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Everything posted by IceCap

  1. Umm, pretty sure that's the most painfully obvious case of collusion any court has ever seen... If that happened, where would their 2012 Pacific Division Champions banner hang? They can give it to Mike Smith. I'm sure he has a collection of sticks he's used to threaten officials and opposing players. The banner would complement that room nicely.
  2. True, but Seattle and Portland represent two more relocation options for the plethora of struggling teams once Quebec City is taken.
  3. It'll never work in terms of developing a solid fanbase for the team. The only success Toronto 2.0 would have would be related to how they could benefit the Leafs or their fans (the territorial fee, the competition, providing a means to see the Leafs play, etc...).
  4. I like them when paired with the white jerseys :shrug:
  5. This is amazing. The Stars will be playing in bloody Yellowknife while Glendale's "just a month away from getting a deal together."
  6. Yeah, it's a shame too. I rather liked the original logo and the two helmet designs it was used for. The leaping Jaguar on the jerseys would have gotten old quickly, but just replace that one huge leaping jaguar with smaller leaping jaguars, one on each sleeve, and you have a rather sharp look.
  7. Their original logo was too close to the logo of the Jaguar car company.
  8. Actually not true. If you work for a company that sells those jerseys and offers a bonus based on sales, then you are losing money based on someone buying a counterfeit instead of a legit jersey. Or a counterfeit instead of a t-shirt. Or supporting a bogus business and allowing it to exist. Yeah nice Hypothetical, but that's not how the NFL works. The NFL owns the rights to ALL the logos and licences them to Nike for the uniforms. The logo's are designed either in house by designers on a fixed wage, or by an outside agency who are paid a one off fee. Its not a hypothetical it happens at the manufactures. Designers work for the manufactures. Yeah you're right NIke probably does employ designers too. But if you think they're employed to design NFL uniforms EXCLUSIVELY, and that they receive any kind of "bonus" based on the sales of them then I think you're living in cloud cukoo land! 9erssteve Dude, pcgd works (or worked) for Reebok. The company that had the NFL licence for ten years. I'd trust him on this one.
  9. Well that's the thing. This thread is full of people saying "I went to a *insert team here* game, and 75% of people were wearing knockoffs." I find those stories to be suspect. At the very least I think the person telling the story is remembering way more fakes then they actually saw. I say this because it all comes back to economics. Teams, leagues, manufacturers? They all, at the end of the day, exist to make money. If "75%" (or any other shocking large percentage) of a team's fans were buying fakes then the teams and manufacturers would take notice. Sure, Nike likes getting $300 per authentic jersey sold, but if the choices are "lower the price and sell the product" or "keep prices where they are and don't" then they're going to lower their prices. Given that prices for jerseys are still up there, I'm inclined to believe that the vast majority of fans are still willing to pay those high prices for the real deal. Which means, from an economic standpoint, prices are not to high. Maybe we're getting there with Nike's NFL prices, but we're not there yet. As for "well prices are so high that's why fakes exist," well prices will always be to high for someone. If Nike announced they were dropping the price of authentics down to $75 (a 75% price cut) you would still have people complaining about how they "don't have $75 to spend on a jersey." And those people will use that "high" price of $75 to justify buying a fake for $40.
  10. So....don't buy a jersey. We're not talking about medicine, food, or water here. It's a jersey. A luxury item. You're not entitled to one. If you can't afford one or simply don't want to pay for one because you think the prices are to high, simply don't make the purchase. If enough people follow suit the prices will drop. Economics! The "steal a loaf of bread to feed your family" example doesn't fly here. so dont buy a jersey....? what a silly response. Obviously, i'm not buying a jersey, I'm buying a knock off LOL j/k sometimes you want a little something more then a t-shirt and this provides that option. I'm not worried about it being exacting in design. Its a waste of time to worry about something so trivial. But again, whats your point ? what are you going to do about it ? who cares if you do ? you posted a picture and typed your "it sucks " diatribe...now what ? What are you going to do about it ? some people like fakes, some dont. The internet makes mail order 10 million times easier then in the past. Thats all there is to it. i'm not mocking or trolling anyone here, We are all uniform history enthusiasts. Whats next? another picture of a off center number and your mockery of it ? thrilling.... I'm not sure you understand what kind of message board this is.... As the Borg would say (TNG 25th anniversary and all) that's irrelevant. Designers probably aren't being effected by the sale of knockoffs, but the intellectual property is still owned by someone. Be it the league, team, or manufacturer. If you want a San Francisco 49ers jersey and have the money to spend on it, then the 49ers, NFL, and Nike deserve your money. You want a good that they own the rights to. Simple. By buying a fake you cheat the legit owners of the IP out of money they earned by building and marketing a brand you as a consumer wish to buy into. Now no doubt someone will say "oh, the league/team/manufacturer is a huge corporation, who cares if they lose money?" To which I respond "yeah, well theft is still theft."
