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A logo that needs a critique


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I have just made a logo. A team called the Tundra. I'm considering to make them a hockey team. What do you think? Obviously it needs work and also I put this thread in the wrong place. :D


I saw, I came, I left.

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Granted, I don't have any ideas for illustrating "tundra", but this isn't saying it to me.

Consider using more muted colors or giving the team an object for the identity. The Aces use a polar bear.

Or work with the T like you are, but decorating the top connotes waves, peaks, avalanches.......tundra is flat.....flat and frozen.

Keep it up.

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Hmmm... I was trying to keep away from the "polar bear" motif because it's too common. You had the SolarBears, Aces, Ice, now Frostbite having a polar bear. I wanted things to be more simple like the Thunder basketball logo that I did.

I know tundra is flat, but I wanted to show the effect the wind has on the snow. Granted the .gif colours were not the colours I used. I'm thinking of using silver/grey on the peaks, maybe that would help. I will work on it.

I saw, I came, I left.

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I'm not so sure that you're not better off going with a "Tundra" wordmark and putting a picture of a tundra (snow-covered flat land) on top of it.

But in a sports context, "tundra" is near-synonymous with Lambeau Field, so that might not be such a good choice for a team name. Kind of like if you were to call a team the Dawgpound... folks would immediatley think of the Browns.


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The "Tundra" is a name of ficitious hockey team that I made up years ago. I have a wordmark drawn up which is more suitable, I agree. At the time of naming the team, I was not aware of Lambeau Field because I was too young.

I saw, I came, I left.

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Looks like a logo team called the 'Tennesee White Leafs'

Or the 'Terrorizing Ivy"

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