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Topeka Toros?

Ez Street

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I was doing some websurfing when I came upon this logo...


Topeka Toros was one of the 5 finalists for the CHL team last year. Rumor is they submitted it to the league, but it was rejected. The league thought it was too close to Fort Worth. So they went with Tarantulas and now are dead and gone.

Personally I like this logo a helluva lot more. But they could lose the puck and swoosh effect.

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I was doing some websurfing when I came upon this logo...


Topeka Toros was one of the 5 finalists for the CHL team last year. Rumor is they submitted it to the league, but it was rejected. The league thought it was too close to Fort Worth. So they went with Tarantulas and now are dead and gone.

Personally I like this logo a helluva lot more. But they could lose the puck and swoosh effect.

...and the horrible font... the Toros' ... what? What do the Toros possess?

The Tarantulas are far better.

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Yeah Horn Chen is a world class Douche Bag.

why a douche bag and not a colostomy bag?

Horn Chen?--heck the folks in Ottawa could have warned you about him, and called him worse things than either bag!

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Yeah Horn Chen is a world class Douche Bag.

why a douche bag and not a colostomy bag?

meh, I didn't feel like dropping the C-Bag on him. I suppose the real Colostomy Bag was Johnathan Fleisig who ruined it all by selling the Scarecrows to the amatuer ranks. He's at the top of the Douchebag-Colostomy Bag Flow-Chart.

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Holy cow, (pun intended) did this thread stir up some memories! When I was 7, my dad took me to see the semi-pro San Antonio Toros, members of the short-lived Continental Football League. Can't remember who they played, or even whether they won or lost. Went searching, expecting a big zero, but would ya look at this?


Great page of this league's logos is here. Scroll to the bottom for links to mucho other leagues and their logos. Would you believe the Omaha Beef??



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