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Prince Harry

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Everything posted by Prince Harry

  1. I have to say, I appreciate how great 7/8 first round matchups look outside of the Leafs/JrLeafs series.
  2. This just feels like caving to their Twitter repliers that didn’t want the name change. The new helmet is nicer than what they had before the change. And maybe the antlers weren’t implemented well on the helmet. But why even develop a new identity with what is a pretty nice primary logo if you’re just gonna use the old identity on the helmet?
  3. Does the 2022 jersey not qualify as a fauxback in some respect? Also if the 2018 set isn’t too close to the current road I’m not sure we can argue the 2022 jersey is too close seeing as it has no yoke and has a different base colour.
  4. The Sabres look best when they keep it simple. This looks good.
  5. Well, Dad hats are the best hat and everyone can wear them. Fitted hats are a dicey style choice to wear even above the age of 20, and just unconscionable over the age of 30.
  6. When are the Kings gonna give up their obsession with text-heavy logos and just use a crown as the main logo again? Their last ten years plus of uniforms has been gaffe after gaffe.
  7. I think the branding and colours are perfectly suitable for an AHL team, and the ideal place for the Canucks to scratch the Johnny Canuck itch. The White jersey should have green as the main trim colour though. Hopefully this board’s favourite pastime discussing the Canucks identity into oblivion can slow down to some degree, since an overdone internet concept finally made its way onto a professional jersey. Probably not though, lol.
  8. I think people like the royal and orange set because it’s a fundamentally sound hockey jersey with traditional stripes, good colours and shoulder yokes that add an extra dimension. But yeah, there is a lot of nostalgia involved which I don’t think should hold up as a reason to like them. Especially when their legacy has been stained by bad seasons in the mid 90s and a decade long playoff drought more recently. As an Oilers fan myself, I did grow tired of the 80s set from years of watching them play awful hockey in them. So my head says yes, wear them because they are objectively the nicest set we have worn. My heart doesn’t want to wear them anymore because I associate it with the bad years. We have worn other nice sets between the copper and blue and WHA sets and could potentially look good with a navy version of 80s template. So I’m not married to the 80s set, because we have some great alternatives. I would much rather wear them than this mailed in third jersey with the least inspiring design I have seen since the Edge jerseys. If we make a bland white jersey to match it for the away and ditch the current terrific away white, then this franchise deserves to keep getting swept in the first round.
  9. The North Stars had a three year window where they looked decent from 1975-78, and every year outside of that their uniforms were poor or actively ugly.
  10. I think Monochrome in football looks a lot better than say, an ABB scheme where only the helmet is a different colour, e.g. your standard colour rush assortment. To add to that, I think white jersey/pants with a darker helmet is like the only way it can really work.
  11. Worth a try. The team would still have the same nickname, just spelled differently (Sens vs Cens).
  12. Not sure how unpopular this is. Ball in glove is a better logo but the barley M fits the Brewers identity better, even if it’s corporate inspired. I don’t know what they should do. The current navy and gold is their best colour scheme. I assume that’s not as popular an opinion. Turn the MB insignia into beer mug or something, I dunno.
  13. The Kings set is near perfect but the logo could use a white outline on the purple jersey. Great work otherwise, really like most of these concepts!
  14. I like the Ravens better in black pants. They definitely NEED striping and some sort of white stripe would be ideal. But I think black pants help convey the ‘darkness’ of their identity better, plus as a personal matter of taste I prefer a two colour maximum between helmet/jerseys/pants. White pants with the purple jerseys and black helmets just looks a bit messy. And the other purple team already wears white pants at home. In saying that, I think white pants with the Ravens road and alternate sets are fine, simply because they match better.
  15. This just looks like the Brewers put a minor league team in Ann Arbor.
  16. I think I’d like the aviator blue more if it was used as the main jersey colour, with little accents of red and navy here and there. The light blue feels tacked on in its limited use with the current ones, since there’s none in the logo. Lighter blue with navy pants/helmet is used by no one in the NHL, except STL who use Royal not light blue. I suppose the Jets considered that they didn’t want to look like the Thrashers, but’s it better then careening between looking pretty close to the Jackets or looking like the Rangers (retro look).
  17. I’m of the opposite mind. Think the jerseys are weird (mainly the random aviator blue trim I don’t like). The logos are good, if a bit busy. At least, the new logos are much better than the old ones. Wordmarks in general suck as logos, and the most famous iterations of the old logo gave very little prominence to the actual jet in the logo.
  18. I think this was the best Oilers set. I wish they would have survived the Reebok Edge re-designs.
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