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Posts posted by rams80

  1. Interesting tweet from Corey Fravel.

    "My sources confirm an agreement in principle has been reached for Clemson to join the Big12"

    Super conferences are coming?? Some smoke about the SEC talking to VT and NC State.

    And now a lot of people are saying FSU is in.

    This is gonna be a stupid question, but what value does NC State bring to any conference expansion, really? Their football hasn't been that good and the rest of their athletic program's mediocre, plus they aren't making that much money from what I understand, so it's not like there's that much to gain by adding them. I mean I guess there's the research triangle deal with them, but wouldn't that make UNC and Duke way more valuable?

    For better or for worse SEC schools are seen as academic slums by their peers. As Duke and UNC have pretensions towards something less slumlike academically, they will never answer the phone when the SEC calls. Same reason Texas won't.

  2. Are Virginia Tech and Virginia joined at the hip?

    What happens to BYU?

    BYU wont be in the big 4. Their no Sunday play really hurts them. I don't know the deal with VT/UVA. I noticed myself that no one in the media is counting them as a packaged deal. Great question.

    Tech wanted ACC membership forever. They will ride that thing out until the bitter end. Virginia seems happy there too.

  3. It's highly unlikely the the Big 12 Champ and SEC Champ will ever meet each other in this new bowl game because they will most likely be in the new 4-team BCS playoff the majority of the time. So it's another runner-up bowl game.

    So they just made the Cotton Bowl at JerryWorld have slightly higher prestige?


    Hey guys... super excited to be wishing for the destruction of Rutgers football during the fall now. :rolleyes:

  4. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304363104577392403708180314.html?mod=googlenews_wsj

    Under the proposal that the NHL has laid out for city council members, the city would continue paying an arena-management fee that would average about $14.5 million a year.

    On top of the city's average $12.6 million in debt service, that amounts to annual expenses of about $27.1 million?to be offset by anticipated Coyotes-related revenue of $14.2 million, according to projections by Glendale's city management department. That adds up to a projected annual loss for Glendale of $12.9 million.

    By the time the new ownership deal ran its course in 2033, Glendale would have paid $271 million?nearly $1,200 for each of its 226,721 citizens?to keep the team.

    These expenses outweigh Glendale's Coyotes-related revenue by such a degree that Moody's has downgraded the city's bond rating twice in the last 18 months, citing the city's ongoing hockey payments.


    $1200 per citizen? Cripes, they should all get complimentary season tickets.

  5. So what you are saying a game cant be fun if its 2-1 and the goalie is having a great game. You want wider nets back flips and scoring galore. You want nothing but home runs and slam dunks. You sir, Admiral and viewers like you is what makes ESPN and Sportscenter suck these days.

    No, what Admiral is saying that he's fine with 2-1 games that feature goalies standing on their head. What he's not fine with is a 2-1 game in which one or both teams have proceeded to erect a hockey Hindenburg Line through liberal use of obstruction and interference.

  6. Yeah, so how long have your "facts" actually been predicting the truth icecap? Weren't the Coyotes supposed to move like, 3 years ago because of your precious "facts"? Wait, they haven't. Haven't moved and they aren't going to. Sorry bout it.

    That's because the City of Glendale's Council tosses around $25 million subsidies like a sailor on leave without any regard for the consequences to municipal services. The Coyotes would be long gone if not for that.

