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Everything posted by Sport

  1. I didn’t include that uniform because I…………kind of liked it. Gotta go!
  2. Things keeping it from being my worst ever is it's for only one game and the actual sweater striping and construction of the jersey itself isn't visibly upsetting and actually kind of attractive. The only problem is sMashVIlLe on the front. Here's a few I dislike more: This gets my vote for all-time worst uniform in NHL history.
  3. The Lightning should be the Chargers of the NHL and I don't know why they're not. Other than their pants stripe they remain committed to being a more boring and ripped off version of the Leafs. I don't get it. I don't like the nickname on a jersey, but actually using lightning bolt imagery to decorate the sweater is a step in the right direction. the SMASHVILLE jersey might be the worst NHL uniform this century.
  4. On top of making loads of money for not really doing anything Taysom Hill is also somehow 31 years old. IDK why, but the fact that that dude is in his thirties makes me laugh.
  5. What I mean is don't put the arena in Houston's equivalent of Glendale. Put it where people can access it easily. Yes or they could be like the Dallas Stars. Atlanta's failure was the result of several different failures piled on top of one another that didn't allow them to overcome the challenge of their uniquely weird market. I do not believe the Atlanta Thrashers' failure had all that much to do with the weather.
  6. I was going off the first shared tweet, which used the words "NEW ARENA" and IF they're building a new arena then don't put the new arena in a suburb is all I was saying.
  7. Not unless the rumored buyer is the owner of the Rockets. The tweet says "the Arizona Coyotes are "for sale again with idea of buyer eventually moving team to a new arena in Houston."
  8. Houston Aeros or we riot. I think Houston would be an okay hockey market just on sheer volume of residents. Just don't put the new arena in a suburb that's hard to reach and they'll be fine.
  9. You can tell who the true evil is by how they unite enemies. Look at Browns, Ravens, and Bengals fans coming together to bask in the Steelers' finally having to eat s***. It's truly inspiring. That's 3 straight wins over the Towels for our Beautiful Boys in Stripes. I have been waiting to see the Bengals lay an ass-kicking like that on the Steelers for my entire life and I don't really get emotional about sports results anymore, but I was fired up to finally experience that. It was as good as I'd ever imagined. After the first game Tyler Boyd said the Steelers quit (which they totally did) and every Steelers fan online said "BULLETIN BOARD MATERIAL KEEP YOUR HEAD ON A SWIVEL BOYD!" and "We'll have TJ Watt back so get ready" and then it didn't matter. At all. Delicious. If the Bengals hadn't put in the backups with an entire quarter to play they could've won that game by fifty. They had to put in backups, though, because the Steelers, as is their custom, started to get dirty and frustrated. Also super f******g embarrassing to have Roethlisberger and the first team out there down 30 in garbage time trying to lead a scoring drive with under two minutes left against the Bengals second team defense. Just kind of sad and pathetic. I'd be embarrassed for them if they weren't the most despicable team in the history of organized athletics.
  10. Always disliked that USF U logo on it's own for that reason. It's so unbalanced.
  11. Fine I'll argue this. Moving it up just a little bit won't render it "difficult to read" or warp it anymore than it already is. Here's examples: Replica helmet with a sticker placed in the ideal location by a normal person. Not much warping or difficulty reading the type. The helmet at that point isn't more or less flat than where the Raiders normally place their decals. Compared to this Game used helmet with sticker placed by a psychopath. Move it up one inch. It won't warp beyond legibility and you avoid the facemask and chin straps.
  12. Have I mentioned this in this thread before? Watching their game on Sunday I was reminded how I hate how low on the helmet the Raiders place their helmet stickers. so I thought maybe this was a recent development with new helmets and all their silly holes and ridges. Nope. They've always put it pretty close to the earhole. It just looks a lot worse on the modern helmets. Raiders, move it up and inch and a half and I promise you it'll look better.
  13. My biggest thought about the Bengals-Raiders game yesterday is they need to end the indoor grass experiment tomorrow and put in some artificial turf. The grass in that place is dangerous and I was nervous Joe Burrow was gonna retear his acl the entire game.
