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Many sport logos : Anaheim Angels script which one works the best?


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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Carolina Panthers sketches (update1). Critics & advices are welcome
On 9/3/2021 at 10:14 PM, Sidney said:

Here is an update
- A new look on the far ear 

- I've redrawn the teeth area with a better perspective
-I've improved the mouth area in order to correct the far side of the face
- I've made the neck thinner



I like this a lot, but i think a couple of things are a tad off about it.
I like the shape of the right ear, but rotating it a little bit more down and shortening it up a little might tuck it a tad more back, conveying a better sense of motion. The right eye and whiskers need to be rotated a bit down too, because rght now they're angled up if you were to look at the panther from head-on. Lastly, I like the idea of the thinner neck, but you're losing a bit of that forward motion the original had. I think that sacrifice is fine, but that's the trade-off anyways.


I hope this is fine, but I straightened as much as I could out to describe what I mean. As you can see, the original sketch is very wonky in its perspective, but all the bones are there. Just rotating some stuff around and shortening up a few areas on the right, everything beings to point in the right direction.

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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Carolina Panthers sketches (update2). Critics & advices are welcome

Back at it... now it's easier to modify, now that I got my stuffs back!


I'll correct/improve these parts and  once done, I'll see about the neck. 

- Improved both ears

- Changed both eyes & both whiskers

- Pushed the nose on the right
-Redrawn  & change the perspective of the mouth area



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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Carolina Panthers sketches (update3). Critics & advices are welcome
  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Las Vegas Raiders (shield update1) need C&C
On 9/8/2021 at 9:03 PM, Sidney said:

Hi, I'm working on my LV Raiders presentation project and I thought about this new shield it's I think aesthetic and the logo has a better balance overall. 


I understand the gold inclusion, but it think you might be going a bit too far in that direction. The Saints kinda corner the NFL black & gold market, and the Steelers also use blacks & yellow. With the Raiders being so closely related—almost synonymous with silver & black (heck, the teams nick name is “The Silver And Black”), so I think the outline should be silver instead of gold.

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I was working on my numbers font, I had in mind the idea of the pirate ship. I've tried to implement movements in the font in order to get a dynamic result. This direction has been chose because whenever the ship is attacking they're showing their colors/waving flag. C&C are apprciate to improve the font. 


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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Las Vegas Raiders (number font) need C&C
11 minutes ago, mattharveysc said:

Your Raiders logo looks great. I won't lie.

Can I also ask, did you use mine as a reference? I see a lot of similarities? 


@mattharveysc Hi thanks I appreciate. 

No I didn't, I usually check on the internet as much as possible when I start a project to see if my idea is already used/taken to avoid similarities. I feel like every Raiders concept are pretty close because we (ppl that made a project on this team) are not changing much etc. You feel like we got a lot of similitarities? for example here is what I've done as a sketch. 
Here is an other project for example that are similar to yours and I https://dribbble.com/shots/3989505-Oakland-Raiders-Shield

Here are my sketches if you watch closely my character has the head a bit low to look like a kick off/charge. 


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23 minutes ago, Sidney said:

@mattharveysc Hi thanks I appreciate. 

No I didn't, I usually check on the internet as much as possible when I start a project to see if my idea is already used/taken to avoid similarities. I feel like every Raiders concept are pretty close because we (ppl that made a project on this team) are not changing much etc. You feel like we got a lot of similitarities? for example here is what I've done as a sketch. 
Here is an other project for example that are similar to yours and I https://dribbble.com/shots/3989505-Oakland-Raiders-Shield

Here are my sketches if you watch closely my character has the head a bit low to look like a kick off/charge. 


These look great too. I'm not mad or anything. I was only curious is all. 

Honestly, nice job!

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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Las Vegas Raiders (number font) & Carolina Panthers final (vectorized)need C&C

The biggest problem I have with the logo is that the motion of the logo goes up instead of forward like the current one does. The silver outline isn't my favorite either, I'd make it blue or white. I think the top of the nose should follow the curve of the jaw a little better as well. Overall it's solid, can't say I'd prefer it over our current logo, but it's definitely good.

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the user formerly known as cdclt

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  • Sidney changed the title to Many sport logos : Las Vegas Raiders (number font) & Carolina Panthers final (update1)need C&C

Definitely an improvement! I think H-Town mentioned this earlier in the thread, but the shape of the neck is bothering me.



If you compare the line of motion from the original to your logo, you see a clear difference in the way your eye moves through the logo. Football logos, because they go on helmets, tend to use a very straight line - the motion moves clearly, usually from left to right, sometimes going up or down depending on the logo. None of them move as yours does - first up then to the right. If you drew a vertical line through the line of motion, it would never intersect itself (with one Rams-shaped exception). Your logo breaks that rule - the line of motion would be intersected by a vertical line. I understand why you've shaped the neck like this, but at that point it begins to work less and less as a football logo. Certainly not bad, but possibly more fitting for hockey than football.

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the user formerly known as cdclt

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