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Tank stumper spinoff


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I think they would make him go through an inspection of his shoe at random times to make sure there wasn't any hard object (steel toe) in it, but yes, they would. Of course, it would be a lesson in obsolescence, but they would.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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I think they would make him go through an inspection of his shoe at random times to make sure there wasn't any hard object (steel toe) in it, but yes, they would. Of course, it would be a lesson in obsolescence, but they would.

See I think times have changed too much. Look at Casey Martin. I think there would be a small outcry, if Dempsey got to wear his modified shoe while everyone else had to wear regular shoes, claiming it would ruin the "integrity" of the game.

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Four words people: Americans with Disabilities Act.

If the NFL tried to keep him out today they would be sued. Also, there was an outcry in the early 70's regarding Dempsey's shoe and the league checked and made sure it wasn't "loaded". I don't think today's NFL would have any different problems with Dempsey than they did in 1970.

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Four words people: Americans with Disabilities Act.

If the NFL tried to keep him out today they would be sued. Also, there was an outcry in the early 70's regarding Dempsey's shoe and the league checked and made sure it wasn't "loaded". I don't think today's NFL would have any different problems with Dempsey than they did in 1970.

How could he sue? It's no different than using a golf cart instead of walking. He can't play with the uniform provided by the league, then he doesn't play.

Also, the ADA doesn't apply here. Playing in the NFL is not an everyday activity, and there are no limitations to his access to the field, locker room, etc. which is what the ADA provides for in regards to private businesses.

The NFL may choose to let him play but he has no legal recourse if they don't.

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The 63-yarder with standing Dempsy was nota good kicker I think he would not make a NFL roster today.

Tank, have you seen some of the kickers in the NFL lately? It seems as if every European who can't make a soccer team over there is on an NFL preseason roster and most of them, frankly, suck. Look at the 49ers a few years ago when Jose Cortez missed three FG's against the Raiders and lost, losing his job as well, but he still surfaces nearly every year with some team because of his leg strength. Dempsey would get a shot, and probably a job, if teams could get over the fact that he wasn't a sidewinder.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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The 63-yarder with standing Dempsy was nota  good kicker I think he would not make a NFL roster today.

Tank, have you seen some of the kickers in the NFL lately? It seems as if every European who can't make a soccer team over there is on an NFL preseason roster and most of them, frankly, suck. Look at the 49ers a few years ago when Jose Cortez missed three FG's against the Raiders and lost, losing his job as well, but he still surfaces nearly every year with some team because of his leg strength. Dempsey would get a shot, and probably a job, if teams could get over the fact that he wasn't a sidewinder.

Yet the best placekicker in the NFL is a Canadian...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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The 63-yarder with standing Dempsy was nota  good kicker I think he would not make a NFL roster today.

Tank, have you seen some of the kickers in the NFL lately? It seems as if every European who can't make a soccer team over there is on an NFL preseason roster and most of them, frankly, suck. Look at the 49ers a few years ago when Jose Cortez missed three FG's against the Raiders and lost, losing his job as well, but he still surfaces nearly every year with some team because of his leg strength. Dempsey would get a shot, and probably a job, if teams could get over the fact that he wasn't a sidewinder.

49ers actually won that game with an overtime FG, because they won the coin toss after missing a FG at the end of regulation. That said, Cortez does suck. Although he wasn't that bad in the XFL once Tommy Maddox had his sideline rant about him. So he CAN kick the ball well, I think it was all about nerves in the NFL. :P


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