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Posts posted by GDAWG

  1. 59 minutes ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:


    It's not meant to be insightful. In fact it's bloody obvious. Yet people still manage to ignore it and blame the rules instead of the players and coaches.




    Haven't they already said that they will not? I don't remember for sure, but I think so.


    They have said that the names on the back of the jerseys will be like the NFL. 

  2. 29 minutes ago, hawk36 said:

    When are the uniforms being unveiled? I hope they are on the more conservative, traditional, timeless side but fear they are going to want to appeal to the gaming crowd. 


    I would not be at all surprised if they announce their apparel supplier within the next few weeks. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Ice_Cap said:

    First off, no.


    Secondly, I'm a pro wrestling fan. I know ALL about Vince's tendency to tinker. From rewriting Raw and SmackDown scripts from the bottom up with just an hour to go before showtime to his tendency to force all talent to acclimate to what he considers "main event" style wrestling. Vince micromanaged, he can't help it. Anyone who's followed his primary business venture for any significant amount of time would know that. 

    On top of that? He already meddled in a football league he owned, called the XFL! This isn't theoretical. You know what you're getting with Vince McMahon upfront. 


    Finally, I'm not some alternate football junkie who need some other American league to exist for whatever reason (probably to fill that USFL sized hole in your heart). 

    I liked the AAF because the product was fun for what it was and I didn't hold any ill will towards the people running it. They were idiots of course, but if they managed to succeed despite themselves? I wouldn't complain. I'd just enjoy their product for what it was. 


    Vince though? Vince is different. From using gangster tactics to bully arenas out of hosting rival wrestling promotions to underhanded tactics to screw over those rivals on ppv and tv time to his refusal to even admit his wrestlers are his employees so he can continue not giving them health insurance? Vince McMahon is a truly loathsome individual. The XFL failing again would be karma. 


    He also has AEW to contend with so the chances of him interfering 100% in NXT is very likely if The Jacksonville Jaguars owned promotion crushes NXT in the ratings. 

    • Like 2
  4. 7 hours ago, mkg74 said:

    Already predicting doom and gloom for the XFL eh, I'll have to give the CFL a serious look someday. All in all College FB is my USFL or sort to speak....Always on the edge of my seat for some games. I havent had that feeling with the NFL for years. It seems cooperate and stale, wussified is another good word to describe the NFL. I watched week 1 Packers-Bears i was asleep on the couch by halftime missed rest of the game. Patriots-Steelers was a borefest so was Broncos-Raiders. If these supposedly superrior NFL athletes are puttin me to yawn! Then what gives..If the XFL does what they promise and offer an up tempo game similar to college then I'm on Board. I'll give the XFL a chance in February. But i will approach it differently then what i did with the AAF, I was a little out of hand with that league i'll admit thinking they had the finances to last 3 years, I was fooled. I'm taking pre caution this time around probably wont even comment til at least week 4, when the product on the field should be solidified by then.....People shouldnt be judging these upstart leagues on Week 1, it's ignorance and an obvious lack of football knowledge. 




    I predict doom and gloom for the XFL due to Vince McMahon.  He has the tendency to get very impatient and flies off the handle at the smallest things.

    • Like 3
  5. 9 hours ago, mkg74 said:

    This will  be the last chance ever for a non-NFL league to make it. If the XFL bellys up, nobody should ever try again!  And honestly 
    IMO this sport is headed for extinction. I give it 30 more years(heck maybe 20 isnt too far fetched) tops then It will turn into something entirely different like flag football with light padding. 


    (well, unless 12 filthy rich zillionaires want to re-boot the USFL again, i would certainly welcome that one)


    A non NFL league has made it: sure it plays in another country and is a three down, 12 man, wider field version of the game, but it's been long considered as #2 behind the NFL. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Seadragon76 said:


    From the looks of it, it sounds like the IFL is trying to create a Western Division and a Eastern (even though this is all Midwest teams) Division.


    Oakland and Duke City (alongside Spokane and either Boise or Portland) would join Arizona, Tucson and San Diego in that Western Division


    Out east is Bismarck, Iowa, Quad Cities, Cedar Rapids, Green Bay, Nebraska and Sioux Falls


    Nebraska is expected to move to Dallas.

  7. Marshawn Lynch is the highest profile owner in the Indoor Football League.  They recently added the Duke City Gladiators, the champions of the CIF to their league and are rumored to have teams in Boise, Idaho as well as the return of the Spokane Shock.  Also rumored are the Nebraska Danger headed to Dallas, Texas. 

  8. 5 hours ago, Red Comet said:

    Marshawn Lynch is co-founding an arena football team in Oakland called the Oakland Panthers. (Original story: here) Yeah, he's naming it after the 60's Black Panthers but it wouldn't surprise me if they cribbed off the comic book character/movie quite a bit for the uniforms and mascot.


    Hey, if you're going to piss away your post-retirement money, might as well do it entertaining others.




    I wonder how the Freedom Football League feels about this since they were supposed to have a team called the Oakland Panthers.


    Based off the site, they seem to be using the animal:



  9. The sport is a joke and an embarrassment to the sport of football because there are 200 of these leagues right now.  I predict in five years, the number of leagues in Indoor football will grow to 500, proving once more that Indoor football is nothing but a joke of a sport. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Tygers09 said:

    I wish the XFL would've went with other cities that deserve football teams like that of the original XFL and AAF. New York, Washington, Seattle, Houston, Dallas and LA already are the obvious choices along with large population base. But eventhough cities like Orlando, Memphis, Birmingham, and San Antonio did have teams in the affore mentioned leagues, they do have the stadiums and population to deserve a second, third chance at the success football gives. And dont forget Oakland and San Diego, as the NFL is leaving these cities as well.


    Orlando, Memphis, Birmingham and San Antonio make up the "failed football leagues default 4" of cities they go to when forming new leagues.  The WFL, USFL, WLAF, CFL when they wanted to expand into America, XFL 1.0, UFL and AAF had at one point teams in either some or all of those four cities.  Once upon a time, Las Vegas was a part of that group. 

    • Like 1
  11. 51 minutes ago, jus2damcrazey219 said:


    Didn't someone mention the possibility of a team being named after Randy Orton?


    St. Louis Predators confirmed




    Or....maybe that team has to be named after a creature of the night? Bats? Owls?


    Viper is more likely than Predators.

    • Like 1
  12. The WWE's claim has been "the views of the Warrior do not reflect the views of his wife" which is why they have been so friendly with his wife. 


    On the one hand, they have been known to kiss the butt of a guy who is said to be extremely nice and cool (The Rock, but every movie studio kisses his butt pretty much so I will defend WWE in that case) and on the other hand, they have been kissing Hulk Hogan's butt. 

  13. 4 minutes ago, Maroon said:


    I see in the comments that people are saying Vipers has to be St. Louis. I'm aware of the roller hockey St. Louis Vipers but literally know nothing about wrestling outside Hulk Hogan, The Rock, and Undertaker (and even then, just that they exist), so if there's some wrestling connection between "Vipers" and St. Louis please let me know... because I personally think that would be a terrible team nickname unless there's a reason.


    Randy Orton, the son of Bob Orton is from St. Louis and is nicknamed the Viper.

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