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Everything posted by spartacat_12

  1. Pretty tough to negotiate a real estate deal when you are essentially homeless. After the mess the Islanders went through for the past 5-10 years I'm not sure the league wants another team playing in a temporary home not fit for hockey while they buy time on getting a new arena built.
  2. You were saying that some people must be in favour of ads because they like having brands plastered all over their clothes. My point is that plenty of people like displaying athletic/lifestyle brands, but I doubt any of them are rushing to buy a jersey with a Scotiabank logo slapped on the chest. In situations like this there's generally two camps: one that hates the decision with a passion, and the other that doesn't care that much and hates people complaining about something that won't change. I have yet to see anyone who's actually happy with the ads.
  3. I feel like a more apt metaphor is when a celebrity/public figure buys a restaurant/bar/club. They aren't buying it because it's a wise, safe investment, they want to have a fun place where they can hang out with their friends and enjoy all the perks that come with being the owner. Most of them aren't using it as their primary income source, but at the same time they won't want to sink their money into it for too long. There's a difference between people wanting to wear apparel from an athletic/lifestyle brand that displays the logo and people wanting to wear apparel with the logo of a bank or airline slapped on it.
  4. Now those same people are already saying stuff like "It's just a small patch, the rest of the jersey will still look fine", "There won't be ads on the retail jerseys", and "People barely noticed the helmet ads, so no one is going to care". Then in 5-10 years when another uniform ad patch is announced they'll be saying "We got used to the first ads on the jersey, so this isn't a big deal". The helmet ads didn't even bring in any new revenue, they just allowed the league to retain ~$100 million in sponsorship dollars that the teams would have needed to return due to the missing games/lack of fans. Meanwhile, the Seattle expansion fee & the new ESPN deal will bring over $1 billion to the owners this season. This decision is doing absolutely nothing for fans. Ticket prices won't go down because of jersey ads. Team apparel/merchandise won't be getting cheaper. Beer & popcorn prices at the arenas won't go down. The only tangible benefit for the fans people on twitter seem to come up with is that the salary cap will go up, which doesn't mean much. Most of the teams in the league don't even spend to the cap, and player salaries will just inflate as the cap rises. It's not like the Lightning or Leafs will suddenly be able to sign another star player because of a slight rise in the cap.
  5. Not sure how accurate it is, but the picture posted with the article placed the ads at the top left of the chest, where the C/A is usually placed. At least the NBA picked real estate that wasn't really being used already. I can't wait until we get a team wearing an anniversary patch then making a Cup Final. The captains will end up looking like this:
  6. I really liked the aviator blue jersey. The striping & font was a nice nod to the '90s era jerseys, but it still felt like it fit with the Jets 2.0 identity. Based on the online reaction the fans seem to be overwhelmingly in support of this decision, so I can't fault them for making the change. I'm also seeing a lot of calls for them to go with the heritage look full time. That feels like a mistake considering they're basically playing Rangers dress-up, and we also have Columbus wearing navy jerseys with red pants.
  7. I think those must be counterfeit. I got gifted a Raptors jersey from my dad that he got from a random site online that is clearly a fake (at least clearly to me). It has a Sun Life patch on it, which my dad thought made it seem authentic.
  8. Pretty sure there aren't ad patches on any retail jerseys.
  9. The Argos should've thrown the boat logo on these helmets and left the rest untouched.
  10. I'm sure it will look better when we see the full set. It's like the Montreal away jerseys. They're mostly red & white, but the blue numbers make the blue pants look less out of place.
  11. With the Kyle Lowry era officially done in Toronto, we only got one season of Kyle in this set, and he never even wore it in his home arena.
  12. I wouldn't have minded if they kept the silver outline on the numbers instead of burgundy, but this should improve the road set a lot. I wonder if they'll also update the home numbers to be outlined in blue (matching the sleeve numbers on the road).
  13. While the Coyotes' draft hat makes me doubt that anything but a black and white Kachina set will be worn in the fall, I like the sound of this. I'd be surprised if they don't just bring back a white Kachina to go with the black, but the marketing blurb scares me a bit. It sounds like the thinking the Rams were using when they ignored the calls from fans to just bring back the throwback look and tried way too hard to make it "modern".
  14. At this point it is pretty standard for teams to not make too many changes when bringing back an old look, as that would kind of defeat the purpose of returning to a design the fans wanted back. The Flames, Penguins, & Islanders made no changes, and the Sabres, Sens, & Avs made subtle tweaks that aren't really noticeable to people outside these boards.
  15. Bucci did a great job, but the rest of them felt like a B team. Hopefully they can include Ray Ferraro in as much content as possible.
  16. I'm sorry but that looks like a cheap knockoff of the Kachina jersey. The sleeves/hem & the shoulders have no cohesion and look like they were taken from two different jerseys. The round yoke clashes with the triangular pattern in the stripes. Every time the Kachina jerseys come up on these boards people try to suggest ways to tweak or incorporate the howler branding into the design, but I have yet to see any suggestions or concepts that are actually an improvement over the real thing.
  17. The logo isn't traditional enough to match the jersey design, which makes it look a little beer league-y, I think adding some black into the jersey made the logo fit a bit more.
  18. The red howler jersey had already been demoted to third jersey status last season, and they only ended up wearing it for 2 games, both on the road. I think it's safe to say they're done with it. The logo isn't terrible, but it just feels like a generic EA Sports create-a-team design that could be used for any team named the Coyotes. The Kachina has the right amount of Southwestern flair, and the purple RR would be a much better third jersey.
  19. Just because "it's a perfect fit for an NFL uniform" doesn't mean it's a perfect fit for a Rams uniform. They played for nearly 50 years in LA before moving to St. Louis, and never used anything but a block font. Is this as gimmicky as the Bucs alarm clock numbers? No. Does that mean it was a good choice for the Rams to use? Also no.
  20. It's funny that only one of these teams has used lightning iconography in their brand, and it isn't the one named the Thunder. I don't mind the colours, but I think they dropped the ball by not including any sort of bison logos in their set. This concept by Sean McCarthy is pretty much perfect, and wouldn't require a complete rebrand.
  21. Except technically the Seals/Barons franchise de-merged from the North Stars in 1991 and became the Sharks.
  22. It looks like they made the numbers out of fruit roll ups. Much like every other aspect of this rebrand, they were overthinking when it came to the font.
  23. "We are distancing ourselves from the Blackhawks brand," they said right before unveiling jerseys using the identical template they used before. I get that the Chicago jerseys are some of the most beloved in pro sports, but some junior teams need to be a little more original. Niagara & Red Deer also use a similar design.
  24. The Rams clearly had different intentions than the Chargers. They definitely knew a large portion of their fanbase just wanted the throwbacks to come back, but they also knew that those hardcore fans wouldn't bail on the team just because they didn't like the uniforms. It seems like they were targeting the lost generation of LA football fans who grew up without the same attachment to the old Rams look.
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