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Posts posted by Dynasty

  1. The Dolphins have had a history of underused WR's that played better on other teams (Welker and Marshall come to mind). Of course Hill is a Top 5 receiver right now, but he is only going to do so much with Tua, who can barely even throw down the field.


    It's a lot of draft picks (and money), but I'll stick with the fan mentality and just be glad we have another good player.

    • Like 1
  2. ^ I would add the Spurs and Bulls to the NBA, maybe Heat but I'd be more comfortable saying that if they still stayed put for another 5-10 years.


    I think the fact that MLB has so many clubs who may never change, is a good thing for the brand of the league. I understand a majority of the league has been around for a century and have seen tweaks on numerous occasions, but many of them have been very consistent.

    • Like 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Sport said:

    The Reds traded Sonny Gray to the Twins for some dudes, they haven't even spoken to Nick Castellanos' agents, and pre-lockout they said they're going to "align payroll with our resources". For real, they said that. That was their pitch to ticket-buyers and fans who might've had an interest in watching a team that won 83 games last year and was a couple guys away from being a division contender. We're going to align payroll with our resources is something you say internally, you don't come out and tell fans "hey our spending got out of control and we accidentally got too good over the last couple years so we're gonna go back to not trying to win. Sorry". 


    Now a couple stud prospects from the last rebuild like Hunter Greene and Nick Lodolo seem ready to go so it'll be fun to finally see them pitch on a team that wins 77 games if we're lucky. 


    We don't have a sadface emoji for the reaction here, so I'll give you the thumbs up... and a sadface. ☹️

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  4. 7 hours ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Do you understand how advertising works? I mean, if you are seriously making that statement, you don't.  I'm not trying to bag on you, but this is a case where the focus of this particular part of the internet needs to look at the reality of the real world. The characteristic of the people here is that we would like our uniforms to be ad free. But to state that an ad would be ok if they're in team colors and small is out of line with reality, except if it happens by chance in terms of color (such as if IBM were to advertise on the Indianapolis Colts uniforms).


    As stated by Mike Florio, remember when everyone was outraged at sponsored stadium names? I'm not FOR ads, but this too shall pass.


    I didn't think about that. It's one of those instances where you post without thinking. Don't know what else to say. 🤷‍♂️ I guess I'm just trying to look at the situation positively, but not rationally, because I too dislike ads.

    • Applause 1
  5. So with MLB brining in the ads, when is the NFL coming next?


    I think if their small enough and in team colors, it could be potentially salvageable. But I can just imagine a franchise winning their first ever Super Bowl, and all you see on their jerseys in memorabilia and photos is the GoDaddy.com logo on them.

    • Hurl 1
    • Hate 2
  6. 2 hours ago, heavybass said:

    How the :censored: are you this bad at drafting.... no wonder the Rams said :censored: them first round picks.


    From what I remember, they often just traded down out of the first round. When they did keep their pick, it was on guys that weren't really 1st round caliber. An example would be when they drafted Rashaad Penny...  they had two other RBs that were playing the season beforehand relatively well (it was Thomas Rawls and Chris Carson, right?) and I just thought to myself, "What the hell?"

  7. I would argue the Lions do need to change. Their hard-to-see silver numbers on their Honolulu blues are... well, hard to see. The odd addition of dark grey being in there as outlines would be significantly better as white. They got rid of black from the previous set only to include another unnecessary addition, grey. I won't even mention the alternates because they shouldn't even exist.


    Honorable mention: the William Clay Ford patch. I find it funny that they're copying their division rivals, but with an owner who is much more insignificant and hardly ever accomplished anything.

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  8. I think many knew that the "Rooney Rule" was flawed, but I honestly give props to Flores for being vocal about it. It'll probably cost him his coaching chances even though it shouldn't, but he's more qualified than most of the recent hires. I can see what that "power struggle" between him and Stephen Ross was about (paying the dude to throw games? lol). Not a good look for the Dolphins... and not a good look for the league as a whole.

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