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NFL Uniforms as Superheros


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I'd love to see what this creative community would do if they designed every NFL team Uniform to match different superheros using the superheros colors:

I took the liberty and enjoyment of assigning them, I tried to get a good spread of them (But I am open to changes if it's a better fit and not already assigned).... feel free to create the prototypes... and of course have fun!

Become an internet hero and post to twitter #NFLSuperheroTeams

NFC North:

Minnesota Thors

Green Bay GreenLaterns

Detroit Wolverines

Chicago Batmen

NFC East:

Dallas WonderWomen

New York Supermen

Philadelphia Hulks

Washington CaptainAmericas

NFC South:

Atlanta Hawkeyes

Carolina Catwomen

New Orleans Constantines

Tampa Bay Storms

NFC West

Arizona Hellboys

San Fransisco Nightcrawlers

Seattle SilverSurfers

St. Louis Spirit

AFC West

San Diego Flashes

Oakland Punishers

Denver Deadpools

Kansas City Green Arrow

AFC South

Houston Cyclops

Indianapolis GhostRiders

Jacksonville JeanGreys

Tennesee Spawn

AFC North

Pittsburgh IronMen

Cincinatti Daredevils

Baltimore Blades

Cleveland Crows

AFC East

Buffalo Ticks

New England Rorschachs

Miami Aquamen

New York Spidermen

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I went back and forth with a lot of them, but I felt like these were more popular superhero choices.... Wonderwoman is better known the Jonah Hex, plus works well with the stars and Cheerleaders persona) I think... and Catwoman more known than Black Panther.... otherwise good thoughts...

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A lot of these names need a lot of work. you just took the superhero names and added an "S" to the end of them or pluralized it. there's really no creativity in that.

try experimenting with the nickname of the supers heroes or the faction/organization they belong too.


Green Bay GreenLaterns = Lantern Corps

Chicago Batmen = Dark Knights
Washington CaptainAmericas = Caps or Sheilds

this as all been done before like mentioned earlier but i do wanna see what YOU do with it.


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Metropolis was modeled after Cleveland and Gotham... I'm not sure about the other cities in the DC universe but Bats should be New York. Superman might be a better fit for DC as he fights for truth, justice, and the American way.

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