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Everything posted by AstroCreep

  1. oh wow I actually forgot about the Fanatics takeover. God help us all.
  2. I don't see this lasting long. I'll be shocked if it goes past 2 seasons.
  3. oh jeez, I didn't know they had more "Finalist" banners.
  4. Just shrink the logo. I can see why the D-Backs always shied away from using their full name on a jersey. It looks awkward as hell. Overall I think it's a neat set. I'm glad they're leaning more towards the torque color.
  5. If they just added the name and left well enough alone with the uniform, everything would be fine.
  6. Why does the MLB logo have to be so low? The ASG jerseys they had on sale this year were based on the new template.
  7. The jersey itself is whatever. Rangers shield logo has always been a weak logo for a sweater. It's obvious why they almost never use it on anything, even alts. It's very boxy and awkward, despite how iconic it may be. That's not to say it can't work because it has but only with the retro, more round shield. They missed a huge opportunity to bring back the NEW YORK scrip in some form or fashion on the alts.
  8. Reminds me of what some teams do in the College World Series and it looks awkward and bad there too.
  9. oh good, I'm not the only one annoyed by that.
  10. Yeah but the Bills should've been wearing white pants yesterday.
  11. Mike Piazza and Jose Reyes in traditional Mets pinstripes without the black drop shadow. Doc Gooden's final season with the Mets in 1994, sporting an unfamiliar Mets script.
  12. It's fine I guess. Scorebugs on the bottom just suck in general and distorts the screen when the ticker has to pop up. These are problems that can resolved if they left everything on top of the screen.
  13. Their new uniforms look fine. I can't wait for the Suns to NEVER wear them in favor for some gimmicky city shirt that says "DESERT CACTUS" or something.
  14. They needed to do more with the collar. I dunno what stopped them from using a normal collar than, whatever this is. The glossy crest is just ugly. Should've just went with a gold and call it a day. Depending on the light the logos can disappear or look green.
  15. You can never go wrong with the classics.
  16. They used to have different midfield logos for a short while in the late 90s. That time the Jets had their logo but the Giants used the NFL shield.
  17. This is Adam Silver's fault. He opened the floodgate with this BS.
  18. This could've looked nice if the National League wore grey pants and not black.
  19. The person who came up with the idea to move the ad depending on the batter's position, I hope they walk with pebbles in their shoes for life.
  20. Maybe it's my eyes but the orange used to pop out more. They look muted with Nike.
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