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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Oh, Eagles. Two starters injured in a meaningless game. One carted off, but the big one - AJ Brown - looking like possible torn ACL.
  2. The white-topped socks existed because of how the piping on the black pants terminates into a white stripe. They were uni-conscious enough to know that a pants stripe like that should "flow" into the sock, therefore the black pants required socks that were white on the top. Also wanted to avoid the leggings look, which wasn't as common back then. One could argue if the pants stripe really matters - I don't think it does very much - but that was the thought process behind it.
  3. It's similar to the Eagles missing out on the #1 overall pick in 1999 because the NFL awarded it to the re-activated Browns. Had they had that pick, while they say they still would have picked McNabb, they definitely would have picked Tim Couch. Losing out on #1 proved to be beneficial.
  4. This has to be a mistake. KC doesn't play road games. It's basically a league bylaw.
  5. Wasn't that video that was posted from the MLB Store X account showing authentics? The Cardinals one appeared to be chainstitched (at least at a glance.) If they were just replicas, then I'm not concerned. But couldn't tell.
  6. Phillies don't appear to be chainstitched anymore. That fraking SUCKS. That's been a staple for decades now. If that's what I'm seeing, then that's a goddam shame.
  7. As worthless as the Pro Bowl is, usually players are excited because at the very least, they get bonuses or something. These guys are so checked out that they don't even give a single F. Not sure I've ever seen complete apathy like this.
  8. AJ Brown spoke to the media for the first time in a month, and said that people shouldn't be all over the coaches for the final play against Seattle that resulted in an interception (even though Sirianni embarrassed himself by saying "we... uh... were just trying to get a PI penalty... yeah, that's the ticket") because the players themselves had no confidence in whatever idiotic play call Brian Johnson phoned in so they said F-it and made up their own. Not in those exact words, but that was the gist of it. Thanked Sirianni for taking the bullet even though it made him look like an idiot, but did say that they heard the play and were like "nah dawg, we ain't doin' that". Fire BJ right now. I don't even care who calls plays. This has gone beyond being a joke. When the players themselves are laughing at the play calls and changing them in the huddle - not even an audible at the line - that's it. It's over. Defensive players also said that switching play callers mid season has messed them up, and they know it was bad before, but changing mid way has made it worse. This team is a complete clown show. There's teams that are 5-11 in better shape than these idiots.
  9. Nor would it me, which is why I thin the Vikings would be like "we got our guy!"
  10. LOL @ Carson Wentz getting a start this weekend. He'll do just enough to convince some team to give him a chance next year. My money is on the Vikings. Might as well Photoshop the Ginger Jesus into purple now.
  11. the SEC entrant took a finalist into overtime. I think it’s fair to say they made the right choice. It’s also fair to think that Georgia may have outperformed Texas.
  12. There was no national championship game back then. 1994 Penn State played in the Rose Bowl while Nebraska played in some other bowl and undefeated Penn State didn't get even a share of it despite being undoubtedly no worse than the #2 team, and likely an equal. The silly-ass BCS didn't come around until late 90s
  13. Do any other front offices have as much influence over the coaching staff as opposed to allowing the HC to handle it? I always felt like the GM was mostly roster and cap, and the HC was on-field stuff. Here, Howie actually decides the game-day 53 after the coaches tell him the gameplan and he checks the contracts to see if there's any implications for some 4th-stringer dressing or not. Hell, back in 2016, they hired Jim Schwartz to be the DC well before hiring Doug Pederson as HC. The prevailing thought was that Doug was "safe" to them and would do as he's told. Then he won a championship, turned out to actually be a good coach, and they couldn't control him so they publicly embarrassed him then fired him. When Sirianni was hired, again - the perception was that he was going to be a puppet, and would be happy about it since he wasn't on anyone else's radar and didn't even have any interviews. I guaran-damn-tee that Howie and Lurie already have a list of assistants that has been vetted and ready to present to Sirianni the day after they lose their WC game. It'll be one of those "here's a list, the final decision is yours, as long as it's this guy, and I'm also going to have sex with your wife. You can watch as long as scream "It's HOWIE SEASON! Get her, cap master! Get her!"
  14. If McDermott gets the boot, I wouldn't mind bringing him back here, whether as HC or DC. He got a raw deal his first go around, being put in the unenviable position of replacing Jim Johnson (who died), when he simply wasn't ready. (irrelevant to this discussion, but then-bone-headed Andy Reid replaced him with their offensive line coach. That's right, offensive-line coach promoted to defensive coordinator. It went as well as you'd expect it to.)