  11. Heard you on the LogoCast. I loved the story behind the Suns' 1992-2000 look. That has to be one of my all time favourite basketball identities.

  12. So....don't buy a jersey. We're not talking about medicine, food, or water here. It's a jersey. A luxury item. You're not entitled to one. If you can't afford one or simply don't want to pay for one because you think the prices are to high, simply don't make the purchase. If enough people follow suit the prices will drop. Economics! The "steal a loaf of bread to feed your family" example doesn't fly here.
  13. The flywire collars work in some instances, like the Jets, Buc's and Panthers. Others look plain awful, like the Redskins. I agree on the Broncos orange unis though. the Elway ones are the only ones they should wear if they want to wear orange. The Panthers don't wear flywire.
  14. it looks terrible indeed . i buy from http://www.weiketrade.hk and never have a problem. Too bad that site is also filled with terrible counterfeits. i bought a Michael jordan bulls #23 . and the quality is awesome .not too bad anyway. Whateves loooooogodude.
  15. Yes, primarily that he doesn't actually have any money. You would think that would be a deal-breaker when it comes to wanting to buy a pro sports team, but here we are.
  16. They wouldn't. The idea that they would contract the Coyotes and then bring in a new expansion team down the line is pretty stupid. Even for the NHL.
  17. Why can't they have a 29-team league? The league had 21 teams during an entire decade. The NBA had either 27 or 29 teams for most of my lifetime. The NHL isn't like MLB or the NFL where almost every team plays almost everyday (or every week). They can easily get by with an odd number of teams. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't see any problem with a 29-team league, at least from a scheduling standpoint. There's nothing wrong with the idea of a 29 team league except for the fact that having one would mean contraction. Which would not only torpedo the negotiations with the NHLPA but would also damage the NHL's reputation. Contraction in this day and age is seen as minor league. The NHL has enough problems with public perception as it is in the US. They don't need to add to that by losing a team.
  18. I like the black sweater. As a potential alternate. With the skating penguin on the shoulders. Not sure how popular vs unpopular this opinion is, but it's kind of on topic now. I don't think the robo penguin was all that great a logo.
  19. All of that is, of course, dependent on Jamison actually having the money to pay for this bs deal that technically nets him a subsidy more then what he'd pay for the team anyway. Which he doesn't. According to him.
  20. The only change to the primaries that would work for the Celtics would be to return the BOSTON script to the roads. Though I wouldn't mind the seeing green and gold St. Patrick's Day look replace the green and black look as the standard alternate set.
  21. Libraries, police, city hall. It's all being sacrificed. It won't be long before city hall's a combination Taco Bell/KFC. It'll be ok though, because the Coyotes will still be around, playing in front of 8,000 people a night
  22. hahahahaha. Between this and the well-worn "Marge v. the Monorail" analogy, this whole thing is the fourth season of The Simpsons. Where's Gabbo?
  23. Is that a joke or is there a real article saying that? There was an article that, more or less, whined about the Jets not making enough of a deal about their time in Atlanta. What's to make a big deal about? The Thrashers sucked, their owners were pathetic, and their fan support was tepid. How would you feel if the Anaheim Kings virtually shunned the team's history in Sacramento? The Thrashers did win a division championship, and a couple players did win some awards that the league hands out annually. It's not like nothing happened. They're a step below what the Kings have been in their time in Sacramento..... It's not an illustrious history, but it is the franchise's history nonetheless. But I don't really care if the Jets consider it their history or not. The thing is that they Jets do honour their history in Atlanta. http://jets.nhl.com/club/gamelog.htm http://jets.nhl.com/club/draftstats.htm http://jets.nhl.com/club/historicalplayers.htm Which is what made the article claiming they didn't so absurd. They don't have that Division Championship banner hanging, but then again it's still the property of the ASG, along with the rest of the Thrashers' intellectual property. They honour their history as the Thrashers to the extent that they're legally allowed to.
  24. They had that bird head that breathed fire. That was kind of cool.
  25. Is that a joke or is there a real article saying that? There was an article that, more or less, whined about the Jets not making enough of a deal about their time in Atlanta.
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