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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. What the F. THAT IS A PERSONAL FOUL???? It wasn't even a HIT!!! HE WAS TOUCHED DOWN and Heinecke rolled down to sell it. My GODS these referees should be fired. It's freaking absurd that they called (or missed) some of the calls they did.
  2. Why stop there? Lurie should sell the team, or just give it away. It's really the only way to salvage the season.
  3. This is one of the most BS things I've seen even by the low-standards of NFL officials, but it actually plays into the Eagles hands by delivering them their first loss and relieving them of the pressure of being undefeated. They already know they can beat Minnesota, so as long as they can secure that game at home, they good. Thank you referees for unintentionally helping with the plan.
  4. Maybe a facepalm or a cringe face would be the final one to round out the set.
  5. THIS is a legal turnover in favor of washington. Seriously, F NFL officiating. Normal people would be fired from their jobs.
  6. How the F do you miss a flagrant facemask that directly lead to a fumble - he was literally tackled by his facemask and it's a game changing call. That's an absolute disgrace by the referees - that might be the worst missed call I've seen in years. The referees should be ashamed of themselves. That's a season-changing play and it's 100% a tackle by facemask - and it's blatant. Like... the facemask was the only part of his body that he was tackled by. NFL officiating is a complete and total disgrace. EDIT: that's seriously one of the most egregious calls I've ever seen in my history of watching football. If/when Washington wins this game, it's completely tainted.
  7. And of course, a phantom personal foul for an out-of-bounds hit when the guy was clearly in bounds gives the Commanders new life. I'm not sure if horrendous PF calls are part of the plan, but that one was just absurd.
  8. That sack actually validated my point. If they give up the TD, it's clear that they're throwing it, so they decided to play for real and get a sack so that it's just a field goal and most people who aren't "in the know" would be like "OK, they're still trying." You're all buying into it. Now, the monkey is off their back and they can play with fewer distractions the rest of the way. If Nick Siriani isn't coach of the year then it's a travesty.
  9. Completely disagree. They legitimately don't care about 20-0. Rumblings are that they're sick of the undefeated talk so their plan was to throw the game to the Commanders, but not look like they're throwing it. Intentionally play like they're out of sync, then blame it on having 3 games in 29 days. So in a way, the Eagles are accomplishing their goal and are actually winning. It's really brilliant when you think about it, and yet another reason - besides smashing the Vikings - that the Eagles are the best team in the NFC, and the presumptive Super Bowl champions. EDIT: even though they're very deep, they haven't figured out a way to replace Jordan Davis, which is disappointing. Still, they're basically 9-0 either way.
  10. Washington's best offense is a roughing the kicker penalty. LOLOLOL it worked out better for the Eagles!
  11. There's a difference between an emoji and a reaction. I don't see how "fire" is a reaction. Fire is an opinion. Anger is a reaction. Sadness is a reaction. Etc. The current set of reactions is perfect.
  12. Been saying it for years. Being a good coordinator doesn't automatically qualify you to be a good head coach. If the Saturday experiment ends up successful (and one game is certainly not any indication of what's to come) then you may start to see a shift to non-traditional candidates. Of course, one season is not enough to judge McDaniels on, unless there's similar crap going on like there was in Jacksonville with Urban Meyer. We've seen new HCs have immediate success then fizzle out, and some that had immediate failures then blossom.
  13. I'm not sure if the join between i and n is worse than the w and i, but they're both pretty bad. The i to n is especially bad because they kept the sharp/flat part of the n. Either do cursive or don't. This half-way solution solves nothing.
  14. At first I saw TUHNS. I dislike when scripts aren't scripts and are simply standard letters that are linked. You invariably get some kind of awkward connection somewhere, like the one between the w and i. I love the way this appears to be heading, but I really dislike the fake script. It's like they tried to bridge the current wordmark (which uses individual letters) with the cursive of the classic one, and ended up with the worst of each.
  15. Did it seem like the broadcast itself was dark too? I don't think it was just my TV (everything else looks perfect) but the broadcast didn't even look HD to me, and the ball had a motion-blur during passes, and even the audio was poor. In some cases, both teams seemed like they were wearing almost black pants.
  16. They won't go undefeated because if they are fortunate enough to get the 1-seed, there's no way they'll try. Their whole philosophy is to keep players healthy and protected, which is why they have one of the most relaxed - even by modern standards - training camps in the whole league. I guess it depends on how many games are remaining in the regular season if/when they clinch the 1 seed. If they clinch with 3 games remaining, they're not going to sit players for 4 weeks (or maybe they will?) But in the unlikely event they're 15-0 or 16-0, I can't see any way the starters are playing in the final game(s). That being said, this team is deep, so they may be able to be competitive with the second unit, but probably can't win against any team's actual starters.
  17. I so hope TB doesn’t make the playoffs, simply because you always have to expect Brady to win as long as he’s on the field, and after the way they smashed the Eagles last year, even though Phila’s roster is significantly better and Hurts has matured, I’m not looking forward to any rematch. I’d say that since the game would be in PHL that the Eagles would have a huge advantage… but the last time the Eagles were supposed to have an insurmountable home-field advantage against TB in the playoffs, it didn’t go so well.
  18. I did want to legitimately aak if it was a possibility to get that reaction added, wasn’t intending to be disrespectful to someone who just passed (trust me… ain’t doing that again!) but in hindsight I see how it came off not as intended. FWIW, RIP Gallagher. He legit brought young BBTV a lot of joy, and brought my parents a lot of nervous moments every time we had a watermelon and they knew I was dying to smash it (fortunately I was too young to have the strength to do so.)
  19. Is there a "sad" or "cry" reaction that can be added to the others? Someone posted that Gallagher just died, and I'm sad, but not sad enough to actually type something out, so I'm really stuck here. Do I "like" the post, implying that I "like" that Gallagher is dead? Or "heart" it, which would mean that I'm sending love to Gallagher (which I'm not) but could also mean that I love the post announcing his death. I really don't know what to do here, since I don't want to actually type anything about Gallagher's death. I think a simply frowny face or "with a tear in my eye" reaction would suffice. Without that, I'm not going to be able to acknowledge Gallagher's death in a way that I deem fitting. Thank you for understanding.
  20. Joe Thomas inadvertently describing why most old-school and some current head coaches are such lousy people and such lousy parents who's children have all kinds of issues. he comes off as a total bro, and i sincerely hope that the new-school wave of coaches is nothing like this.
  21. I also noticed that Jeff Passan is simul-posting his Twitter updates on Instagram, which I absolutely hate but I guess makes sense given the chance that Twitter won't exist in a week. I use Twitter exclusively to follow select verified news outlets, sports writers, get mass-transit updates, and other verified information. I don't care about anyone that's posting their random thoughts or personal opinions. Twitter was perfect for what I used it for, and I'm sad that it's gone (though, they did temporarily pull-back the "pay-for-a-blue-check" feature... at the expense of some legit blue-checks losing theirs. What a disaster.)
  22. I just hope it's not like when Harper and Machado signed after ST had already started, or even last year when guys like Schwarber and Walking Feces Castellanos signed days before the season (granted, the lockout impacted that a lot.) UPDATE: a blue-check is reporting that Turner to the Phillies was finalized overnight. They already have an advanced copy of the team's official photoshop of him, so it must be accurate:
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