  14. I don't get anything about it. Let's ignore the chrome helmet because it's stupid. Why use the throwback logo on a jersey that has similar striping to the throwback unis, but isn't identical to the striping on the throwback uniforms? It makes them look like an error or a knockoff. You're that close - just use straight throwbacks.
  15. I liked these Winter Classic unis (or were they stadium series? I can't keep track anymore). They at least tried to do something that differentiates it from the normal home sweater. I don't like the boring B jerseys for the same reason I didn't like these What is that uniform doing that the home sweater doesn't? That's for people who just really love the alternate logo and hate shoulder yokes? What's the point? At least make it yellow or something.
  16. What's the sentiment around Boston for those uniforms? I think they look like a generic approximation of a Bruins look for a movie or commercial who couldn't get the rights to the actual Bruins uniforms. This is just a completely statement-absent, third jersey for third jersey's sake look here. I feel the same way about these Washington joints too
  17. College friends of my wife and I got married on Saturday. Groom is from Cleveland, bride from Cincinnati, and they live in Cleveland now. With the Browns-Bengals game just happening to be scheduled for the day after it was just too perfect not to do something for the game on Sunday*. We latched onto my other friend's long-running tailgate and invited guests of the wedding Bengals and Browns alike to the tailgate. Pretty much the only fun part of the day for me. That was a 1 pm kick and people were READY. If that had been a 4pm kick someone might've died. *exact same thing happened after the day after I got married in 2017, lucky enough. That was a much more fun day for the home team.
  18. To win in Pittsburgh you always have to overcome at least one egregiously bad call that benefits them. The onus is on the visiting team to play perfectly while the Steelers can do whatever they want. I don't know why, but it's been that way for as long as I've been watching football.
  19. For real. I don't know why offensive players would A. want to look like slobs and B. make themselves easier to tackle. Tuck your damn shirts in!
  20. Theory I'm working on: The trait (being a weird egomaniac psycho) that results in guys becoming good NFL quarterbacks also makes them impossible nutsacks in normal day-to-day life.
  21. I prefer the Disney logo, but I kind of like the Duck Foot as its own thing. If this is the brand they want to go with using just the D on the crests is the correct move. The decision to use the wordmark as the crests from 06-14 was so weird. It's like they were worried people wouldn't know what team they were anymore so they had to spell it out and if that's the case then don't change at all, dingdongs. If we're airing grievances against the current Ducks jerseys I HATE the thin black outline around the logo on the white jerseys. In almost every other instance on a white background the logo doesn't have the extraneous outline and lets the gray outline touch the white background. Does anyone with access to the Ducks styleguide have an answer on this?
  22. Gardner Pedro Martinez Minshew III The league made Pedro knock that off so instead he just had his sleeves tailored to be huge.
  23. Here's Gene Steratore saying in the politest, most diplomatic, ref way possible that it was a bad call. Still images even make it look like a better call than it was on video. Hilton was about as low as he could get, shoulder positioned slightly above Johnson's knee, about to be as clean a tackle as you can make, then Johnson lowers his helmet into the back of Hilton's and Hilton gets the flag. It doesn't make sense to the written letter of the rule for like 3 different reasons. That's not why they lost, but they would've gotten the ball back down 3 with all 3 timeouts and a little under 2 minutes left. They got robbed of one more chance.
  24. That felt like watching a Marvin Lewis era loss yesterday. Bad tackling, weird gameplan, flat as can be on offense and defense, made a backup QB look like Montana, blew a two score lead late in the game, and all because it looked like they got a little high off their own supply. I'm not mad, just disappointed - I thought this group would be less prone to big-headedness. Also the helmet-to-helmet call on third and 11 with 2 minutes left basically ended the game. One of the worst calls I've ever seen.
  25. Yeah you mean the super cheesy fight song from the late 60's. They stopped playing it for a while, but leaned into it over the last 15 years and now hearing it after scores is the most fun part of any game. I love that game ops is embracing more and more of the late 60's camp they were born out of instead of trying to pretend we're cool in any way. I'm glad you had fun, but that's a most basic Steelers fan move and they are the Worst People AliveTM. I'm not mad, just disappointed.
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