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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. In honor of his recent induction to the Baseball Hall of Fame.
  2. Martin Brodeur is off to the hockey hall of fame. Let's remember his short (and I mean SHORT) stint with the Blues.
  3. It's the best set they've ever had and it's not saying much either.
  4. They didn’t update for the Cup Final oh well, guess we do have to wait till the HOF game.
  5. The Packers are one of 2 teams that, as of now, have never switched to the Nike sets. That’s why their uniform looks the same as before and I hope to god it stays like that. Nike butchered the hell out of the Jets. It went from a modern classic to a damn mess.
  6. Black on the jerseys were used during what is arguably the worst period in Jets history (they’ve had many embarrassing moments but the 90s were the most brain dumb era ever). The current set ties in to their only shinning moment in history. This is the uniform the Jets need to hold on to for eternity. They don’t need black, they don’t need a logo change, and they don’t need Nike getting their dirty hands involved in an entirely new set. All they need to do is lighten the green. It’s one simple job, a damn color change. Is that too much to ask?
  7. I dug the look. Hell, I even got the hat. I know it was only for the ASG but they really should’ve stuck with it a little longer.
  8. So FSN Florida and FSN Southwest (small screen) uses 2 different colors for the Rays.
  9. I thought NBC was updating everything for the playoffs? What happened?
  10. I hate when teams change banners just to fit the current era. The banner should have the appropriate colors from when they won it! So many teams do this crap and it's annoying as hell.
  11. I guess ESPN is aiming to have all the bugs unique to their own sport.
  12. NBC still using the old graphics for Wednesday Night Rivalry. Yeah, it's either one of 2 things: It's only for SNF or they probably won't upgrade till the Stnaley Cup Playoffs.
  13. I just found out Japan modified their flag not long ago.
  14. Those better not be from Madden 18 because they look like they're straight from Madden 2003.
  15. Reminds me of the FOX bugs from the mid 2000s which is a good thing.
  16. With the direction many of the networks have gone, I expect a very bland and lifeless look.
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