  15. Yeah, that has happened. And at least one guy ate a police-horse's scat after Super Bowl LII. I don't know if it's still on YouTube, but I made the mistake of watching it once. I only wish there was a second horse so we could make "two horses one cup" jokes about the guy. EDIT: and there's actually an annual contest for climbing greased poles in the Italian Market, where it's teams that basically make human ladders. It's kinda WWE style, but instead of a contract on top of the pole, it's meats.
  16. As absurd as it sounded 11 months ago (or even 2 months ago), the snowball is rolling down the mountain and I think that there's a possibility - not a probability, but a greater-than-zero-percent chance that Nick Sirianni is fired, which to my knowledge would be unprecedented for a team that's locked up a playoff spot. The way they work, they'll probably give him two options - come up with a plan to replace the coordinators ASAP or get lost. If they don't like his plan (which would need to come from within since obviously can't install new terms in week 18) or if he pushes back, they'll fire him. That's basically what happened with Doug Pederson, who stood up to them and said "no, if I'm coaching here then I'm picking my assistants." Even if he survives the season, they're going to put him in that position immediately afterwards, and likely come to him with their hand-picked coordinators from outside the org. He'll have the choice to be a puppet or leave - and I think he's killed his chances at another job anytime soon, especially since he can't even be hired as an OC because of how poorly that went when he tried to call plays here. The Eagles aren't the first team that's collapsed during a season with high expectations. We see it in baseball all the time with the Mets folding towards the end. But this is different, and I think Howie and Jeff Lurie will do whatever it takes to try and salvage the season, even if that means taking unprecedented (to my knowledge) action. Pure speculation on my part.
  17. The way they played against a terrible Patriots team. Literally every Eagles fan was like "uh oh... well at least it's early, there's plenty of time to get it together." I wasn't giving hot takes.
  18. If I'm the Eagles leadership, after I find someone to remove my head from up my ass, I'm making the call to sit everyone next week. Make it basically a bye. Dallas isn't going to lose to Washington, so there's no hope for division. Will likely lose to Baker in TB, so just rest everyone up so they can at least be as rested as possible, though they likely won't, because they'll want to use their "scheduling gauntlet" and injuries as excuses. Jason Kelce is likely retiring after this year, even though he's still close to his prime, as is Brandon Graham (though he's well past his prime.) They're screwed. Get rid of everyone and start over.
  19. Well that basically gives Dallas the division, and the Eagles the 5 seed. Complete and utter disaster. I've been watching football since the late '80s, and this is the biggest disaster of a season I've ever seen, and that includes when they started 7-2 and finished 7-9 under Kotite.
  20. Yeah, I posted the gif. There weren't any angles that showed that at the time. That's when I turned to the side of it bein 100% ref fault.
  21. I used to think that they had the most talent in the league. No worse than 3rd. I used to feel that it was crap coaching that was leading to this disaster. But it's all of it. It's coaching on offense, and it's talent and coaching on defense. The whole lot needs to go. Siriani, who's just a cheerleader and guy who drops F-bombs but can't actually coach, Brian Johnson who's Jalen's hand-picked homie, and whoever the hell is running the defense. Clean house. Howie can eat a fart too for what he did to the defense. Sure, we thought that re-signing Bradbury while restructuring Slay was a coup, but he needs to be smarter than fans and know that they are both old and done. Screw them. Last year's record was legit. This year's is as hollow as anyone's has ever been. At this point they're not only embarrassing themselves, but they're embarrassing everyone associated with the organization. Back to the referees - how can a receiver grab the DB by the collar and pull him into him and it's PI on the DB? Whatever. Screw these sorry-ass jagoffs.
  22. Eagles up 21-6, but have been completely outplayed by the Cardinals. One TD on a pick-6 where the receiver ran the wrong route and the DB had an uncontested catch, one TD off of a deflection (after a trick play was necessary just to keep the drive alive). Cardinals have moved the ball at will, and nearly every one of Hurts' passes is a fire-drill scenario. Congrats to whoever gets this crap-ass bunch of losers in the playoffs. The only way to lose to the Eagles is to beat yourself.
  23. we're at 1:50 left in the first half. The Eagles haven't run a single play in the 2nd quarter.
  24. I'm all for tricking defenses, but in that case the ref is supposed to announce it over the PA and to the defense, so it just seems silly to me to risk the confusion when the "trick" is going to be clearly explained. Again, it looks like the Lions were 100% fine here and the refs 100% wrong.
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