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Everything posted by Sport

  1. It came out today that The Seattle Times fired Marisa Ingemi as one of their Kraken beat reporters in late January. Can't find a reason for her firing online other than s***head stoolies calling her a liar for something she wrote about Dave Portnoy last year.
  2. A thing that was super annoying before the 2020 draft was people saying "well obviously Joe Burrow will pull an Elway or Eli and demand a trade". Completely unfounded speculation with zero evidence and it was led by that jackass Mike Florio at Profootballtalk. It was the most he's ever shown his Steelers fan ass. I didn't hear any of that with Trevor Lawrence and the Jags last year, but for some reason it was this whole thing with Burrow and the Bengals. Burrow is too big of a person to do this, which is what makes him who he is, but if Mike Florio tries to talk to him this week he should tell him to go himself.
  3. See I don't agree that he's cocky and that's where you're missing people. There's a fine line between cockiness and confidence and he's got enough emotional intelligence that whenever he says or does something that could be taken as cocky he does so with a smile and softness to stay on the endearing side. The pre/post game outfits are a good example - he's kind of a nerdy white dude so dressing for the AFC Championship game like he's a 90's R&B singer is funnier than it is cocky. He shouldn't pull it off, but somehow he does.
  4. The dislike button was made for takes like this. If you can’t tell the difference between Baker Mayfield and Joe Burrow then I can’t explain it to you.
  5. Can I make two simple pitches for the Bengals? 1. Stan Kroenke 2. If the dang ass Cincinnati goddamn Bengals can win the f***ing Super Bowl then anyone can.
  6. You are right. This is a magic carpet ride. This is the most fun I've ever had with this team, but unless we have to wait another 33 years to go back the next time will never be as fun or sweet as this because we're going to be ruined with expectations and our dumbest fans will get mouthy. I lived in Seattle when they went to their second straight Super Bowl and by then people were more entitled. Walking around town now people just have this "can you even COMPREHEND this???" vibe. With most things, nothing is ever like the first time, which is why I'm just trying to savor this whole experience.
  7. This video was put together by my sister's friend. I am not in it, but I looked a lot like the adult men crying. I don't think we all really understood how much we needed this until it happened. It was so out of nowhere to win that game and it was so out of nowhere to even be in the AFC Championship game that the release of emotions just came pouring out. Up until three weeks ago I had never seen them win a wildcard game and now we're in the dang ass Super Bowl. This is why you watch sports and go through the inherently silly practice of following a favorite team.
  8. Wow I never really noticed that. Some quick research shows that when the Patriots won at Arrowhead in 2018 they held the trophy presentation in the locker room. Looks like the Bucs got their trophy on the field at Lambeau last year so I guess last year. I know a lot of people who went to Kansas City for the game and they said the Chiefs cut the audio and turned off the video on the scoreboards so they couldn't hear or see the trophy presentation. That's some poor loser bullshirt if you ask me, which is weird because everyone said Chiefs fans were overwhelmingly nice before and even after the game.
  9. I don't know how to feel about the idea of alternate helmets. I like it for accurate throwbacks (the Bengals will finally be able to wear a 70's throwback if they so choose), and I like it for teams like the Bengals who could do something cool with it like a white tiger helmet, but we know thanks to this very unveiling that there will be a lot of really dumb looking designs for dumb teams who can't help themselves.
  10. Incredible and par for the course for that organization. That's always been a minor annoyance of mine when people insist on using the actual year a Super Bowl happens instead of the traditionally accepted procedure of using the season's year. I never thought an actual team would do it, though. Remarkable work the Stumblin' Dan Snyders. Just for funzies google "1983 NFL champions" and see what happens. You will not see the Washington (Washington Football Team) come up.
  11. Is that official? They got the seasons wrong for 83, 88, and 92. Technically that's the calendar year when they won those Super Bowls, but the accepted practice is go by the year the majority of the season happened. This right now is still the 2021 NFL season even though it's 2022. The Bengals or Rams will be the champions of 2021.
  12. Because I had the gall to say he should be in the Hall of Fame and then a bunch of hall of fame cops got all fu**y about it and now it has a life of its own.
  13. Hell no. Nobody did. If I'd put money on them to make the Super Bowl before the season I'd be able to pay off my house. They won six games in 2019 and 2020 combined. Their over/under for wins was 6.5. Forget the 99 Rams, they're :censored:ing Leicester City.
