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Posts posted by MCM0313

  1. 1 hour ago, Silver_Star said:


    There you go. See, that is why I purely like how the Jaguars and Ravens used the gold color and used the CORRECT SHADE! Unlike the Saints. Tom Benson must hate the vivid gold type colors the Jaguars and Ravens use.

    Or the galaxy brains over at Nike still aren’t sure how to make pants in those shades. Or helmets for that matter. 

  2. 7 hours ago, rfraser85 said:

    I think it’s the drop shadow. The black and purple somewhat blend, so the numbers maintain their shape on those jerseys. The Eagles have a similar issue. But the Buccaneers, who use a two-tone border, maintain the number shape on both primary jerseys.

    I LOVE the Bucs’ two-tone number outlines, and was so happy to see them return. 

    7 hours ago, YelichGraphics said:

    It's really interesting as someone who works for an apparel brand that does a heavy amount of throwback merchandise 90s have been way back. And you are right on the money on the 25 year cycle. What causes that trend is the kids of that generation start to make adult money and want to buy stuff that they thought was cool from their childhood. If you asked me 10 years ago about the 90s era in sports I would say it was loud and very expressive but I don't know if I would be clamoring to have any of those identities back full time. Now especially in the NHL we are seeing a resurgence back into that era especially after the past 5 years of heavy minimalistic sports design.

    Which brings me to my fear of the 25 year trend for the next 10 years because I really feel like the early 2000s might be the worst professional sports have ever looked.

    Amen to that! I was a teen in the early aughts and I can’t think of a single uniform change from 2000-04 that I considered an improvement. I remember how shocked I was when the Chargers brought back powder blue full-time as (mostly) a trim color in 2007 because I couldn’t recall the last time a team had ADDED a bright color rather than subtracting one. 

  3. 4 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    I don’t think there are any uniform “never gonna happens” left, to be honest.  I suspect the Raiders primary home and roads are about as untouchable as a uniform can be in this day and age.  But the Raiders bringing out an alternate within a year or two?  You can probably put money on that happening.  

    A silver jersey with black numbers and the same plain styling wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I think it even used to be available as an alt on Madden back in the aughts.  

    However, if they do some dumb “Vegas Nights” crap with neon stripes, that would be catastrophic. In fact, I suspect Al Davis would come back as a zombie and strangle Goodell, and then attempt to eat the hole where his brain should be. 

  4. 2 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    The ads just bounce all the posts and links up and down sporadically and I've learned that it's best to wait three or four minutes so the ads can do whatever they do, which is frustrating.


    And for whatever reason, the ads force a refresh of the page, especially right as I'm typing, and the refresh loses everything I just typed. This is incredibly common on mobile Safari and Chrome. 


    I had to switch to my laptop to post this because I tried to post on mobile and the page refreshed three times.  It's an incredibly frustrating experience. 


    The post that said this site is often unusable- especially on mobile - is pretty accurate. 

    I generally don’t have issues quite this bad, but the force-reloading while I’m trying to type…that struggle is real, although in my case my progress is saved more often than not. I don’t really understand it. 

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    If the Ravens have to  keep their Color Rush (which, to be clear, they don't), then the purple helmet is a definite improvement, as it matches with the gold-heavy jersey infinitely better.


    I prefer the Ravens being more primarily purple and black (not because of any supposed similarity to the Vikings, I just think the scheme fits them and their mascot better), but I suppose this works as a one-time thing.


    I do like this forward-facing secondary logo much more than the primary, I wish the primary logo had more in common stylistically with it.


    As an aside, I think part of why this reveal has been generally well-received is how great the photos look. Something about the images make the helmet and its accompanying jersey look so good. So shout out to the creative team in Baltimore for that.

    The shiny, very metallic finish on the gold elements probably helps too. We’ve become conditioned to accept flat khaki as “gold”, so when we see a bold, rich, metallic shade of gold, it’s like, “oh, yeah, forgot that was a thing!”

    • Like 1
  6. 20 hours ago, trekbkr said:



    When I was a kid, I had a copy of a paperback book published by the NFL around 1976 that was packed with stats and team info.  The entry for my Vikings team noted that the team colors were "purple and white, with gold trim".  I've never forgotten that description, and I've always thought that it accurately pointed out that the Vikings don't wear yellow/gold to the same extent that the Packers do, and they don't wear purple and yellow/gold in the same proportions as, say, LSU.  It's not enough to merely list the colors included in their uniforms; the proportions of those colors matter too, in the same way a red-with-blue team is different from a blue-with-red team.   For me, the Vikings are purple and white, with a little bit of gold.   That's one reason I don't care for their color rush getup--too much yellow/gold.

    Yeah, the Vikings have always used the yellow/gold as a trim color above all else. 

    The Ravens have also traditionally used their gold as a trim color, but there’s enough here to differentiate the two - the metallic shade, the facemask, the gold helmet stripes, the number font - that I don’t think it looks too much like Minnesota’s color rush. 

