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Everything posted by Sport

  1. Those prices are probably in line with lower bowl seats throughout the league, but when you're playing in an arena that is only the lower half of a lower bowl then you can't price things the same way. It's going to be really embarrassing when they still don't fill it.
  2. A friend of mine is a Cardinals fan and he wanted to make a bet before the season and I was like "why would I do that when the team is openly not trying?" and we both agreed half the league having no interest in actually winning has sucked all the fun out of the sport. Something needs to change. To be fair, the Reds have a major league leading 13 guys on IL, which includes what would be a lot of regulars and two starting pitchers. They'd probably be like 4-9 or a 5-8 with those guys healthy.
  3. I'm morbidly curious to see the Reds attendance this week. They've only played one home game since Phil Castellini went out of his way to antagonize the fans (twice!) on Opening Day and that was the day game after Opening Day that's usually sparsely attended anyways. Since then the team's been out west for mostly late night games people haven't seen and lost 9 straight to go to 2-11. Phil hasn't yet had to grapple with the true consequences of his actions. If they don't win a couple of the games against St. Louis this weekend the Padres series in the middle of the week is going to look like COVID rules are back. If you're a Cardinals fan in/around Cincinnati this weekend and planning to go to the games can you do us a favor and not? I want the stadium empty.
  4. I don't know about the Brewers, Cubs, or Nationals, but the Reds and Rays just wore their spring training tops. Those weren't their regular alternate jerseys.
  5. I'll believe it when the body is cold, but if I know my NFL owners, I know they aren't fond of messing with their money. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/04/12/congress-shares-details-with-ftc-of-alleged-washington-commanders-financial-scams-against-customers-and-the-nfl/ These ghouls will mostly look the other way on other improprieties just in case they too get involved in a scandal down the road, such as, hypothetically, I'll make up an example here, such as getting caught in a sex-trafficking ring in a massage parlor, but if you f*** with the dollars and cents they will end you over even small amounts of money.
  6. One has nothing to do with the other. People (rightfully) REDACTED over the Chargers standard home and road rotations because they look dynamite and those looks are great enough to carry the two unnecessary alternates, which are mostly ignored because they're once a season alternates. The Rays do have an identity crisis, but not because of the sun ray/sting ray confusion. It's because they won't embrace their innate 1998ness. What I'd like to see them do is jazz up the jerseys. The color scheme is good and they've weathered the navy blue/light blue tsunami we got hit with around 2008 and came out the other side with the ability to own it, especially with yellow coming along for the ride. But they use a pretty blah piping and number treatment and a very Windows 95/mayonnaise jar looking wordmark. Lean into that color scheme and don't be afraid to use more than one color on the numbers. That alternate hat they've used with the OG drays logo in the current colors is a great place to start - do that, but on the jerseys.
  7. The green Rays are one of my least favorite uniforms in baseball history. They remind me of mud. They look like someone went to a Men's Wearhouse in 2001 and said "make this whole store a baseball uniform". They're the result of the confluence of a couple bad trends in sports and fashion at the time and the result is a drab, forgettable, nothing statement. Worst part is they bailed on the original expansion look after only three seasons and went from one end of the colorful spectrum to the other so the change has this stink of, "we heard you making fun of our uniforms so good news - our uniforms now have all the charm and color scheme of a morgue." Green too dark and muted, especially for their domed stadium, paired with a blue too close in value to the green rendering the color nearly pointless. They made sure to really compound the issue by insisting on involving black and wore black batting helmets despite wearing green hats while in the field. Though, I think they wore black hats when on the road? See, I don't even know because the green is so dark in pictures that sometimes it looks black and sometimes it actually is black. On top of that a script font that is physically irritating to look at outlined in two colors and a drop shadow for good measure. And because it was the mid 2000's they also went through a vest phase. Anybody getting worked up to sport their Wimbledon green and very dark royal blue and also black sports team? It's a mess. Not to say their uniforms since 2008 are good either, but they at least try to have a balanced color scheme with some bright splashes here and there.
