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Everything posted by Sport

  1. But they are "wrong" uniforms because we're not used to them yet and we can only go off of how we feel right now. Brandon Phillips in a Braves uniform is his wrong uniform. Maybe he has a huge comeback and the Braves unexpectedly win the World Series while he wears that uniform. At that point it won't be a wrong uniform, but RIGHT NOW as of this post it doesn't look right.
  2. I sat here trying to figure out why this didn't look right to me. Beauchemin is the Maple Leaf in this picture FYI. #71 is Chris Clark. One of the guys we gave up to get Fedorov. Fall in a hole, Doug Maclean!
  3. yeah this was good. What keeps coming back to me about this era of NBA players is how much smarter they are about the media, their role as public figures, the political landscape, the business side of the game, etc etc than the guys 10-15 years ago.
  4. Nathan Horton. Long time Panther, Stanley Cup winner with Boston, 36 games with the Blue Jackets. Back issues forced him to long term IR. Contract traded to Toronto because the Blue Jackets never insured him and Toronto was willing to take on the contract to rid themselves of.... David Clarkson. longtime Devil, famously bad contract with Toronto, 26 total games with the Blue Jackets. Back issues have also forced him to LTIR. He'll likely never play again.
  5. Come to think of it, is there a geographic NBA rivalry that's really nasty? Do the Nets and Knicks, Lakers and Clippers get up for the city championship? Do the Magic and Heat, Texas teams fans get at each other for "best in the state"? That stuff seems way more important in other sports. Like Ducks fans and Kings fans really hate each other, but I don't get the same feeling from the lakers and clippers fanbases. Maybe I'm just not plugged in, but seems to me any rivalry in the NBA is relatively short lived and comes from playoffs and finals matchups. The best one right now is Cavs-Warriors, but there's Lakers-Celtics of course and in the 90's there was heat-knicks and Bulls-Pistons and Knicks-Pacers, but then players move on and they die down.
  6. I asked about this and nobody really seemed to care all that much about the Blazers either way. It seems like Portland-Seattle would've been a fierce NBA rivalry, but I didn't really get that impression. The Grizzlies couldn't have been around long enough to engender any kind of relationship with the other two other than "thanks for the free win".
  7. I recently bought a large city of Cincinnati flag
  8. Same. Safeco is my second favorite stadium I've been to (Hi, Coors Field). It rains here more than it rains in Seattle, especially in the summer where it basically doesn't rain in Seattle. Almost all their rainfall happens opposite of the baseball calendar. I'd love to not have to worry about weather when going to a game. Can't tell you how many games I've passed on free tickets because it looked like it might rain later.
  9. Yes. Safeco isn't a dome. It's a baseball stadium that has a retractable canopy. Even when the roof is closed it's still open air.
  10. My guess is they go back to the Coliseum in Uniondale (lower capacity and all) until they get a new arena somewhere in Queens. They've been playing to crowds smaller than 13,000 in a 15k seat arena as is. I believe the Coliseum's new capacity is 13K. edit for no reason: One thing that I like about Barclay's is whenever I see the SUV in the corner I like to pretend the vehicle is a huge Islanders fan and bought season tickets. Everytime a different car is parked there it means he gave them to a friend because SUV couldn't make it that night.
  11. Jagr in Jersey was weird to me tj begin with. Jagr in a throwback Devils jersey is even more strange.
  12. The Reds' ridiculous facial hair policy that is no longer in place led to many guys looking out of place during their stints with the team. Here's Paul Konerko in wrong team, wrong facial hair and David Wells I have no memory of the Yankees or Astros stints and then I found this and had no memory of this either
  13. I like how now that he's left ESPN several ESPN employees just openly blast on him on twitter. Documented idiot Danny Kanell even takes shots. I mean, if I was working at the network and trying to be respected in the field and this buffoon is shamelessly hot-taking on the same network, pulling your reputation into the mud with him, I would have a huge problem with that.
  14. Even weirder he played in the Winter Classic alumni game this past weekend. I know the alumni game is for the great players who have played for the team, but Brodeur only played 7 games for the Blues. This is like if the Seahawks inducted Jerry Rice into a Ring of Honor. Here's an even weirder one: Brodeur playing in a different Blues alumni game as a skater and for good measure: The great one in a uniform he never wore on a team he played with for like two months.
