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PFA logo concept


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I don't know about it...unless it's an obvious action shot of a football player either running, passing or kicking, it doesn't necessarily scream "football". Even with the silhouette, it's somewhat muddled as a football player. It needs more detail to make it more recognizable. Even then, it reminds me of something Champs sports would use rather than the logo of a football league.

If you want to stay with the player's silhouette, check out the Arena league logo...the holes made by the facemask make it more discernable, and it also has a football in there.

As contrived as it would be, I think the logo of a football league needs either the football or the goal posts...then you would instantly recognize it as a football league. This theme would actully work the the logo of any sports league actually. The NHL is kind of grandfathered beyond that, though, but even they had a "NHL in puck" logo that was good.

This is why joel's logo works...it's because of its simplicity. It's a football with the league initials. You were on that track with the flaming football idea. If you simplified that one it would have worked better.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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I changed 'er up again. This time, the change is a little less drastic than last time. Changes...

1) I changed the silhouette to Brett Favre throwing.

2) I put the "PFA" under the star instead of beside, under, and beside.

This is only the fourth version I've shown so far. Is it better? How can I help it now?

EDIT: I know it may look it, but Brett only has his pinky and ring finger extended. Just clearing something up. That & don't mind the choppiness. That can be fixed later.


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it's a lot better now. Maybe make the pose a little more active..bring the forearm up at a higher angle, like he's throwing a deep bomb. (Is that Peyton Manning?)

The lettering needs work to tie in with the star better...maybe starshaped counters? Bolder letters too...they seem a little weak placed under the star.

It's improving a lot. Still needs some tweaking, but you've got a good thing going on.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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That lavender is throwing me off paired with the ribbon. My first thought was it looked like a beauty pageant logo for jocks. I'd try some more aggressive colors and maybe some thicker fonts. The font you've got seems very feminine to me.

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Still getting there...I'm not crazy about the ribbon. There's no definite shape going on...you have a star and a silhouette breaking out of it, but now the ribbon competes against it. You want to simplify it more, instead of having it look like layers.

Again, look at other pro league logos..all seem to be defined in a shape (or box), or if they are just letters (like WUSA), they don't have elements layered on top of each other. Look at the NFL shield. You read the NFL letters first, and even though there is a field of stars and a football, those parts are secondary to the letters so everything doesn't fight to be noticed at the same time.

I like what rozilla said...maybe if the letters became more of the focus, the eye wouldn't necessarily get drawn to the player first, and then it wouldn't look like everything is competeing for attention. It would read together, instead of sepearate elements. Change the font to something more aggressive or blocky, like nitro said as well. It's FOOTBALL! Very in-your-face, very powerful. Use a font that helps bring that out.

I hope I'm making myself clear. I have a tendency (no kidding) to get wordy and lose my point somewhere. You've been making good progress with this, and even if it doesn't get chosen, the input and process will only help you in the long run.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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Vic, I love ya man. I think you have done some really creative, realy well composed, really solid work.

This aint one of them.

I'm afriad that I think you would be better served by starting fresh. The shadowy brett mighthave worked in your head, but frankly, it doens't look like a logo. Plus, the pose you picked doesnt look too athletic. That looks like Fiasco throwing lefthanded.

I would start with a black sheet iof paper were I you, man.

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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...I wanna be cool....

Wrong thread!!! Yearrghhh!!

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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:shocked: Oh my stars and garters... Vic, that is a 1000% improvement. One thing, though... do you think you could do something to make Brett stand out more? Maybe a gold drop-shadow behind him?


OWNER -- Pittsburgh Spiders (UL) * Dynamo Missouri (PLA) * Montreal Maroons (SHL)

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(folks, you may have the same probelm as I did... make sure you refresh. I saw the same logo as before, and couldn't figure out why joel was so excited. Now that I refreshed, i see. NOTE- when you make new versions, dont save it as the same name. Casheing and confusion will reign. And watching the progression can help a perosn understand how to reccomend changes. Plus, when you read the thread from the beginning, it doesnt make any sence their comments.)

Yes vic! I knew you had it in you.... MUCH better!

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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