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Posts posted by Gothamite

  1. I should love the Nebraska-steak logo.  But I don’t.


    I guess I just don’t find most of these identities charming anymore.  They’re ad agency-tested, focus group-approved, the whimsy forced and soulless. 


    These changes used to show that the game wasn’t taking itself too seriously.   But now they show exactly the opposite - attention seeking (and the merchandising) is too big a business for the teams to ignore.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, WideRight said:

    McMahon believes (maybe right, maybe wrong) that many NFL fans are also conservatives, Trump supporters, etc. and that they will be attracted to a league that takes a stand, that plays on nostalgia for a "traditional" brand of football and that plays up the jingoistic "Patriotic" card.


    And last time he believed that many NFL fans thought the NFL was the “No Fun League” and they would be attracted to a league with fewer rules, bigger hits, and less regulation over player behavior.  


    He was laughably, demonstrably, wrong last time.  And given all his bizarre choices this time there’s no reason to believe his guesses are any closer to the mark now.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, guest23 said:

    I'm sure vince is not worried one bit now that he has access to that sweet saudi cash...I'm really starting to question wwe's true motivations and think that mcmahon and his ilk only align themselves with patriotism and pro USA stances when they stand to profit off it. Maybe we are all getting played for fools here?


    That is usually the case. 

    • Like 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, Sabres7200 said:

    If you look at the top 25 teams from last year, Brandiose is responsible for 7 of the identities. I don't like a lot of their recent work, but they know what they're doing.


    Nobody says they don’t know what they’re doing.  That’s not the problem.


    The problem is that what they’re doing is potentially corrosive and bad for the sport, putting short-term merchandise sales ahead of everything else.  Brandiose didn’t invent this sugar-rush junk food model, but they do seem to have perfected it. 

    • Like 11
  5. 17 hours ago, Ferdinand Cesarano said:

    Also, I understand that the current Chicago Fire team is paying homage to the fire department; indeed there is even a television show called Chicago Fire about that department.  Still, the main referent of the phrase "Chicago fire" in the English language is the 1871 conflagration. 


    To you, maybe.  Sitting in Queens.


    But not to people in Chicago in their everyday lives.  Which is really all that matters.


    I had problems with a lot of the early MLS identities.  But this one is a success story; after Nike tried to push the truly terrible "Rhythm" name on them, the club responded with an identity that's almost hyper-local.  Something that speaks directly to Chicagoans in their own words.  Even if people like us outside of Chicago don't quite get it.

    • Like 5
  6. On 11/20/2018 at 1:51 PM, Ferdinand Cesarano said:

    Once I was in a chat with someone from England who was somewhat interested in American sports.  He was fascinated/appalled by the existence of names such as the Chicago Fire and the San Jose Earthquakes, mentioning that he couldn't imagine that anyone would go for the English equivalent, the London Plague.


    FWIW, "Chicago Fire" is the local colloquial name for the Chicago Fire Department.  That's what the name refers to, not Mrs. O'Leary's cow.


    Which is why their logos have always been modern fire department-themed, not in any way 1870s period.



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  7. 2 hours ago, SportsLogos.Net News said:

    El Paso Chihuahuas introduce new alternate logos

    November 16, 2018 - 23:42 PM


    In many ways, the arrival of the El Paso Chihuahuas in 2014 signaled the full arrival of the era of the wacky minor league logo. They weren’t the first, but they became the poster team, the mascot everyone pointed to […]



    Do we really need “EP” twice in that logo? 


    Besides, looping them together to read “PEPE” over and over again is a very bad look.  

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