  7. 26 minutes ago, burgundy said:


    This silly argument comes up way too often here. Athletic gold is gold. It is a flat representation of gold, tracing back to medieval heraldry. It is also a shade of yellow that is slightly toward orange.


    Saying "The Vikings don't wear gold, they wear yellow!" Is like saying, "Alabama doesn't wear crimson, they wear red!"


    That was kind of just pushback against the alleged Vikings similarity. The Ravens wear metallic gold and the Vikings don’t. 

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, WSU151 said:


    Just making sure you know the jerseys have been around a few years. Only thing that's new is the helmet. 

    Right. I was just mentioning factors that distinguish these uniforms from Minnesota’s. 

    • Like 2
  9. 13 minutes ago, LAWeaver said:

    So I'm conflicted. Love the helmet on its own, and it pairs nicely with the alt. But I've always thought the Ravens should double-down on the black and purple rather than incorporate MORE gold. In my mind, the Vikings are the purple-and-gold team, though here lately they're starting to become a purple and white team with traces of gold. 

    The Vikings are a purple and YELLOW team. Notice how the gold helmet stripe and facemask and numbers are shiny and metallic? The Ravens use actual gold. The Vikings do not and never have. 

    That said, the initial look of this would be a bit too similar to the Vikes’ color rush, but Baltimore designed this well, with details such as the metallic gold helmet stripe and facemask, the Ravens’ usual number font, number outlines, etc. 


    I like this…would like the gold pants and/or black socks to break up the monochrome, but mono purple looks way better than mono black or white or navy or red. 

    • Like 4
  10. 8 hours ago, ruttep said:


    I think the wide collar and the wide green stripe on the pants balance each other out. Either leave them both in or take them both out.

    Leave them both in. The last thing we need is another pair of plain pants!

    • Like 1
  11. On 5/29/2024 at 8:37 AM, PurpleHayes said:

    Sorry, when I first saw the topic title I thought of this...



    The European League of Football is coming! The European League of Football is coming! I know them!


    …he’s an angry football player. 

  12. 12 hours ago, ruttep said:


    Dolphins and Colts all-white are frustrating to me in particular because they're the primary white combinations but with white socks, so there are zero restrictions on how often they can be worn. And these were looks that were always worn with the proper contrasting socks until the 🥶 trend took over in recent years.

    The Colts’ all-white with blue socks is one of my favorite uniform sets in the league. It’s the actual definition of “clean”, “classy”, etc. 


    However, we can’t have nice things apparently, because they’ve decided white socks look better with it. 

    Personally, as much striping as that team employs, white socks with blue stripes could look good. Naturally they haven’t used striped socks regularly since the days of Eric Dickerson. 

    • Like 6
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  13. 2 hours ago, fouhy12 said:

    If I were Uniform Czar (please respond to my letters, Roger) I'd make each team declare primary light and dark uniforms, including helmet, jersey, pants, and socks. Then, I'd set minimums for how often they must be worn, and mandate that a team must wear one of those sets in at least one standalone game each season. For the minimums, I'd say the two sets must combine to be worn nine times (over half the season) and each must be worn at least twice, so teams like Miami and Dallas would have to wear their dark uniforms a few times every season. Combine that with a max of three throwback or alternate slots, and that leaves five games per season for teams to mix and match to their heart's content. 


    I would also exempt the Thanksgiving games from the standalone minimum so the Cowboys, Lions, and their opponents could wear throwbacks only. 


    In addition, all teams would submit a home uniform schedule over the summer and then road uniform schedules a few weeks later for the sake of coordination. Through this process, teams would be strongly encouraged to wear throwback uniforms against historical rivals or against opponents also wearing throwbacks and to wear alternate uniforms when the color contrast works best. And teams would be limited to just their primary light and dark uniforms in the playoffs. 

    What’s a standalone game?

  14. 5 minutes ago, BadSeed84 said:


    The one I have nostalgia for definitely is better than either that of their current.



    Not gonna lie, it was a little weird how, for awhile in the ‘80s and ‘90s, they used royal blue in various applications (this end zone, their official colors, maybe even their helmets?), but the jerseys were always Honolulu blue. 

  15. 35 minutes ago, PERRIN said:

    I may just be young but I vastly prefer full-color socks to half-white/half-color. The color blocking of each element flows far more naturally to me when every individual element is entirely one color. It may be traditional and stem from a once-practical need, but I don't think it's the kind of traditional choice that necessarily needs  to be preserved. As long as they make sense with the rest of the uniform and contrast the pants, they look excellent.

    I don’t think I have a strong preference either way, but I probably like solid-color a bit better than team-color top and white bottom. 

    What I DO have strong feelings on is sock stripes. I’d like for the league to be something close to 50/50 between teams that routinely wear them and teams that don’t. They don’t make sense for every uniform or every style, but when they work, they’re fantastic. 

    • Like 5
  16. 1 hour ago, Silver_Star said:


    Roger Goodell is a pos and I really think he should just go stick his head back in his butt. He is a useless, money grubbing. He is as worse as Jim Herd and Vince Russo. He is another dumb blockhead punk who thinks he knows about football. He only knows the business just like the people WWE has hired now.

