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Everything posted by NOLAPelicans23

  1. This being posted is making me realize how inconsistent the Marlin design was
  2. I ranted about Seattle and the inconsistency of their uniforms earlier, and I guess one cog of the inconsistency is out with no road uniforms, but it is still there and maybe worse now with the Cream Sunday Alt. Also kinda sad the blue BP uniform is going away cause it did actually look nice, but definitely was not one for the season as it had nothing really cohesive with the rest of the uniforms. With the Twins, I love the paneled helmet stand alone with the Home Uniforms. My questions are, do they wear it with the Navy Alt or does the M helmet take over? Other thing is the cohesion with the uniform. It is so far off the normal uniform especially without a spec of red on the hats. It'll be something to see during the season.
  3. Maybe this is better in my head than execution, but I would love to see the Angels go with the sky blue they had in the 2000s and cut navy out completely and use gold in the halo again like someone posted in the anniversary logo. I think the colors would be more fitting for the team name.
  4. Maybe it's just a me thing, but the one thing I wish was changed was the Mariners number font. They are consistent across all their jerseys except the navy alt and I would like to see at least one translated to all the uniforms. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/Fg6R8TdWsjgKhr-n-Je90_RYT3g=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/11714165/987514050.jpg.jpg https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/6tRR1c2ycJb0Y-Ti9BK29_Xen2A=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/10134967/605800506.jpg.jpg
  5. They did have the black color rush uniforms, but they never made a debut on the field. Wonder how differently the uniforms would be taken if they did see the field.
  6. Think Mizzou broke out a new helmet decals for their most recent game. Haven't seen it beforehttps://twitter.com/MizzouFootball/status/1570589801379921923?s=20&t=B8j8FUOnJhU9pwuN6j682A
  7. It gets updated based on if there are any new field designs.
  8. Ah. Thank you. This is one of my favorite concepts on the site so thank you
  9. Are you going to be doing Fields like the Washington Football Team who had pink letters in the Endzone a couple weeks ago or how Atlanta had both a plain and Red Endzone?
  10. Please finish MLB2k19 it was amazing

  11. Where did you get your add with the dolphins championships

  12. Hey man thanks for the great advice

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