  7. Jamison is clearly a wizard when it comes to marketing. He raised the Dallas Mavericks in the 80s from nothing into a team with a well-run management system. Seemed to do much of the same with the Pacers for a 6-year stint after that. And he was able to help turn things around in San Jose, now they are a perennial winner. The Coyotes have most of the pieces. Strong coaching staff. Hard working players with plenty of offensive big bodies, a few young up and coming speedsters on offense, veterans, and one of the best defensive corps in the league (including a minor-league system stacked on defense). Oh, a really good goalie. A crafty general manager. Nice arena with a huge parking lot and plenty of restaurants and shops surrounding it. So the main thing that was missing was asses in seats. The franchise was poorly run by Moyes and Gretzky, poorly coached, terrible draft picks, terrible trades, the mid 00s were not good for this team. As a result, people didn't show up. That's how it works in Arizona. Cardinals, not the best attendance, Super bowl run, fantastic attendance now. Diamondbacks, world series run sparked interest in the team in the early part of the century, attendance tapered off but the teams recent success in past couple of years has once again filled chase field. Now the Coyotes are one of the best stories in the entire NHL and, not surprisingly, the fans that are so off-and-on in Arizona are taking notice. The interest is there. The fanbase is there and it's growing every day that the playoffs continue. Jamison can use this opportunity to put a structured and targeted marketing plan in place for next year that continues to maintain attendance and loyalty to the team. He's done it in 3 other markets. This playoff run will most likely lead to an increase in season ticket sales, sponsorships, merchandise... now it's a matter of sustaining this increase in revenue and using it to cancel out all of the debt and effectively turn around the franchises fortunes.

    Obviously the most satisfying part of this playoff run is seeing the Coyotes win, it's exciting and it's a great feeling and honestly I wish I could make it out to the west coast for one of these games. But way down the list of "most satisfying" is probably seeing all of these bitter, anti-phoenix, canadians sputter as they search for more hate and poo to fling at the coyotes (oh, for the record, most small-market / non canadian hockey fans are rooting for the team, in case you haven't noticed, it's a pretty good script). The title of this thread shows exactly why less coyotes fans post on it. Because as soon as one steps up and offers a view other than what y'all believe, they get hazed and flamed and thrown in a road side ditch (wait, or am now i just talking about the ccslc in general? idk...). I haven't read this thread too much myself mostly because of that reason (besides the few drunken post-win celebratory comments)... but y'all can have your common sense and your conspiracy theories and your pessimistic look on the NHL. Go ahead. Take it. Phoenix is entrenched in one of the more magical sports runs in recent history and I'm along for the ride.

    Keep on hatin. Go coyotes.

    So when this does collapse like the house of cards it is, I have one request.

    Please don't adopt any of my teams as your new sock monkey.

  8. Remember that time coyotes fans were outspoken, proud, and attended home games with regularity?

    Oh yeah, this thread.

    Just because someone isn't vocal about their thoughts on a message board doesn't mean we don't exists. Can you honestly look at this thread and blame a coyote fan for staying out of it? Until very recently there has been very little positive things for myself to post regarding this situation so unlike some people I decide to keep my complaining, whining, and overall sour grapes to myself.

    Not mentioned: The fact that Phoenix has fielded two very good teams prior to this season, with apparently no one, including the above poster noticing. That might be why the Coyotes are in this predicament.

    Things are finally starting to move in a positive direction and I finally have something to post about.

    I remember when I was that deluded and naive. I think back then I thought Lawrence Phillips was going to lead the Rams to greatness.

    All of you already have your mind made up. I honestly believe if they found an owner who agreed to pick up all the debt many around here would still find something to complain about and would continue to hypothesize in the collapse of the entire Glendale area.

    Fortunately we will never see that scenario play out, as such a madman does not exist. (If he did, 2008 wiped him out.)

    Keep the hate and ridicule up. Hopefully the Yotes will continue winning and find an owner so some people will still have something to complain about.

    Such as the arena burning down because Glendale can't afford to have a fire department anymore. Now that's what I call irony!

  9. I hope this really is the end of all of this. I understand others opinions but as a born and raised Phoenian I couldn't be happier for the possibility of this really happening and couldn't be more pumped for the Western Finals. I know the hate will continue but you can't question the determination of this team.

    What hardship? Has the league been kiting checks while we weren't looking?

  10. Honestly, what's everybody's issue if a legitimate owner willing to take over and run the team buys the Coyotes and keeps them in Glendale? If it's true, I'm happy they're finding a legitimate owner who can hopefully make it work.

