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Tony Pena Resigns


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Tony Pena resigned as coach of the Royals today.

Its on ESPN.

I'll always remember him as catcher for the Cardinals when I was growing up. He had a unique catching style when nobody was on base. He'd squat and sit down on one leg and have his other leg stick out straight in front of him. He also played winter ball in his home country (dominican republic) every year that he played in the majors except one.

I think he knows what he's doing. He'll catch on somewhere else.

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Tony Pena resigned as coach of the Royals today.

Its on ESPN.

I'll always remember him as catcher for the Cardinals when I was growing up. He had a unique catching style when nobody was on base. He'd squat and sit down on one leg and have his other leg stick out straight in front of him. He also played winter ball in his home country (dominican republic) every year that he played in the majors except one.

I think he knows what he's doing. He'll catch on somewhere else.

I remember him more as the Pirates catcher. In my younger days as a catcher I would immitate his one-leg-out style.

Also, I think in some situations he would actually have both knees on the ground and his lower legs out to the side kind of like a butterfly goalie.

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Basically unless something drastic changes, it seems like there will be a two horse race for the managerial spot, at least according to the local media. Larry Bowa or Frank White. Bowa has been a guy propped up by Kevin Kietzman on 810 WHB for a couple months now, and Bowa mentioned in the Star today that he was going to give the team a call (which doesn't seem like a good thing for his chances if he has to call them). The local fave would have to be Frank White, who is from the area, graduated from the Royals baseball academy, All-Star and Gold Glove 2nd baseman for 18 years, all with the Royals, coached with the team for a few years, then was sent down to AA Wichita to manage. One of the drawbacks with him is, like George Brett said in the Star this morning, the team couldn't fire White without a full-blown mutiny by the city. It'd basically be giving him at least 3 years no matter what happened, just because of who he is.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Bowa, Leyland, White are the names I'v heard so far.

I'm not sure about White. Short term he'll bring in some fans. Long term is what scares me.

Bowa and Leyland have expierence. I doubt Leyland would want to take over this team.

Bowa is a guy I like, but some say he's too harsh. I think thats what this team needs.

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I'm almost certain that White will get the job. I mean, we're the Royals. We don't hire guys with Major League winning experience, do we? No, we get the unfireable fan-favorite who might not know how to handle a clubhouse.

And whoever the new manager is, we're still doomed. Pena, though a terrible tactical manager, did what he could with what he had - never mind that he gave us our best year since 1995. Glass isn't going to spend any money on the team, and the new guy will be out in three years after looking like an idiot.

Someone over on royalboard.com mentioned that it's going to be pathetic when the Cardinals come over here, fill up 65% of the stadium with red and cheer "Let's Go Albert!" while we get stomped. That almost depresses me. Oh, how far the Royals have fallen in my lifetime.

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Bowa was on Between the Lines w/KK again this afternoon, and he was extremely vague when Keitzman asked him directly about contact with the team, but Bowa was talking a lot about how he would love the opportunity to manage a young team, because they would respond better to his style (true), they have a ton of live young arms that is extremely rare to find (again, true), and that he really like Angel Berroa as a player, and he thinks a manager like himself could turn Berroa into a star by making him want to play everyday instead of mentally taking a few days off every once in awhile. (Not so sure about that one) He even went so far as to compare Berroa to Jimmy Rollins in Philly who had much the same problems, but said Berroa was by far the better athlete of the two.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Ah yes, but Tank, Tony Pena was basically a 3rd year manager, all of them (at any level I believe) with the Royals...How much younger of a guy do you want? With the young talent they have (and they do have a lot, they've all just skipped AAA Omaha and are with the big club right now) it seems more like they need someone who's been there and established himself as a manager in the Bigs...Bowa, Art Howe, someone along those lines. Anyone but Frank White or Jamie Quirk or someone like that...hometown guy who comes cheap and will be learning on the job.

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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I think you are wrong Tank, and here is why.

Mr. Pena has some legal issues in his personal life right now. It's been said that Tony hasn't been his jovial self lately. Tony quit on his own. I think he has too much in his personal life right now, and this crappy ass team isn't making his life any better.

I'm surprised at what GM Allard Baird has said. He basically in so many words said Pena was not the right hire.

Baird also said today that winning is the #1 thing in his life right now. He said his family comes #2. His wife lives in Florida, so he seems to be telling the truth.

Allard, hire the right guy and get this franchise back to a respectable state. PLEASE!

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No, I think Baird is doing what they said they would, rebuild with young talent. It's not an overnight process. It's clear that the Royals will be a young team year after year, at least til our a-hole, Wal*Mart lovin, I wasn't aware of Pena quitting for 36 hours, I live in Arkansas....owner spends some cash.

Pena was a good player, and not such a good manager. Trust me, I have watched Royals games first hand. His decision making is horrible in game management. Jumping in a shower with your uniform on, won't win a division title.

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