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Everything posted by Sport

  1. I know what you mean. I had deep Patriots fatigue after that Falcons super bowl and the product was pretty stale at that point. But the league got really fun in 2019 and last year was a nice respite from Hell World. The sport at the NFL level is getting closer every day to big scale Arena football and I mean that as a compliment. When Tyreek Hill threw up the deuce sign last season on the way to the endzone the only people upset by that were Wellington Mara's dumbass kid, but those are the only guys that matters. The stodgy white heirs of stodgy white heirs just couldn't help themselves but to meddle with a good thing.
  2. The taunting penalties in the Bengals-Bears game were laughable and frustrating. The NFL leads all of sports in inventing solutions nobody asked for to problems that don't exist.
  3. Yeah I was going to say. When the Blue Jackets introduced the blue pants for the stupid red jerseys it opened the door for this. Prior to that it was always just a thought, but once the pants became real then I think we were all hoping they'd try it with the road uniforms. They waited until the last road game of the season, but I thought it looked pretty good and definitely better than the red pants with the white jerseys. I would love to be the team that wears red pants at home and blue on the road. It solves two problems: 1. The red pants don't really feel like they belong with the white jerseys and socks and 2. Having home and road pants gives them a unique uniform quirk, which helps further set them apart from the other blue/red teams.
  4. I'm joking about Paul Bissonnette being the worst player in NHL history. There's loads of guys who played fewer games and scored fewer points. As a personality I think Biznasty is tiresome. He wasn't that good on the few episodes I listened to of the Spittin' Chiclets podcast (which is a mess all around and I don't understand the popularity). Maybe he's better in a polished studio show? Agreed about Gretzky. That guy's famously dull and a lot of people have reported that he's kind of an a$$hole behind the scenes.
  5. Smart move to grab the best player in NHL history (Gretzky) and the worst player in NHL history (Bissonnette) for the studio team. That's quite the spectrum of hockey perspectives to hear from before, during, and after a game.
  6. They should correct the sleeve numbers too.
  7. So they fixed the black numbers, but created a whole new problem. Why are they so bad at this? Blue and burgundy shouldn't touch (except where they have to, like where the hem stripes meet the pants). The obvious solution was take the black numbers with the gray outlines and replace the black with blue and leave the gray outlines. Also this blue is far too bright. I know it's hard to match colors across different materials, but come on.
  8. Here's an article about how they achieve that shallow depth of field look: https://theathletic.com/2275503/2020/12/21/meet-megalodon-the-fox-camera-that-made-a-splash-in-this-made-for-tv-nfl-season/
  9. I've been watching a lot of youtube videos lately about the history and designing of Disney parks - that Ducks concept looks right at home with early 90's era imagineering. They probably referred to the hockey players as "cast members" and everything.
  10. Did the recent renovation of that arena make it suitable for hockey? They played there for their first 6 or 7 years in Phoenix and it was....suboptimal.
  11. What's the worst looking record that the 17 game schedule is foisting upon us? 9-8 is close, but I think I hate 7-10 the most.
  12. My stance is the same as when the NBA started using ads, MLB put the Nike logo on the chest, the NHL started using the helmets logos - I get not caring because there's a lot of things people are passionate about that I couldn't give two farts about, but I do not understand people arguing FOR ads on jerseys. That is weird.
  13. Barstool's work is they attract a loyal following of dumbasses by positioning themselves as a brand for mentally 23 year old meatheads who feel persecuted for being meatheads and worry about things like "you can't even compliment a woman anymore without getting arrested". Then once in the tribe and feeling like a member those meatheads are fed sneakily terrible gambling advice through the Barstool podcasts and social media channels. Those meatheads take that bad advice and bet on games with the Barstool sportsbook who then collects returns at a rate that is unheard of for sports betting. The misogyny, the jocularity, the shouts against woke cancel culture et al is nothing. That's all just a tool to separate the stupidest a$$holes from the rest of us. Stupid a$$holes are easier to trick.
  14. He has the same hand mannerisms when he talks. It makes me physically sick. Sounds like it'll be Major League Baseball. Who's gonna be the analyst, Curt Schilling, Aubrey Huff, etc.?
  15. I didn't dislike her. She was fine on College Gameday. This probably isn't even fair to her, but she has this "HERE I AM!" energy that I find off-putting.
  16. After all that hullabaloo Maria Taylor and ESPN couldn't reach an agreement on a contract extension. Statements from ESPN and Maria Taylor - ESPN Press Room U.S. I wish her well, but I can't say I'll miss her on College Gameday.
