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Everything posted by Eye

  1. It's not like the names of these guys should be said or anything like that. We aren't all puckheads. I know the top one is Theo Fleury and he was much more than a grinder. I guess that other guy is Darcy Tucker after doing a superfluous search. He had a good career. The URL for the Tucker image includes his name, so you could have seen that when you quoted me, and saved yourself the searching. Yeah, for Tucker's last name. How would I know it's Darcy Tucker?
  2. It's not like the names of these guys should be said or anything like that. We aren't all puckheads. I know the top one is Theo Fleury and he was much more than a grinder. I guess that other guy is Darcy Tucker after doing a superfluous search. He had a good career.
  3. I think it's just two different uniform cuts. Tim Couch had shorter sleeves compared to others when he was the Browns' quarterback.
  4. Sort of. Gretzky never played in the Wales Conference though.
  5. Couple funny ones here... Jon Gruden, Dick Jauron, Steve Mariucci, Andy Reid and Ray Rhodes with... The Packers coaching staff, under Mike Holmgren. Good job in posting because I had no clue who Ray Rhodes was, nor do I care. But then, I looked up images of him and found this awesome website. Today in Pro Football History Splendid work, gentlemen.
  6. Why would they contract Toronto? They have a good fanbase in Canada, right? If contraction were to happen, I'd for sure say New Jersey, but since they are moving to Brooklyn, that isn't an option. So keep 'em around or something, I guess.
  7. Perhaps nice was the wrong word to use. If it fits the rest of the ensemble, then a jersey can look good, although I've seen some people look like tools in a jersey, so it is a risky move. I have no issue with sports gear from a strictly fashion perspective. I said in another thread somewhere that I only wear two MLB caps - a Tigers home cap and a White Sox hat. I know nothing about either of the teams, but I like the logos and each goes with some of my running gear. Jerseys can be cool if you can pull off the hip hop look. I'm mainly talking about the "I just love this team soooo much that I need the whole world to know that I'm the biggest fan!" crowd. You know, if those people were euthanized, the world would be a much better place. So yeah, we were pretty much in agreement the whole time, just using different words.
  8. Perhaps nice was the wrong word to use. If it fits the rest of the ensemble, then a jersey can look good, although I've seen some people look like tools in a jersey, so it is a risky move.
  9. Thanks for the insight Mr. Blackwell. Wear what you want, but he's got a point. Everytime I see a grown-a$ man in a jersey (especially a customized one) I just think he's some big kid who is imagining that he's actually on the team by putting on the jersey, like he's fulfilling some childhood fantasy. It's all a big game of pretend. If you're actually at the game, maybe you get a pass, but it's still kind of corny for adults to wear the jerseys of other adults. I'll partially give you credit for the customized comment...Although, a person using their last name is more acceptable than some stupid nickname or bad attempt at a joke. As for the rest of your comment....It's ridiculous. By that logic, every time you see a woman with a Coach bag, she must be pretending to be a fashion model. Every time you put on any shirt with a company logo, you must be pretending to work for that company or model for them, right? That's just silly. I think people wearing jerseys is cool. I actually hate those NFL films (or any sport for that matter) where they show a crowd from the 60's, 70's whatever, and no one is wearing anything regarding the team they are rooting for. R Your comparisons are not even close to being valid. Not even a little bit. What you said, BBTV, can be true; however, I think that if the grown man who is wearing the jersey is mature enough to relize that a) he is not part of the team, he does not know the player personally no matter what anyone thinks, and c) he is just supporting the team, I think it would be an exception to what you said. Oh of course there's exceptions, and I get it's "cool" to be at the game wearing the same thing as the players, but jerseys are cut to go over pads, are long, are made out of mesh or polyester, and just aren't really practical "casual" wear. What's the difference between wearing a jersey and just wearing a shirt? I really think that there's something about putting on a jersey that gives some people a weird feeling. Maybe not consciously (like "maybe today the coach will finally put me in!!) but subconsciously. Maybe it's just my observation, but I generally notice the fattest or most obviously socially-inept people wearing jerseys, and there's just got to be something there. I get the wearing it to the game thing, but I'll never understand (and I'm not sure that anyone could ever make me understand) the mentality of someone who's getting ready to go grocery shopping, reaches into their closet to find a shirt to wear, and says "I'm going to go with the Vikings jersey today". It's just taking the team pride thing a little too far, IMO. Then again, I think that big time sports fanatics are pretty silly all together, so what do I know. Well, I rarely wear my jerseys anymore (I own about ten), but I just see them as another type of clothing. That is what it is to me, not team pride, just trying to look nice. Your points however, are valid, and I feel they do apply to most of the population because fans are generally idiots who think they are part of the team.
