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Posts posted by rams80

  1. Councilwoman Yvonne Knaack explained her 'yes' vote.

    "We own that arena," she said. "We have the debt regardless of the Coyotes. The best case scenarios is the Coyotes stay here to play the games and bring 500,000 people to the arena."

    500,000 people. That's 12,000 a game. The "best case scenario" involves being dead last in league attendance by a wide margin. Keep on reaching for the stars, Yvonne.

    These people are dumber than dog :censored: .

    Pretty sure the "500,000 people" was a generalized guesstimate and a sort of blanket statement when talking to the media. Her math is all about positive cash flows not actual calculations.

    And by paying for the hockey team, you further restrict access to actual knowledge by your citizens. It's amazing. All towns should have hockey teams.

  2. http://www.azfamily.com/news/Coyotes-win-as-Glendale-Council-pledges-more-money-148626725.html

    Monday, during an eight-hour budget session, the Glendale City Council voted to budget another payout for next season.

    During the same meeting, the Council also voted to raise property taxes and the sales tax. Council members said the Coyotes fund is not directly related to the tax hike, but another city official called it a "contributing factor."

    Hmm, complete 180, the saga continues

    What the...

    That only makes sense if they know there won't be a season next year...

    Which is impossible unless...

    Wait a minute, the CBA is expiring?





  3. Glendale was short $5 million, right?

    Considering that they aren't paying the players in the playoffs, and that they're playing a team that's got a lot of road fans.....the NHL can milk this series to go the full 7 games, let Phoenix win, then have Phoenix be able to host at least two more home games in the West semis.....

    ...that's how you can generate $5 million to cover what Glendale can't come up with.

    Problem: The Coyotes' most likely opponent next round is Nashville.

    Just based on ticket sales, teams take in nearly $1 million. Add in whatever concessions get sold, and that number just goes higher.

    Based on TicketMaster's site, Game 5 is sold out. I assume Games 1 and 2 were also sold out. Just based on tickets, that's already nearly $3 million taken in. And since the Coyotes are guaranteed at least one more home game after today, they'll most definitely take in another $1 million in tickets, whether it be a Game 7 vs. Chicago or two games in the second round.

    I'm not sure what the average ticket price is for Phoenix home games, so I used their cheapest available ticket price for a possible Game 7 vs. Chicago ($40) as the average price, which I think is a little on the low side to begin with. Per game, just on ticket sales, that's $685,000. To reach $1 million, they would need each fan to spend roughly $18.50 on food/drinks or items in the team's store.

    OK, I'll reframe this for you. Chicago has a large expatriate community in Phoenix that can be counted upon to buy tickets to watch their Blackhawks in the playoffs for pennies on the dollar. Nashville has neither the local community nor the fanbase to do likewise.

    That's the problem. The Coyotes aren't going to be facing an opponent that will allow them to gloss over their lack of local support; unlike the last few years.

  4. Glendale was short $5 million, right?

    Considering that they aren't paying the players in the playoffs, and that they're playing a team that's got a lot of road fans.....the NHL can milk this series to go the full 7 games, let Phoenix win, then have Phoenix be able to host at least two more home games in the West semis.....

    ...that's how you can generate $5 million to cover what Glendale can't come up with.

    Problem: The Coyotes' most likely opponent next round is Nashville.

  5. Here is a question what will the NHL do and Glendale do if the Coyotes go on a long run in the playoffs, and with the way Mike Smith is playing it is very possible.

    Move the team to Quebec and combine the victory parade with the new team parade while citing the fact that the team showed a massive loss despite making the Conference Finals as reason why they should give up on the market.

  6. Haha.

    Hey, something you could help me out on: when she was talking about all the cuts she had to make because the city is out of money, she was talking about firing the libraries' IT staff, since it didn't make sense to her that the library systemhad its own IT people and were "too good" to use the people the rest of the city uses. Wouldn't libraries kind of require specialists in that department? This city is kind of dumb.

    The library kind of needs its own in house IT techs because (assuming that budget hadn't been cut) they are going to be providing access to video media, internet workstations and computers for patron use, electronic readers, and cataloging systems for book searches. A decent chunk of the modern library involves working with technology, and that chunk is going to increase rather than decrease. And more importantly, while its not "special" technology per se, the diversity of problems you're likely to get such as: homeless guy looking at porn downloaded a crippling virus to the entire network/dumbass neo-luddite can't figure out how to use this e-book thingamajig/dumbass kid doesn't know how to use the formerly cutting edge (say, back when Clinton was in the White House) legacy technology lurking around in the collection, is.

    Not the same things as figuring out the water supply and pay schedules, and the library can't exactly wait to come up next on the docket for the city's IT techs; patrons don't want to wait a couple of hours. Actually I suspect the library would sooner volunteer firing somebody in acquisitions or make cuts in reference than axing the IT staff.

  7. I watched the video of the city council meeting. The mayor was on the verge of tears. Best part, at the end:

    "Now is there any reason they'll feel sorry for little old Glendale? Maybe not. But maybe there is. Because they want to take this team someplace else, and maybe other places should know what they get involved in when they get involved with the NHL. This is how I feel based on two...how long have we been fiddling around with these people? Two and half years? Three years?"



    "They said we could call them the Glendale Coyotes! Was that a lie?"