  17. RE: Addison Rae - For one year in college I lived in the house next door to Allie LaForce and partied with her on occasion. She was Miss Teen USA in 2005, which afforded her a scholarship to Ohio University and a spot on the basketball team, which she probably wasn't qualified for. To her credit, she did go to journalism school for 4 years, but had a job with CBS Sports lined up before graduation because, again, Miss Teen USA. Is she good at what she does? She's not bad and that's all that matters. A lot of girls I knew in the OU J-school and even some of her roommates resented her for so easily falling into opportunities, but like everything else, it helps to be hot. That's my advice to young kids - don't go to journalism school in 2021 unless you're hot or rich or hot and rich.
  18. So are these new white Rams jerseys going to be alternates or are they the new full time road uniforms?
  19. Yeah no argument on the pants. It's the one WTF Choice that Nike throws into every redesign. It's like they said "well we can't just reuse the old pants from the old set" and to that I say "WHY CAN'T YOU". But the rest is such an improvement that I've decided to ignore that specific pair of pants.
  20. Sharing for no reason other than I saw this and it really showed how much better the new unis look compared directly with the old look.
  21. Agreed. As much as I love the new FC Cincinnati stadium the ideal perfect world solution would've been that it never had to be built and they'd play their home games at Paul Brown Stadium. Instead PBS takes up tons of space on our riverfront unused by the public for well over 300 days a year. We have 4 stadiums for 3 pro sports teams and a college football team who uses theirs maybe 7 times a year. It's pretty crazy when you actually think about what these teams do for the city and how often the facilities get used. I grow more horrified by each new stadium. The Rams spent 5 billion for Sofi and now all these rich guys think that's the going price and the next guy will spend 6 billion. The Rangers spent 1.2 billion to replace a 25 year old stadium and for the life of me I can't figure out where the money went. Somebody in Arlington, Texas is up to something fishy with that monstrosity. FC Cincinnati, however, just spent 250 million for a seating capacity around 26,000 and I think MLB teams should be taking notes from these Soccer Specific Stadiums. They're smaller, but they're still impressive and nice places to visits. There's gotta be ways to go about it that are economical yet still makes fans feel like they're in a big league facility. Take, IDK, 400 million and build a nice, intimate, contained facility with 30K seats, and put a simple sliding roof on it if you need AC because you live in a place too hot for people to exist. But there's absolutely no reason we need to be spending the GDP of St kitts and Nevis on a baseball stadium other than the billionaires want to measure wallets against other billionaires.
  22. 45 minutes every time you go to a game is a big deal if you're local, though. You work a full day and then you're faced with watching the game at home vs. commuting 90 minutes in your car and it's easy to see why people make the choice not to go to the ballpark. Let me ask, is 35 minutes a typical travel distance for Brewers fans or is that on the higher end? I feel like even situated where it is Miller Park is pretty centrally located. Same with Kauffman Stadium and the others that aren't right in the heart of a downtown. Tropicana Field, though, is a journey to get to for most parts of the media market. When I was in Tampa for work I stayed next to the airport and I drove to Tropicana Field just to check it out. This was around 8:30pm and it took me over 30 minutes one way. That's from a point on the map that is pretty central in the city. I remember when FC Cincinnati was looking for locations to build their new stadium there was a number thrown out that said that for every extra mile a stadium is outside of downtown you could count on 1,000 fewer fans per game. In the Rays case, having traveled to the building from my hotel, I absolutely believe that to be true. It is easily the dumbest thing I've ever seen a major league baseball player do. It's like Baez went so off-book that it tricked the first baseman's baseball brain into rundown mode even though he was running back to home where he can't be safe. Baez is out if he runs all the way home, right? I'm not!
  23. I've always said it's a combination of factors! But for some reason people want to wholly dismiss the stadium as one of them such as: The idea that nobody went to that World Series or their playoff games is a bit disingenuous and overblown. You act like they only got 10,000 people at those World Series games and that's just untrue. I think people aren't fully grasping the difficulty of getting to and fro that place, especially weeknights, especially when you live on the other side of town where most of the population lives I live 6 miles from Great American Ballpark as the crow flies and I've passed on free tickets just because I didn't feel like dealing with the minor hassles of going to a game that night. If you put our stadium in, let's say, Hebron, Kentucky, plus it's a crappy dome, I'd go maybe once or twice a year. Why's this difficult?
  24. Both stadiums more accessible for the fanbase’s population center, better public transit than Tampa, but also both franchises threatened to move because of those poor stadium situations. The Giants eventually got theirs and have not struggled at the gate since. The A’s don’t pack them in in the regular season. If anything they’re analogous to what the Rays are dealing with. Again, nothing about the Rays stadium situation has changed. Their TV ratings suggest people are watching and given that they’re not selling 100,000 tickets for Yankees and Red Sox series that leads me to believe that the ballpark is the problem. I just don’t understand the quickness to dismiss this enormous factor.
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