  10. Thanks for the insight Mr. Blackwell. Wear what you want, but he's got a point. Everytime I see a grown-a$ man in a jersey (especially a customized one) I just think he's some big kid who is imagining that he's actually on the team by putting on the jersey, like he's fulfilling some childhood fantasy. It's all a big game of pretend. If you're actually at the game, maybe you get a pass, but it's still kind of corny for adults to wear the jerseys of other adults. I'll partially give you credit for the customized comment...Although, a person using their last name is more acceptable than some stupid nickname or bad attempt at a joke. As for the rest of your comment....It's ridiculous. By that logic, every time you see a woman with a Coach bag, she must be pretending to be a fashion model. Every time you put on any shirt with a company logo, you must be pretending to work for that company or model for them, right? That's just silly. I think people wearing jerseys is cool. I actually hate those NFL films (or any sport for that matter) where they show a crowd from the 60's, 70's whatever, and no one is wearing anything regarding the team they are rooting for. R Your comparisons are not even close to being valid. Not even a little bit. What you said, BBTV, can be true; however, I think that if the grown man who is wearing the jersey is mature enough to relize that a) he is not part of the team, he does not know the player personally no matter what anyone thinks, and c) he is just supporting the team, I think it would be an exception to what you said.
  11. So are you agreeing that Atlanta and Phoenix be demoted to the AHL? I think that all Canadian teams should be contracted.
  12. The Buffalo Bills current uniforms are awesome and with a tweak or two (eliminating nickel/silver and possibly eliminating the side stripes) they'd be near perfect. Every single jersey the Toronto Raptors have ever had is awesome. New England Patriots jerseys posted by Buc, for the win. More to come when I actually get some sleep...
  13. Nobody is ripping on the small market team that got "screwed over", they're simply saying that CC Sabathia was in the "wrong" uniform in those pictures when he played for the Brewers. It's funny how you cry wolf and think the team you like got screwed over when the team that the Brewers got Sabathia from had to trade him to the Brewers because they couldn't afford him themselves. Oh yeah, and that same team had to trade Victor Martinez last year. And it happens with other smaller market teams, so shut the up and get over it; the Brewers aren't the only team that can't afford big name free agents.
  14. Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo. ...and who owns jaguar?... Tata Motors true that. till 08 and at the time of the jags, twas ford. I know. I was attempting to be a smart ass. Interesting how Jaguar went from being owned by a bunch of asses to being owned by boobies. Hey pal- If FORD is such a bunch of asses then why are they the only U.S. car company to not be bailed out and taken over by the government? Ford has been doing very well on their own recently. And they don't owe Chairman Barack cent one. And FYI- this is Post No. 999 for me-the same number as the famous race car built by FORD and driven to many records by the legendary Barney Oldfield. LOL at this guy. I really wanted him to finish off the post by doing a "back in my day" sort of comment where Coca Cola cost a nickel and how he had to walk ten miles in the snow to school.
  15. Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo. ...and who owns jaguar?... Tata Motors true that. till 08 and at the time of the jags, twas ford. Fair enough, Davidson. I thought Ford's ownership of Jaguar was not when this lawsuit was brought up. Quillz was correct.
  16. Actually, this logo of a jaguar looked to much like Jaguar's jaguar so in actuality, Jaguar had beef with the Jacksonville Jaguars jaguar logo.
  17. I have no idea what you're talking about. Before the Bobcats joined the league, there wasn't a Southeast Division. The Hornets were in the Central Division as they were in Charlotte until the Bobcats necessitated a 15th team in the West. Why would Memphis and Milwaukee swap? Memphis is west of Milwaukee, and farther from Detroit, Cleveland, Chicago, and Indianapolis than Milwaukee is. Actally, way back when, I remember reading that the Hornets had the option of moving into the Western Conference for the 2003-04 season (their second in New Orleans), or waiting until the 2004-05 season when the league would then have 30 teams.
  18. So you're going to have interleague play throughout the entire season, correct? If you don't, then your plan can't work.
  19. Davis never actually played though. He was drafted by the Redskins, traded to the Browns and his number ended up being retired, but he never played a down in the NFL. With that said, how is Ernie Davis in the wrong uniform?
  20. Is Corel Painter Essentials 3 a vector or raster program? -E.A.R.
  21. Slightly improved my template. It is now more realistic and even easier to use if you're a Paint guy. You may notice for the piping on the front of the uniform that the top portion of it on the uniform's right side (our left) is green. If you want to leave that part of the piping there, then just make it the same color as the rest of the piping, if not, just erase that part which should take you two seconds. Enjoy. -E.A.R.
  22. Well, I was looking at some of your concepts, Speedy, and I thought that I would try to use the pants template you use, but I couldn't find a blank one. Then I looked on sportslogos.net, but I didn't like the pants template there. So if you could hook me up with the pants in the template you use, that'd be great. Also if you would happen to have a glove template to (again like the one you use in your designs) I'd be grateful. -E.A.R.
  23. Does anyone have a front view of the pants in this template, as opposed to the side view shown here? Thanks. -E.A.R.
  24. Just use mine . Seriously though, try asking miltonANDlumbergh. The template above has his concept on it. -E.A.R.
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