  15. Sergei Fedorov in a Blue Jackets uniform has the same feeling for me. What even I didn't realize was he hung around long enough to wear the EDGE uniforms with the team.
  16. This is great. I love how the background captures the spirit of the animal.
  17. The back patio at Brothers in Newport has my favorite view of the city.
  18. My sister gave me a Wacom tablet for my birthday a few months back. I painted the Cincinnati skyline to teach myself how to use it. Liked it so much I had it printed on canvas.
  19. Brandiose Process: 1. Start with a nickname. What's the lowest hanging fruit, most obvious association people have with that town? Okay, stop looking for inspiration right there, don't ask residents for their thoughts. They don't know anything. Now, take that, wittle it down to a very specific part of the aforementioned local tradition/industry/profession so that the nickname sounds ridiculous and inappropriate for a team of grown men. Bonus points if it's more than one word. We don't care about things like dignity, subtlety, restraint, or sophistication. 2. Does the nickname have a face? Great we're halfway there. Draw a scowling angry logo swinging a baseball bat and/or ready to throw a punch. Bonus points if the thing isn't inherently angry. What if the nickname doesn't have a face like it's a boat or a tree or a shrimp? Give it a face anyways! Make sure it's angry. Bonus points if there's an object related to the name that can be used in place of a baseball bat like a bone or a tree or a stick or anything long and bat-like. If not, no big deal, just give it a bat. It must be swinging a bat. 3. Take the new mascot, put it in a bunch of wacky situations for alternate logos that don't add anything that the primary doesn't already convey. 4. Lettermarks. If part of the primary logo resembles a letter or can be even vaguely shaped to resemble a letter then hell yes use it as a letter. A donut looks like an O. New Orleans has an O. PERFECT. 5. Wordmarks. Throw everything you got at the wordmarks. The more flourishes the better. We don't care about legibility. 6. Uniforms: The primary cap should have the lettermark that will be completely illegible from more than 10 feet. They will wear this for home games when they're not wearing the alternate caps. The alternate caps will feature the cartoon alternates. We'll have 6 jerseys. One will have an abbreviated version of the ridiculous team name. One must have a nickname for the city that nobody actually uses. This is essential.
  20. I think Brandiose went to the well one too many times. The Jumbo Shrimp and Rumble Ponies were just more of the same thing they've been doing for years, but this? This feels like them trying to see how far they can go, how many of their tricks they can throw at one team, and I think they finally went too far.
  21. Simmons' appeal was always that he was just a fan, except he's smarter than the average fan (or maybe just has more free time to think about this stuff) and he found that niche where "smart" people can read him and don't have to be embarrassed about watching 9 hours of the NFL on Sunday as long as they break down the happenings in long and tenuous pop culture comparisons. Overall I like his podcast, but I pretty much only listen if I'm interested in his guest. I think it's at its best when the guest is smarter than him. I don't care about his college buddies or AGW writers, or gambling lines so I skip those episodes. The rest of The Ringer podcasts are pretty much butt and I gave up on listening to them. Maybe now that the show is cancelled his podcast will become more frequent and with better sit downs than he's had since TV show went on the air. I think the show failed for a couple reasons: 1. The thing everybody saw coming out of the first episode was Ben Affleck on quaaludes yelling about Deflategate. What is everybody in sports is tired of talking about? Boston sports, Boston sports fans still finding things to bitch about despite unprecedented success, and Deflategate. The country basically told him to STFU about Boston sports. I'm not saying never have Ben Affleck on to yell about the Patriots, but maybe couch that in the middle of the second season. Not E1. So that went viral in a bad way for him and likely turned a lot of potential viewers off maybe from the first time they'd ever heard about the show. The show got smarter from there and had some good discussions with good guests, but a lot of people never tried to seek it out after that first hiccup. 2. It felt forced and it proved what I've always thought about his podcast - he's not a good host. Also, "Here's my unbuttoned dad shirt and trendy white guy sneakers. My studio looks like a rich guy's basement. I'm young and fresh." Just didn't work.
  22. The Suns and Diamondbacks' facilities are downtown Phoenix.
  23. If I read the article correctly the red dot is where the new 16,000 seat arena would go Much closer to where the money lives in Scottsdale, Gilbert, Chandler, and Mesa. Not to mention much more accessible for ASU students. Edit: For comparison: Here is where they currently play No mystery why they have attendance problems.
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