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Everything posted by IceCap

  1. Yeah the silence on both sides, plus Glendale shopping around for someone other then the NHL to manage the arena, really paints the picture that the two sides have just decided to go their separate ways.
  2. They could just keeping things quiet until the season's over. You thought Coyotes ticket sales were bad now? Imagine if the league just announced "yeah, they're moving to Quebec as soon as the season's over." Another possibility is that they're waiting to see how things shake out in Seattle.
  3. CCM was the company that manufactured hockey sweaters before Reebok bought them out. They still use the CCM brand on throwbacks that use the pre-Edge sweater styles. And yes the shoulder yoke and bottem hem stripe are black. I should hate it but it was actually pulled off very nicely. That's why I can't say the current Blue Jackets' look is one of the league's best. It's just an inferior version of the superior pre-Edge alternate Lights Out posted.
  4. Should've screencapped it, though! Why though? He has his own blog.
  5. I was wondering if anyone had the number set used by the Buffalo Sabres on their most recent alternate sweaters?
  6. Who's the one that said "I want them to go bye-bye."? Lieberman.
  7. It's right about now that Gary starts making cold calls.
  8. I do kind of like that 90s Nordiques look, though they probably would have dropped it by now had they stuck around.
  9. Really? I thought most were in favour of the 80s/90s look they currently wear.
  10. I was posting on the mobe site and I accidentally clicked on the "Full Version" button. Now when I try to click on the "Use Mobile Version" button I just get redirected to the top of the page. Is there some other way to access the mobile version? The standard version is a bit unwieldy on a smart phone.
  11. Second post. "They have eight weeks to work out a deal."
  12. "GOALden Ticket" is just as bad, if not worse, then "The Coolest Game on Earth!"
  13. "One day more to relocation, we will nip it in the bud!" I swear after nearly 23 years...I still do not know exactly what the phrase means. http://youtu.be/ZNDi9URMBoU Skip 1:53 for the reference.
  14. Anyhow more from Mr. Fallar... Jamison missing the January 31st deadline was all the NHL's fault! http://nebulousverbo...tough-audience/ The NHL has done everything and more to try and keep this team in this market. Any Coyotes fan who blames the NHL for this or any other failed ownership bid deserves to be punched in the face.
  15. This. I'd like to see a Toronto/Toronto 2.0/Chicago/Detroit/Minnesota/Winnipeg/Columbus/St. Louis division if we're going the eight teams per division route. The best part about it is that when the Toronto 2.0 team inevitably has to move you can stick them in Milwaukee and it'll still work!
  16. "One day more to relocation, we will nip it in the bud!"
  17. Hulsizer AND Ice Edge? I eagerly await their first fax.
  18. I think it's already been reported that Gallacher is no longer interested. As for Ice Edge, I have no idea why the league is even still talking to these idiots.
  19. Honestly I think they knew he couldn't buy the team. They were just hoping the gravy train from Glendale would continue and Jamison was a means to stretch the process out. Well the gravy train's done. So....great job Commissioner.
  20. A Calgary oil baron? If this were the 1970s that would mean something.
  21. They'd definitely trail the Sounders in popularity. The city's crazy for that team.
  22. Fans showing up doesn't change the fact that the team needed a new rink five years ago. I don't think the Islanders wanted to move to Brooklyn, but what else where they going to do at this point? They needed to get out of the Nassau Coliseum, and they couldn't get a new arena lined up on Long Island.
  23. Both the Coyotes and the Panthers made the mistake of moving from downtown locations where they were drawing well to suburban arenas that no one could be bothered to drive to. Even when the NHL gets it right they get it wrong. Still, I have yet to see a single ownership group step up and say "we'll keep the team in the market, but we're going to move them back downtown." The only people who have expressed interest have been hustlers with no actual money who want to keep them in Glendale or groups who want to move them elsewhere. If moving the team back to the US Airways Centre was the quick fix to save the market I'd imagine it would have, at the very least, been proposed by now. And not just by yahoos on the interwebs.
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