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Everything posted by BBTV

  1. Dude, we get it. Maybe don't watch things that make you so mad (which seems to be literally everything.)
  2. What's with this guy's belt? Is it some awful custom pattern, or did they not have time to stop by TJ Maxx on the way to the photoshoot to get him a new one?
  3. Welp, AJ Brown deactivated his X (formerly known as Twitter) account, and deleted any Eagles-related references from his Instagram. He gone.
  4. "That's New York, that's Philly, Chicago isn't that way" - guess what douchebag - apparently it is. And last I checked, Philly never booed a dead person's family. That's low, but... that's considered "relentless booing"? LOL. It's an awful thing to do, but was was the booing that bad? Sounds like slightly more cheers than boos. "Unheard of levels of hatred"? GTFO. This is on whoever organized the event for not knowing better. I've always thought that having someone's family represent them at award shows is kinda weird anyway, and probably shouldn't be done. They go out there and wave, but nobody is cheering (or booing) for them.
  5. Need to see it on a car to really judge it. From the article, it sounded like it's only on those futuristic-looking EVs - not sure we're going to see it on an Accord. If you look at the current logo, and try to forget that it's all you've ever known, you have to admit that the H is really goofy looking and clearly from another time. At the end of the day, there's only one Honda I care about anyway:
  6. Don't blame him one bit. The concept of a draft is kinda silly (granted, I enjoy the drama). Not sure of too many other industries where you're told where you're going to work and for how long. You could argue that it's like joining a company and they transfer you to the "chicago office", but that's far fetched.
  7. Reminds me of the 2004 NFCCG (played in 2005.) Phila got crushed by snow, so they enlisted people to shovel. A lot of homeless people turned out to make a few bucks. The Eagles distributed gloves - I know, because I was working there - but one of the shovelers refused, and worked more than 24hrs... in sub-freezing conditions... without gloves. Well he got frostbite because of course, and lost 8 fingers, and sued the team. Even though he refused the gloves. Some sources claim he almost lost his ears and nose. Most articles are 404d by now, but here's at least something (https://www.nbcsportsphiladelphia.com/news/man-who-worked-eagles-game-may-lose-fingers-ears-nose/294887/, https://www.nbcsportsphiladelphia.com/news/who-only-has-2-thumbs-and-is-suing-the-eagles-this-guy/315761/) I hope whoever shovels in KC keeps their chopping hands from being amputated.
  8. If I'm an NFL owner and all of the hundreds of millions I've invested into this year's team goes up in smoke because we can't pass the ball in snow, or my top players are neutralized, I'm pretty goddam pissed. If I'm an NFL agent, I'm not letting my client play in a situation like that. As a former stadium employee, it sucks. And it's dangerous, especially when you have 70,000 mouth-breathing doofuses drinking and driving in undrivable conditions. I don't have a solution to the problem short of requiring covering over every stadium, but they shouldn't be playing any game, let alone a single-elimination playoff game.
  9. I thought it was obvious that I meant he'd be driven to do the exact same as Brady so as to reopen the question of who was more important.
  10. Wasn't that a "thing" in that era? The Flyers introduced an orange throwback alternate, and (I think) wore it at home during the playoffs, then promoted it to primary the next season (despite keeping the dumb Edge road uniform, and keeping the old Edge home as an alt) before introducing the white throwback as permanent road and scrapping Edge altogether. Seems like it was a bit of a trend for teams to slowly - but awkwardly - migrate away from the Edge designs (or in the Penguins case, the Edge designs and tan colorway.)
  11. The Mets and (I think) Rangers used a variation of this style. I say variation, because it's not a true henley, as there's no curvature between the collar and placket - the 2-button placket is squared off, which makes it look very weird. I wouldn't mind a true henley look, except that 1) it requires pinstriped teams to have trim, which should never happen, and 2) teams with headspoon piping would have three options: a) lose it, b) terminate it at the bottom of the 2-button placket, 3) keep it as is, creating a 'faux placket'. None of those are good options. But here's the thing - many, if not most, players have their jerseys sewn shut so that they're effectively henleys anyway. If they continue to do that, the split letters won't be too much of an issue. But it's stupid that they can't have what they clearly want, which is a true pullover.
  12. Chip Kelly ruined everything, and they no longer trust anyone. I think part of the interview process is for the candidate to stand up and remove his pants. If even the smallest hint of testicles are found, he's disqualified - unless he's willing to cut them off and hand them to Howie for safe keeping.
  13. Rooney Rule getting Ass Birds OC Brian Johnson an interview with the Panthers. PLEEEEEEEEASE hire him so his leaving is a promotion and Hurts doesn't have to get upset that his homie was fired and literally thrown in the dumpster in the parking lot of the NovaCare Complex.
  14. Even in a season in which Dak wasn't ass, Dak is still ass.
  15. Black wouldn’t surprise me one bit, despite them losing in it to the Jets. The players seem to like it, and at this point they should let the players do whatever tf they want if they stupidly think it’ll help.
  16. Wouldn’t the people who received the trophies wonder why they were never contacted by any actual Emmy people and why they wouldn’t have been able to find any evidence of their “win” online?
  17. there’s no way Howie / Lurie would ever hire someone with any clout and who might talk back, and there’s no way he’d ever want to work with someone like Howie. Zero point zero chance.
  18. It’d be great if he went to TB and won another title.
  19. Belichick out. Hope he doesn’t waste his senior years chasing wins in a place like Atlanta or Arizona.
  20. The referees that need to call fouls certainly don't think having all those numbers is a good idea. I see what you did there.
  21. cannot get that video to play in any browser on any machine.
  22. Can we ban any and all "reports" where the source is a guy on Reddit? I'm not joking. I actually vaguely remember there being a ban on Reddit as sources before.
  23. I believe they said last year that the wordmark constituted a big enough change that it was subjected to the 2-season rule, and that 2024 is when it'd appear on jerseys. The one that's on the jerseys now is no longer part of their official package (at least not from the slicks that had been posted.) One thing I don't get is that if the wordmark started the 2-year clock, does that mean that they're now starting the 5-year clock? I don't see them changing so it's irrelevant, but it'd kinda stink if changing a wordmark kicked off what's essentially a 7-year lockdown.
  24. I’d imagine for a thick patch like the Cubs, it’d be uncomfortable to play with it right in the middle since it would be stiffer than the rest of the jersey. Something like the Blue Jays where the logo was more on the belly would be fine.
  25. Wink Martindale has resigned from the Giants. Not sure what his contract says about timing for new gigs, but if I'm the Ass Birds, I'm signing him tomorrow as a "sr. defensive assistant". Not do do anything this week, but just to have him inked for when they inevitably fire the trash coaches they have, which honestly should have been after the Seattle loss. Shock and awe is sometimes the way to get results.
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