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Everything posted by Ridleylash

  1. Man, who actually thought anybody would be interested in a "sport" that's literally just smashing another dude in the face as hard as humanly possible? Part of the reason the professional sports we have take off is because of one of two reasons; They're fun to play and investing to watch as a spectator (your hockey, basketball, football, UFC, etc.) They're fun to play and a fun night out as a social thing if nothing else (stuff like baseball or cricket). This fulfills neither, it's literally just an attempt to make concussing people into a sport. No wonder the ratings for it :censored:ing suck. And if you're organizing Jackass, you're missing the point of Jackass.
  2. Exactly; the Skate as a logo and jersey is inherently a dated design, so you can't really "modernize" it without missing the core appeal of the look to begin with. It's a time capsule of a bygone era, not a timeless look that can withstand age. There's a reason they eventually ditched the identity entirely, after all, and it wasn't because "muh Orca Bay" because they were looking at changing by the end of the 80's.
  3. Honestly, if the Canucks wanted to do a different take on the black Skate for their third...they already had a different take to use: The more orangey-red, the shoulder yoke and the altered striping would be more than enough to get Canucks fans to double dip on a black Skate.
  4. Please no. The team has a jumbled enough identity as it is, we don't need to keep adding to the existing pile of Canucks rebrands because people keep getting nostalgic for different jerseys. What they have now is perfect. Besides, the team's pretty bad right now, it's not really the right time to rebrand anyways lol
  5. Can't even get rid of the Agency font for it, they really didn't please anybody with this one lmfao The Coyotes third may be underwhelming to some, but at least it's creative and taking bold risks. This is just half-assedly mashing identities together and hoping it sticks. If they wanted something new but still wanted to bring back the Skate era...why not just make a white Skate jersey? That'd sell like hotcakes to go with the black version they already did.
  6. Re; Yotes third: I like it. It's something bold and original, and not just a half-assed throwback that's been altered slightly for the sake of making people buy it again (*cough*Vancouver*cough*). Sure, maybe it's not the best jersey they've ever worn, but it's at least unique; and we all know unique jerseys are the ones that get more beloved with time anyways (ex: Fisherman, Wild Wing, Burger King, Tampa Storm, etc.) Besides, the wordmark on the jersey gives me heavy 80's vibes, like something you'd see out of the WHA. Re; Flyers nameplates: The white nameplates have always looked ugly as hell, I hope they stop using them entirely with the new jerseys. Orange nameplates are historically the much more prominent (and better-looking) option.
  7. Going back to the 90's design would be about the best option if they have to move away from their current set. But if it's "not the same design" as the 1.0, that might rule that option out. Also, you know...maybe not the best idea to launch a rebrand when the team sucks.
  8. That logo is 100% retired, and I doubt they bring it back unless it's a completely different version that's more Kachina-like. I don't think the wordmark they're doing is stellar, either, but at the end of the day the Howling logo is mostly associated with the lowest points in the franchise, aside from one season that was still marred by instability. The organization will probably want to distance themselves from that era as much as possible. Besides, at least they're going all in on doing something unique instead of just :censored:ing with a perfectly good throwback jersey like the Canucks seem to be doing.
  9. Truly a golden mark of shame on the Vikings franchise lmfao
  10. Saquon just bulldozed a 320-pound man for that TD holy :censored:
  11. We all knew going into this game that Minnesota were huge frauds. No team with that record that still has a negative point differential isn't a fraud.
  12. The Dolphins deserved that loss with how terrible they were at clock management. You can't keep being late to the line all damn game and not expect it to bite you in the ass late in the game, McDaniel. Even with the refs being :censored:, the Dolphins :censored:ed this game up all on their own. Buffalo looks like ass themselves, and if they don't shape up they're gonna get reamed by their next opponent.
  13. Bills are currently preparing an array of Dolphin-related dishes.
  14. Move this pathetic franchise back to San Diego, good lord. They had the Jags :censored:ing dead and blew it. Leave Staley on the LA tarmac.
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