    Because the "legitimate owner who can make it work" can only make it work through enough financial subsidies from a municipality that would in turn cripple said municipality.

    That's the issue. The market is not independently viable. I'm pretty sure they're still going to post an actual financial loss at the end of a Cup run despite a bare-bonesed roster.

    That said, I wonder if your sentiment would persist if you realized that barring a Phoenix move, we're going to be seeing the unveiling of the Quebec Nordiques 2.0, formerly known as the Columbus Blue Jackets. It's different when your team is in the firing line.

  11. Bruins owner Jeremy Jacobs thinks "Phoenix is a Dallas".

    I think Mr. Jacobs fails to realize that Glendale isn't a Phoenix.

    The :censored: ?

    Dallas had financial trouble because Tom Hicks was under the very mistaken impression that you could own crap solely through creative manipulation of debt and handing out reams of IOUs.

    Phoenix had/has financial trouble because Arizonans can't be motivated to watch NHL hockey for pennies on the dollar in numbers that are viable.

  12. Butler just joined the A-10, I think its only a matter of time till VCU & Mason join & they'll have to get one more school to make it an even 16 due to UNC Charlotte leaving as well.

    If they can, the A-10 should try to get North Alabama, if they aren't already taken. It would give them a southern fanbase, and a relatively large one at that.

    You actually believe the A-10 should take an institution which just started their six year plan to become a Division 1 school when there is little indication that they can handle it financially over the course of season, less the $1.4M needed to apply to move up?

    Not to mention North Alabama is a football school and the damn Conference doesn't even support football.

  13. Well, Texas State won't stay in the WAC for long.


    The Sun Belt Conference is expected to add Texas State University and UT Arlington for the 2013-14 season, sources said Monday.

    Both are expected to play one season in the Western Athletic Conference before joining the Sun Belt next summer.

    Texas State will enter the Sun Belt as a Football Bowl Subdivision program headed up by Coach Dennis Franchione.

    While UT Arlington does not play football, officials haven?t ruled out adding the sport in the future.

    Also, tomorrow is the day that the rumors of VCU, GMU & Butler are supposed to join the A-10. VCU's former AD (now with Minnesota) basically said, give it one more year.

    And with that, as if there was any doubt before, barring a merger with the Big Sky (not happening), the WAC is officially dead. Anyone else have the feeling that a new conference will be added? The Sun Belt and C-USA are getting awfully large.

    Nope. Unless a I-AA conference decides to jump up en masse, the NCAA places enough hurdles to new Conference formation that it won't happen.

    I really wouldn't but completely surprised if either the CAA or Big Sky decides to do that. They could compete with some of the smaller conferences from the start (especially the CAA. Just look at James Madison, RIchmond, Delaware, etc.). THe CAA would compete more, but the Big Sky would probabley be able to replace the audiance that preivously watched the WAC (which, considering how small the confernce was, probabley doesn't justify the bump up in competition).

    The football CAA is too busy trying to fend off collapse at the moment to think about making the jump, while the Montanas at the least remain uninterested in the cost structure of I-A football.

  14. Well, Texas State won't stay in the WAC for long.


    The Sun Belt Conference is expected to add Texas State University and UT Arlington for the 2013-14 season, sources said Monday.

    Both are expected to play one season in the Western Athletic Conference before joining the Sun Belt next summer.

    Texas State will enter the Sun Belt as a Football Bowl Subdivision program headed up by Coach Dennis Franchione.

    While UT Arlington does not play football, officials haven?t ruled out adding the sport in the future.

    Also, tomorrow is the day that the rumors of VCU, GMU & Butler are supposed to join the A-10. VCU's former AD (now with Minnesota) basically said, give it one more year.

    And with that, as if there was any doubt before, barring a merger with the Big Sky (not happening), the WAC is officially dead. Anyone else have the feeling that a new conference will be added? The Sun Belt and C-USA are getting awfully large.

    Nope. Unless a I-AA conference decides to jump up en masse, the NCAA places enough hurdles to new Conference formation that it won't happen.

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