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I never said that the Red Sox spending the money was a bad thing, I specifically said that they are trting to improve the team. I don't have a problem with an owner trying to improve their team.

The Red Sox spend the money, they have the second highest payroll in baseball. The basically have the same philosphy as the Yankkes as they spend money to field a good team in order to make more money. They put the money in the team and try to win, I don't see how being like the Yankees in that regard is a bad thing. Are you guys that anti-yankee, to realize that your team spends money like the Yankees too?

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Yankees still spend alot more money than the Sox. They have to keep up somehow. They can't just say "Since they Yankees spend money and we hate the yankees we won't spend money." They had to do something. They did being in the ALCS two years in a row and getting closer to the Yankees every year is a good thing. This is a interesting fact the Yankees starting lineup payroll is higher than the AL and NL starting all star lineup. The Yankees are the bad ones. They started the neverending disease of giving baseball players more and more money. They said "We created a great franchise and can't go below that level." I also have a hard time believing they would have many fans if they didn't make it top the world series every year. By them taking their payroll to a ridiculous level they will force other teams to do the same. Now it's just the sox, then the ALeast, then the AL then the MLB. This will be all because of the Yankees need for domination and pressure of fans. Would I like to see the Red sox beat teh Yankees with a small payroll more? Of course I would but beating the Yankees is beating the Yankees.

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Yes, the Yankees should just sit on all their money on principle. The Yankees are absolutely wrong for spending their money trying to win. I mean, really. You'd think all they cared about is winning, as Ruben Sierra once said as the door was hitting his ass a lifetime ago.

They should just say "You know, we could spend lots of money on talent and put a really good team on the field, but we won't because it will make all the other teams have to spend money to keep up and that just isn't fair at all!"

Seriously now.

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They should just say "You know, we could spend lots of money on talent and put a really good team on the field, but we won't because it will make all the other teams have to spend money to keep up and that just isn't fair at all!"

Seriously now.

I know you're being sarcastic, but if they ever did have that mentality it could be considered a form of collusion, wouldn't it?


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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They should just say "You know, we could spend lots of money on talent and put a really good team on the field, but we won't because it will make all the other teams have to spend money to keep up and that just isn't fair at all!"

Seriously now.

I know you're being sarcastic, but if they ever did have that mentality it could be considered a form of collusion, wouldn't it?

I suppose it could, but who said anything about being sarcastic? ;)

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It's not about not spending their money it's about spending a ridiculous amount of money WAY over everyone else because of the fear of losing. Really they need to win to keep the fans.

Yeah, we're all a bunch of fairweather bandwagon jumpers, just waiting for the Yankees to drop below 95 wins to move on to our next favorite team. I know I have my new favorite team already picked out just in case the Yankees don't spend enough money next year. It'll be strange to see Yankee Stadium completely empty next season, but it's a very distinct possibility given how fickle and frontrunning we all are, all 3.5 million who went to Yankee home games this year.

I mean, this is a team that DELIBERATELY spends MASSIVELY more money than everyone else JUST because they're so INSECURE that they think MONEY can keep them from FALLING. Boy, am I gonna have fun not rooting for them anymore when they suck.

Go Pirates!

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Did everyone forget the 80's and early 90's when the Yankees were just hideously AWFUL?!?!

Everyone acts like the Yankees have been doing this and winning and being the bullies since the dawn of time. News Flash, when i was growing up, the Yankees couldn't buy a fuxking game. The lone bright sport was Mattingly.

The Yankees are good for baseball. Steinbrenner uses his resources to put a winner on the field. He spends alot of money. Yes. On the team. Better than these suck-ass owners who pocket all their money and then blame their teams inability to win a game on the big, bad Yankees. If these owners would stop being greedy and spend the money on their teams, things would even out. But they don't care. They just want to pocket as much as they can, and screw the fans and everyone else.

Don't yell at me, it's the Yankees.....

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Did everyone forget the 80's and early 90's when the Yankees were just hideously AWFUL?!?!

Everyone acts like the Yankees have been doing this and winning and being the bullies since the dawn of time. News Flash, when i was growing up, the Yankees couldn't buy a fuxking game. The lone bright sport was Mattingly.

The Yankees are good for baseball. Steinbrenner uses his resources to put a winner on the field. He spends alot of money. Yes. On the team. Better than these suck-ass owners who pocket all their money and then blame their teams inability to win a game on the big, bad Yankees. If these owners would stop being greedy and spend the money on their teams, things would even out. But they don't care. They just want to pocket as much as they can, and screw the fans and everyone else.

Don't yell at me, it's the Yankees.....

I will definetely agree with you. As much as I dislike the Yankees -- it's certainly not because they're willing to spend money. You can't get upset at a team because they're willing to do everything in their power under the MLB Rules to win ball games. I dislike the Yankees for all the little things. I dislike them for winning so much, I won't lie to you. And I was probably drawn to be a Red Sox fan because they have been the losers. I'm the opposite of a bandwagoner, I like teams till they turn good (Unless they're hometown teams, pretty much), and then everyone jumps on their bandwagon and they become unbarable to deal with. I can't see that being the case here because Yankees fans will always keep us Red Sox fans straight. But I digress, that's not my point.

As I said -- I dislike the Yankees for all the little things. Asking for a forfeit against the Devil rays earlier this season was one of those little things, for example.

But disliking a team for spending money to win, especially when your favorite team does the same thing, is ridiculous. Let's not forget that the more money the Yankees go out and spend, the more money they have to put in the pockets of other teams' owners.

I wouldn't know how 'fairweather' Yankees fans are as I was a young'n when they were awful and as long as I can remember liking baseball, the Yankees have been good.


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It's not about not spending their money it's about spending a ridiculous amount of money WAY over everyone else because of the fear of losing. Really they need to win to keep the fans.

I agree. But NO Red Sox fan can complain...

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I know the Red Sox spend alot but they just starting doing it. The Yankees really forced them to do it. How do expect else to keep up with a team that wins 100 games every year? I do think it is unfair to the AL east. Also unfair to the AL in the payoffs when the top two teams are in the AL east. I'm not saying that they should say "Spending all this money is unfair maybe we shouldn't do it." I'm just saying it is. I believe in a Salary cap but right now it's not good for baseball. Because when you get the two biggest rivals in all of sports playing for a spot at the World Series every year it is alot of publicity and TV raitings. It's also unfair.

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I know the Red Sox spend alot but they just starting doing it. The Yankees really forced them to do it. How do expect else to keep up with a team that wins 100 games every year? I do think it is unfair to the AL east. Also unfair to the AL in the payoffs when the top two teams are in the AL east. I'm not saying that they should say "Spending all this money is unfair maybe we shouldn't do it." I'm just saying it is. I believe in a Salary cap but right now it's not good for baseball. Because when you get the two biggest rivals in all of sports playing for a spot at the World Series every year it is alot of publicity and TV raitings. It's also unfair.

The Mariners tied a record with 116 wins with a team that was no where as near as expensive as either the Sox or Yankees. Was it unfair they didn't make it to the WS that year? No. They sucked when it counted and lost to a better team.

Plus, Baltimore went out and spent money like it was Pez in the offseason and where did it get them? It's not always about money spent. It's about getting it out of the players you have.

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