  8. I don't hate that Hurricanes look in a vacuum, but we've already seen it from the Blackhawks, Devils, Flames, Cleveland Barons, and Senators. Not to mention a thousand minor, college, and junior teams. It's the most worn combination in hockey and we don't need another team doing it. If I was king of the NHL here's how I'd manage all the red/black teams: Blackhawks: no changes Devils: go back to the cup uniforms. The uniforms now look like somebody tried to make a Devils jersey at home. Also throw the Jersey jerseys into an active volcano. Flames: no changes. Don't try to dabble in alternates with red and black. Just be the red and yellow team. It's perfect. Senators: It was a good move to stop wearing red sweaters and socks and make themselves the all-black red/black team. I'd keep them in black jerseys, helmets, pants, socks, with more of an emphasis on the barber pole. You don't have to go full 67's here, but some reference to it is key - the original unis barely did this, which is why I wasn't happy that they readopted them with almost no changes. When you have a design element like barberpole right under your nose and you don't use it? Ugh, drives me nuts. Hurricanes: I'd introduce another color to act as the Hurricanes main color to separate them further from the Red Wings and the other red/black teams. You could still keep red and black and the warning flags, but try it with a graphite? Maybe a dark teal? NC State people would hate this, but try it with a light blue, which nobody uses as their primary color right now?
  9. Yesterday was 65 and sunny so I laid in a hammock in the backyard and settled in to watch Hunter Greene's MLB debut. Good stuff from him. Kid's gonna be special. Fortunately for me I missed the two home runs he gave up because I fell asleep in the fourth inning and took one of the best naps of all-time.
  10. Did the Orioles give up a lot of home runs because of Camden Yards or because their pitchers have been batting cage machines for the last 5 years?
  11. Yeah same. When I had MLB network I watched it a lot because they gave a lot of attention to every game from the night before. It's the closest thing to late 90's Sportscenter that anyone's done in a long time. NHL network does that too where their highlights packages show plays that don't always end in a goal, which gives highlights of games you didn't see a measure of suspense. For the life of me I can't figure out why ESPN Classic while still operating in its original conceit never aired randomly selected old Sportscenter episodes. I would've watched the hell out of that.
  12. Another thing is Sportscenter stopped showing as many highlights and the ESPN weekday morning shows turned into live debate content* rather than just re-airing the previous night's Sportscenter episode 4 times. On summer days little me would rewatch sportscenter at least twice, but most days it was 3 or 4 times. I'd see every MLB game from the night before in a highlights package with a stats page after every highlight. Without really trying I had an encyclopedic knowledge of almost every player in the league. *I wonder if being firehosed First Take style bullshirt since they were infants is why 15 year olds on the internet think all sports talk has to be violent hand-to-hand combat.
  13. Other owners protected Snyder for the other stuff just to have their own Ace in the event that they too were caught doing something nefarious in the future, but I hope that being a wildcard and f***ing with their money is where they draw the line. No team produces more bozo fans like this than the Steelers.
  14. Yeah Phil Castellini can eat a bowl of farts. Either he's clueless to the real reason people aren't buying tickets or he's blaming us for being pissed about their big fire sale. Neither one of those is good. Pecota's projections have the Reds at 79 wins, which is the second best projection in the NL Central. If this group of random dudes is good enough for 79 wins then this group of random dudes plus the good players they traded away would've been good enough to make the playoffs. UGHHGHGHGH!
  15. When I was a kid I thought it was hilarious how they used the literal team's logo for their captain's C. They should've never stopped. It's a quality bit.
  16. You can add Tommy Pham's 7.5 million and Hunter Strickland's 1.8 mill to the Reds, which almost makes me more upset. I thought you were shedding payroll? Now you're adding 34 year olds so you can win maybe 78 games?? This team is projected to win 79 games, 79 wins means they could've gotten to 86 wins if they hadn't traded half the starters. 86 wins is a playoff team now. You traded away a playoff team!