    I just watch UFL, and I love the UFL too. But the NFL is segregating me into a few teams. Then afterwards, it's done, the classic games are what I watch on YouTube. I am done with the new crap. I am 43 and done with the goofiness of this generation. So, Roger Goodell can shove his marketing ploy up his butt. He is a blockhead from Bedrock.

    Bedrock? You sure you’re only 43 with that reference to prehistory?

    • LOL 1
  17. 6 minutes ago, oldschoolvikings said:


    Well, if that's what you're looking for I'm afraid I'm going to be a disappointment.  I'm too old for profanity laced tirades these days. My current posting style is more low-grade snark and unspecific passive-aggressive trolling.


    But even so, I'm not sure I could build up a lot of anger even if I wanted to. These uniforms are just kind of... dumb.  The best I can muster is just  sort of weary eye roll.  


    So, these are pretty much what we saw coming, but with a few surprising (to me, anyway) details.  I didn't expect a white horn on a white helmet. And, yeah, it sucks. I also really wouldn't have seen the silver helmet stripe as a possibility.  As a Viking fan, that's the most out-of-left-field little detail to me.  I'm going to need to see the back of the helmet to see how the horns, which normally almost touch, co-exist with that stripe.  As for the supposedly "generic" wordmark...  that's the most troubling part of the whole design. It actually isn't a brand new font... it's the NOB font, which is based on the number font. My concern is that it's a precursor to making that font the new wordmark, which would be a huge mistake. The Vikings' wordmark is beautiful, and an absolute classic. If they officially switch to that wordmark, a profanity laced tirade may be an order.


    Two more things. Silver has never been a part of the Vikings' color scheme. So I think we can put to bed any idea that the NFL's "rules" will prevent teams from doing whatever they want. There's lots of discussion on this board about how some of us grumpy old traditionalists over react and the NFL's rules won't allow things to go too far.  So... offically, and for the record... everyone can stop with that bullspit. The "rules" only exist until a team decides to do what they want. That's the truth.  It's the wild west.


    And finally, as bad as this might be, I'm thankful for three things.  First, the Vikings' dopey color rush get up is gone. Second, it isn't an all-black uniform, which to me would be much much worse.  And finally, they (for now, at least) have always treated the "white out" non-sense as a once a year event... which is how alts should work. No mixing and matching, no further dilution of the brand.  Pull them out, sell some jerseys, and put them away.  Hopefully, it stays that way. 

    As I said earlier, I would gladly take this in exchange for the discontinuation of white socks with purple jerseys. But they will continue to have people calling the latter “clean” and “slick” and “icy” instead of what it really is: lazy. 

    Frankly, I think the tweens who apparently dictate taste these days probably won’t be happy until every game in every sport is mono black against mono white. Thankfully, there is a tipping point at which traditionalists will start to push back, so it’ll never be 100% that way. But (old man yelling at cloud) when I was a kid, sports were colorful, dagnabbit!

    • Like 3
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  18. 1 hour ago, PlayGloria said:


    I've said this before, but all they need to do is trash the red pants. I actually really like this set other than that. It fits well with their history other than looking like a big strawberry when they go mono-red.  It's clean and the gray/silver color really works for me for some reason. It adds another color element but doesn't look forced. 

    They don’t look like a strawberry when they go mono. They look like they’re collectively on the proverbial rag. 

    • LOL 1
  19. 1 hour ago, damnyoutuesday said:

    According to the mothership, Vikings winter whiteout will be unveiled on Friday

    Although if this were a trade, I’d gladly take one week of 🥶 ❄️ if it meant the end of white socks with purple jerseys. 

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  20. 4 hours ago, oldschoolvikings said:

    On the list of things I hate about the current state of uniform design (along with the stubborn insistence on monochrome and the pointless sublimated patterns), I really hate the shiny additions to things like the numbers, shoulders, etc.  Besides it being distracting and unattractive, what’s really weird about it is that, while without a doubt it must be more expensive to make than plain cloth twill numbers, it looks immensely cheaper.  The numbers on this alt, and the fruit roll up numbers the Rams use, look like low rent glitz, like when someone tries to trick out an extremely average car with racing stripes and spoilers. 

    There have probably been worse uniforms in NFL history (Washington, Tennessee) but I don’t think there’s ever been a less “NFL looking” NFL uniform than this new Texans alternative.  

    I’m weird, I know, but I’ve never had a big problem with the Rams’ fruit roll-up numbers. I still consider the 1980s-90s the best they’ve looked, by far, in my lifetime, but the shiny numbers work decently well with the bright shade of yellow they wear, in my opinion. I sort of like the gradient numbers on the blue jersey, too, although I’m glad they aren’t on the other jerseys in this set. 

    • Like 2
  21. 4 hours ago, Silver_Star said:


    Makes lots of sense. They did do that. I always wondered what dark teal and athletic gold would look like together.

    Well, if we ever get a resurgence of the Steagles, we may find out!

    • LOL 1
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