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Everything posted by ManillaToad

  1. I disagree with the others about the helmet logo, the TB seems more like a sort of goofy secondary logo. Maybe if it was just the letters without the hat it could work on the helmet, but for me the horse rider fits much better, has been there for a decade, and looks even better now that it's been enlarged
  2. Did they give a reasoning (nikespeak or not) for the pit stains when they debuted these unis? What could they have possibly been thinking when they decided to put them in the uniform?
  3. Lol wtf, it isn't even close. They clearly just wanted an excuse to make a green monochrome uni to be ugly alongside their white one.
  4. Monochrome is the reason they're so well received
  5. Those are all solid names IMO. Logos are... eh...
  6. I put "manufacturer" in quotes because nike just slapped their logo on the majority of uniforms that were made by majestic. Which I believe makes them no different than your typical corporate advertising patch I apologize for not saying the name of what is apparently your favorite apparel brand, I didn't realize it would upset you this much. I also didn't mention the various other reasons that went into why I stopped watching baseball because they're all off topic.
  7. Yeah I hate to say I envy people who don't care about ads, but I do a bit because I was in a constant state of frustration watching last season's playoffs and seeing those damn helmet ads every 15 seconds. I straight up stopped watching baseball because the "manufacturer" ad on the front annoyed me that much. No way am I toughing it out once the sweaters get patches Oh man I can't be more thankful for the timing of St. Louis' Cup. Pre-helmet ads, pre-jersey ads, pre-covid.
  8. Not liking ad creep but defending it online - for free - seems like a galaxy brain way to spend your day.
  9. Lmao if you're gonna rush to a sports aesthetic forum to flame the users for not liking ad creep you should get some better material than the same old "MUH LOST FUNDS" we always hear. Maybe you would have a better time feeling morally superior in your defense of billionaires on sites such as reddit or twitter.
  10. See ya NHL, it was nice following you
  11. They should do a Texans throwback like they did for the AFL 50th anniversary. Shouldn't even need the two helmet rule thing since it's just a decal swap. They're even playing Dallas again this year
  12. Those clips of the Jets in heritage blue playing Calgary in their throwbacks-turned-full time unis
  13. This is the sloppiest looking pro uniform I've ever seen. I would have guessed this photo was taken during practice
  14. I'd bet it'll be changed within the next 5 years, either after Ovi retires or when he's got a year or two left
  15. Well that's certainly unique. I don't hate it
  16. RIP another name-changer removes the helmet stripes for no reason
  17. Yeah it's a nice logo. They should keep it as a permanent secondary logo
  18. I wonder if Seattle will lean hard into brighter colored home sweaters within a couple years like Vegas did
  19. Baltimore's primary logo until '71, for comparison
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