  8. And Pacific makes 10 for the West Coast Conference!

    This is why I'm glad Gonzaga, even with all their offers to join the WAC and the Mountain West, stayed in the WCC...because of their dynasty, not only have other schools in there stepped their game up during their time (St. Mary's, San Diego, Pepperdine, etc.), but it's also become an attractive conference for other schools to join (BYU and now Pacific).

    *BYU joins Big 12*

  9. There was also supposed to be a Seattle/Denver expansion in the '70s, but it was cancelled because the Scouts moved to Denver instead. Poor Seattle.

    I thought the 1970s problem was that both the NHL and WHA had expanded too far too fast and were therefore teetering on the brink of collapse when it came time to add Seattle and Denver, so that was why the league cancelled the expansion.

  10. And for good reason. If you can have all divisions with an equal amount of teams there is no reason not to. It's silly imo to have some divisions with 7 and some with 8.

    Not if the objective is to actually build rivalries (and thus, fan enthusiasm in the league). You missed the point that the first two rounds of the playoffs will be played in the divisions. Honestly, this likely will be the alignment the league goes through with; with the move of Phoenix to Quebec you can keep the sacred Conference playoffs and make everyone happy.

  11. Eastern Conference

    Eastern Division

    Quebec Nordiques

    Montreal Canadiens

    Ottawa Senators

    Toronto Maple Leafs

    Boston Bruins

    Buffalo Sabres

    Florida Panthers

    Tampa Bay Lightning

    Atlantic Division

    Pittsburgh Penguins

    Philadelphia Flyers

    New York Rangers

    New York Islanders

    New Jersey Devils

    Washington Capitals

    Carolina Hurricanes

    Western Conference

    Central Division

    Detroit Red Wings

    Chicago Blackhawks

    Columbus Blue Jackets

    Nashville Predators

    Minnesota Wild

    Winnipeg Jets

    Dallas Stars

    Pacific Division

    San Jose Sharks

    Anaheim Ducks

    Los Angeles Kings

    Vancouver Canucks

    Edmonton Oilers

    Calgary Flames

    Colorado Avalanche

    Top 4 in each division make the playoffs, with first two rounds played in the division before conference championship and Stanley Cup finals.

  12. Take this for what it's worth, which is possibly just speculation on my part. I meant to bring this up sooner, but I've been a little destracted as of late.

    A few weeks ago I was talking to my nephew who's currently on the football team at Georgia State (an FCS independent). We got into a brief convo about how his team did this past season, then I asked him what conference his team plays in. I knew they were Indy at the moment, and that they were going to join an FCS conference sometime soon. I just didn't know which conference Georgia State was supposed to join (I was thinking SoCon, Big South, or Southland). To my surprise, he said that they were going to join Conference USA. When I questioned him about that he had an "uh oh" reaction, froze for a little bit then left the room to "answer his cell phone".

    Now this is my nephew. I person that has no reason in the world to lie to me about anything (5 year age gap between us, we have more of a cousin like relationship than uncle/nephew). Should I make anything of that?

    Since then, I did some research and saw that Georgia State will join (or already joined) the CAA. Could it be possible that Georgia State has some type of long term plan to join Conference USA?

    It wouldn't surprise me. You don't play home games in the Georgia Dome as a start up with an ultimate goal of the CAA. And C-USA/MWC would love to get a toehold in Atlanta.

  13. Call me crazy (and I bet you that someone will for this idea), but if Butler does make the jump to the Atlantic 10 (Plus 3), why doesn't the Horizon League go after Chicago State.

    Because I think Chicago State has administrative and financial issues at the moment.

    With regards to drowning IUPUI athletics in the bathwater perhaps Indiana (whose system de jure heads up the school) and Purdue can take a page from Alabama and encourage them to start up a football program. And then starve their athletic department of resources during trustees meetings. It's worked swimmingly for Tuscaloosa.

  14. This leaves a few candidates in my mind. Kansas and Kentucky both provide "semi-southern" access, and would boost the conference's basketball profile significantly. KU would be glad to have a stable, non-Big 12 home but they might be a package deal with KState, which the B1G doesn't want. Kentucky probably wouldn't leave the SEC, but a rivalry with Indiana plus stable income from the BTN might be luring.

    I thought about Kansas too, and I really wouldn't be upset if they joined the B1G. Their brand of football and basketball would fit right in, they'd be both a natural and traditional rival for Nebraska and they'd definitely boost the league's basketball profile. Something tells me that if the B1G did extend and invitation to KU, nothing short of a bill passed by the Kansas legislature would prevent the Jayhawks from abandoning K-State.

    Kansas State is probably more attractive than Kansas actually.

    1. Kansas State is actually competent at football.

    2. Kansas State actually cares about being competent at football.

    3. Kansas State is good enough at basketball to be competitive, insofar as basketball matters here in this discussion.

    4. Kansas State is getting this lovely billion dollar federal research facility that I'm sure the CIC would love to get in on.

    Kentucky would never leave the SEC.

  15. Temple's officially in the Big East for next season. I'm actually kinda surprised they welcomed the Big East back after getting the boot back in 2004, but at least it solves a lot of scheduling problems for next season

    The true excitement comes in 2013 (when the all-sport move becomes official)...if you thought the 'Nova-Temple rivalry was fierce before, wait 'till it becomes a conference one!

    Once again, two questions come up:

    1. Which FCS school is the MAC going after to replace Temple for football?

    2. Which school is the A-10 going after to replace Temple for all other sports?

    1. None likely

    2. None likely

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