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Denver Broncos in Canton

Nick 1733

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With the induction of John Elway, I was wondering what other Denver Broncos you all think desirve to be in the Hall.

Shannon Sharpe (eligible in 2009) - He'll be there in 5 years, that's for sure.

Terrell Davis (eligible in 2009) - same carrer length of Sayers but had an overall better carrer. 2,000 yd season ('98), Super Bowl MVP ('97), NFL MVP ('98), 2 Super Bowl Rings ('97 & '98).

Floyd Little - best AFL/AFC back in the late 60's and early 70's.

Steve Atwater (eligible next year) - one of the best safeties to play the game.


Randy Gradishar LB

Karl Mecklenburg LB/DE

Rich Jackson DE

Tom Jackson LB

Jason Elam K (still active)

Lionel Taylor WR

Louis Wright CB

Gary Zimmerman T

Mark Schlereth G (eligible next year).

There's my list, I'd like to hear what everyone has to say about this.

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It is an absolute crime that Randy Gradishar is not in there. You can argue for Floyd Little and Tombstone Jackson, but Gradishar was the greatest player in Broncos history B.E. (Before Elway). The simple fact is, there are many lists that have him as one of the top 6 or 7 MLB's of all time. 7 time all-star. Had over 200 tackles in 6 years, along with another year where he had 198. Averaged 204.9 tackles a year over his career, and if you take out his rookie year (where he only started 4 games and had 51 tackles) he averaged 222 tackles a season.


Sharpe, Zimmerman and Elam, IMO, are all going to be in when eligible. I know a lot of people feel Atwater should be in, but he was pretty overrated throughout his career. Just my personal opinion. He had the greatest game of his life in Super Bowl XXXII (even with that damn dropped interception), and he also had the Okoye hit on MNF. Don't get me wrong, he was good enough to be an all-star, but I'm just not sure he's a HOF player.

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Sharpe's a shoo-in. Anytime you retire as the leading anything at your position, with titles, and after a long time....you're in like Flynn.

I don't know much about the older guys. Seems tougher for those fellas to get in...not enough public outcry unless someone saw them play nationally alot in the newmedia age.

Elway was a no-brainer. I highly doubt TD gets in...but the scope of what defines a HOFer could always shift over time to include those who burned brightest whos careers were cut tragically short. But at this point, given the NFL's history TD doesn't get in.

Realistically, for all he meant to that teams success...he only had 4 great years....they were phenomenal years though weren't they?

How come longevity seems to be such an overriding theme? I know its probably the most difficult aspect to achieve....and you don't want your Icky Woods and Bam Morris HOFers running around in their one shot wonderness. Extended consistency is what they admire. But it's also the most about luck and circumstance IMO. There is little doubt that if not for that knee......TD is still a good enough player, mentally, physically and all.

I get sad that Sterling has even less of a shot than TDavis does. At least TD had on the field success AND championships and the elusive 2000 yd season.

But I looked at two of the most recent HOF WRs in Lofton and Largent....both played forever. But Sharpe had 4 seasons...not just one, but FOUR (in his short 7 yr career) better than any single season either Largent of Lofton ever had.

Its a bummer. What if what if what if.

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Sharpe, Zimmerman and Elam, IMO, are all going to be in when eligible.

Zimmerman was eligible this year, just so you know.

Good call, I forgot about that. Still, he was the dominant LT in the NFC for numerous years, and then continued that in the AFC when he came to Denver. He'll get in.

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Gradishar really should be in. Problem there is that he spent his greatest years playing in the shadows of the higher profile Steelers defenses and only went to one Super Bowl.

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Well Shannon Sharpe is as big a lock as anything,and Zimmerman will eventually make it in although it may take a few years.I would LOVE to see fellow Arkansan

Atwater get in,and I'm sure that he will but I doubt it will be on the first try.

NOW,those are out of the way and let's get to the next issue.

Terrell Davis belongs in the hall.Period.If you put Gale Sayers in then you must put Davis in.For a span of about 3 years Davis was the best player in football,and

had arguably the best four-year stretch of any running back who's ever played the game and I'm including Jim Brown and Barry Sanders in that.Anyone who watched him or followed him or football statistics heavily from 1995-98 will say that for those four years he looked like the best ever.That includes-as mentioned above-

an NFL MVP,a Super Bowl MVP(with a migraine that had him seeing double),

2 SB trophies,and a 2000 yard season.To me,there is no question.


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