice.

    I guarantee that if the Big East proposes the current football schools subsidize both Villanova and UMass' elevation to BCS AQ competitiveness, especially at the expense of Temple or some other slightly more established program, there will be a breakaway. The idea of subsidizing Villanova alone was a major bone of contention from Syracuse and Pitt.

  16. More Big East ineptitude: Conference not targeting schools in states that already have a Big East representative. Rules out Temple, UCF, Army, and Houston (if TCU stays).

    I don't really see how that is ineptitude. I believe the Big 10's expansion follow the same guidelines because of the way the Big 10 Network and other TV deals have worked out. Just because a school is in the same state, doesn't mean they need to be in the same conference. I guess there is the idea of natural rivalry and what not, but if they had a rivalry BEFORE the merging of conferences, I'm sure they will have a rivalry AFTER the merging of conferences. If they didn't have a rivalry before then really its going to become something that is just forced. Its not like Cincinnati joining the Big 10 would make a huge marquee match up/future legendary rivalry just because they are in the same conference.

    The problem is that if the Big East wants to retain AQ status past 2014, they're already kind of hurting for programs to add. All this does is cut them off from some of the better geographically coherent teams. It might also piss off some of your remaining football schools enough that they pull the plug on staying in.

  17. Another reason why BYU doesn't get BCS-conference consideration:

    And maybe former BYU football coach LaVell Edwards offered the best perspective on the the lifestyle and attitudes of his school's followers when he said: "We used to go to the Holiday Bowl and our fans would bring a $50 dollar bill and the Ten Commandments, and break neither."

    From http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2011/03/brandon-davies-girlfriend-byu-jim-mcmahon-/1

    No, the meme is go to Vegas with a Coke and a $20 and break neither.

    Granted the Bowls themselves don't really care since they are getting theirs with ticket guarantees anyway.

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