  17. I would take a lesson from Pittsburgh fans, PittsburghSucks on how not to behave with a clearly despicable human being at QB. You actually can support the team without supporting him. Don't wear a Watson jersey, don't twitter search his name and then reply to strangers with things like "Never criminally charged!", when he retires don't hold up a sign that says "THANK YOU, DESHAUN!!!" Just don't be boorish about him. The good Steelers fans I know never wore his jersey or argued that he wasn't a piece of s*** because he so clearly was and still is. Those people are THRILLED that he finally f***** off and died. For similar reasons I have never purchased a Joe Mixon jersey.
  18. It's the most Monkey's Paw situation I've ever seen in real life sports. Browns Fans were like "I'm tired of the Browns sucking. I'm tired of crappy QBs who can't play. I *wish* the Browns had a good quarterback." But because Karma isn't real, which we know after watching Roethlisberger for the last 17 years, wouldn't surprise me if Watson is finally be the answer to their QB problem.
  19. This made me sad. The Lightning look more like the Leafs than the Leafs do. The Leafs look more like the Lightning than the Lightning do. This is madness.
  20. https://montreal.ctvnews.ca/disgraced-montreal-sports-writer-jonah-keri-sentenced-to-21-months-for-domestic-abuse-charges-1.5831494 Jonah Keri got 21 months, which feels lenient.
  21. Yeah from a football standpoint I'm not convinced that in the short term* or long term** that the Browns acquiring Watson is good news for Browns fans or bad news for the rest of the AFC Northerners. He was good with the Texans, no doubt, but he could be stopped just like anybody and they've committed a lot of resources to one guy, which doesn't have a great track record historically. * He's going to be suspended for a healthy chunk to start the season and then there's the rust factor. ** That's a lot of money and draft picks to use on one guy. Good luck building around that anchor.
  22. I'll repeat my stance on uniform ads again - I get not caring about jersey ads because there's a lot of things in this world that people are very passionate about that I cannot muster the energy or desire to give a single goose's honk about - If you don't care about jersey ads, that's fine. But what I don't understand is arguing FOR jersey ads. The Blue Jackets jerseys look objectively worse with a Safelite autoglass ad than they do without. Last year when the ads went on the helmets people said "It's just a sticker, it's not like it's a jersey ad. Who cares?" Well now we have jersey ads in addition to helmet ads and people saying "it's just small patch. It's not like it's European hockey. Who cares?" One small ad on the helmet has turned into two small ads, and it really took no time at all. The solution to new cash streams isn't to generally show restraint or to turn them off. If you don't care that's fine, but you cannot deny there's growing visual pollution of our sports uniforms and the days of clean, unblemished uniforms are over. That is sad. It just is. To the "why would a company even do that nobody buys something because they saw a jersey ad" or "it's so small, you'll never see it so who cares???" crowd, you're dumb. You are dumb. You think advertising is a billions dollar industry because it doesn't work? LOL get out of here.
  23. One of my least favorite vocal participants in Reds twitter was going on and on last night about how "you don't know that he was talking about the Reds. He could've been talking about 1/3 of the league after being in free agency and having his options limited." That's a very generous interpretation, but either he's speaking specifically about the Reds (I believe he was) or he's talking about at least a third of baseball, which would also include the Reds. Neither reading of his words is a good look for the team he just left who didn't put in a serious offer for him or put together a serious sales pitch by trading half of his former good teammates. Also knowing the way Castellanos answers questions, I have to assume he was talking about Bob Castellini. And that's one of the reasons I'll miss him.
  24. Here's me just now learning about Schwarber signed with the Phillies. That's a big dumb meaty team they have there in Philly.
  25. Oh right I love this thread. I've been doing digital paintings on my ipad at night while I listen to sports on TV. Here's a few of my favorites:
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