  14. I don't think OT rules need to be overly complicated. Three proposals: 1. Keep it how it is now for the regular season to end games in a reasonable amount of time and so additional stress isn't put on the players, but in the playoffs play until somebody is winning at the end of an extra ten minute period. 2. Both teams get the ball regardless of what happens on the first team's possession. If you give up a TD then you get a chance to match. Sudden death rules after that. 3. baseball innings like college does except you use the whole field and the kicking game. One team kicks off to the other, if the first team scores a field goal, they kick off, and the other team gets the chance to match or win with a TD. If the first team turns it over or punts then any points the other team scores ends the game.
  15. I'm not going to pretend to know enough about football X's and O's to explain why the Bengals struggled so much with the Titans when they didn't struggle as much with the likes of Maxx Crosby, Nick Bosa, TJ Watt, Chris Jones, etc. Clearly the Titans defense was a bad matchup for the Bengals o-line and they disguised pressures and stunts and it was a clinic. It could be they just had a bad day. I saw a stat somewhere that said they're the first team in NFL history to win any game when giving up 9 sacks and scoring under 20 points so that's amazing. I want to say that Joe Burrow was waiting too long because he's not afraid to hold it an extra beat if it means Chase or Higgins is open, which means he gets taken down more, but I don't know how many of those you can pin on him. Probably 3 of the 9 were on him. Feels like people are dismissing the game from earlier this season as a fluke or something that actually works in the Chiefs' favor. The Bengals beat them less than a month ago, the Bengals had 400 yards passing, and the o-line actually played pretty well in that one. Burrow and Chase were assassins in that game so the question is can they do it again? I like the Bengals offense vs the Chiefs defense. I don't like the Bengals defense vs. the Chiefs offense, though, if they play the way they did at Tennessee they can do this. I do think the Chiefs did some load management stuff in that game and thought once up 14-0 they could coast to the #1 seed and the Bengals took advantage of that and were shrewd about clock strategy, which makes sense when you look at how the Bills lost last night. I'll still be shocked if they win because Arrowhead is tough to play in and the Chiefs are a wagon, but it's not inconceivable - Worse teams have won in similar situations. Again, I'm just happy to be here.
  16. The Metrodome and the Silverdome are tied for the worst lighting of any stadium or arena ever. It always felt like they were playing in the dark. Like why? Maybe they couldn't get any lights because the Colts were hoarding them.
  17. The very first domed stadium was dedicated to two sports. It's kind of weird that they had Super Bowls in domes in Pontiac, Michigan and Minneapolis, Minnesota, but never in the Astrodome. When they did hold a Super Bowl in Houston it was in Rice's football stadium.
  18. That is one of the most heartbreaking losses I’ve ever seen. Of course it happened to the Bills. My biggest takeaway from last night's game is that neither outcome would've been good for our beloved Cincinnati Bengals. I'm just happy to be here.
  19. lol no. Maybe they don’t get to the super bowl this year, but the Bengals aren’t even in the playoffs without Ja’Marr Chase. This debate was settled three months ago.
  20. The Titans are taking a page out of their neighbor's book and are limiting ticket transfers to 24 hours before the game to cut down on visiting fans. I expect a decent number of Bengals fans will make the short drive.
  21. I just realized both the Bengals and the Titans lost to the Jets this season. I could see either team winning. I’m just excited to see the Bengals this far for the first time. I have to attend a funeral in Cleveland on Saturday morning otherwise I’d likely be in Nashville this weekend. It’s only 4.5 hours! Probably for my bank account and my health’s best, though, that I’m not going to another playoff game this year.
  22. The Bengals lost Larry Ogunjobi for the season and possibly Mike Daniels. They don't know yet if Trey Hendrickson will play. What I'm saying is I'm worried about stopping Derrick Henry. Paradoxically, I am far more relaxed than I've ever been before a playoff game. (Edit: I guess I was really not nervous before they played the Colts in 2014 because I knew they didn't stand a chance after Pittsburgh viciously and deliberately, as they are wont to do, injured half the starting offense in Week 17). Obviously it would be cool to win and the draw has never been more favorable for the Bengals. I mean no offense Titans fans - I just like the idea of one of the Chiefs and Bills wiping the other out. But when this season began I did not expect to end the playoff win drought, let alone play for the AFC Championship for the first time since I was laying Lincoln logs in my shorts. The two ton gorilla is off our backs. It's over so now they can just go out and play. House money, baby.
  23. He’s a zoomer. That is as dialed down as they can be.
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